EDD September 2013 Mummies

A mummy

Just has detailed scan! Baby is like a week earlier n EDD pushed forward or something.. But my placenta is low lying :( anyone heard of it or in same situation as me?
My mom. She just cannot walk as advised by gynae.She had to sit and that's the only thg doc advised her at that time.Not to scare you but a higher chance of miscarriage. She cannot lift heavy stuffs and fortunately the placenta move up alil and she had me. Happened to all her pregnancies.

A mummy

Mine's a girl.Detailed scanning went great. My baby is slightly bigger than 22 weeks. 23 weeks plus. Gosh...I have to control my food intake!

A mummy

my gynae said as long as it is not itchy, it should be alright.
but to play safe, better raise this concern to your gynae, at least he can help you do some cultural test.... to ensure everything is okay
Yes I had to do strep B test and many other test but it all came out negative.My body is so weird. But I don't have UTI nor fishy smell nor itchy but it's like a must for me to get it tested JUST IN CASE gynae said.Better be safe than sorry.Gynae worried about my discharge and turn out it's just a pregnancy thing only mine's slightly more.

A mummy

Do u feel any cramps if u have low placenta ?
No. just the placenta is so near the cervix that it can move downwards and close the cervix so during labor,placenta first and baby second to come out.That's not ideal so csection is necessary so baby can come out 1st. If baby came out 2nd, baby don't have oxygen to survive in the womb when the placenta is out.It's complicated but nothing to worry. Gynae should know what to do when the time comes.In the meantime, mother has to rest.No walking too much or lifting heavy objects. It's just unfortunate but it can happen to anyone!...like my MOM!

A mummy

Low lying placenta is not placenta praevia. Hope everybody is clear about this. There's chances that the placenta can move up. Placenta praevia is a much more serious case where the placenta just continues to go down and block your cervix.
Hey ladies.

I've been woken up in the early mornings for the past week by what I thought was the baby moving. It feels like the baby is trying to push his way up wards and my whole stomach gets hard.

I've just been reading online and it seems like they might be Braxton hicks. Anyone has that? And how do I differentiate baby from Braxton hicks? I'm only 20 weeks and 1 day.
You may wanna consult your doctor. It shouldn't happen at this stage.

A mummy

Hey ladies.

I've been woken up in the early mornings for the past week by what I thought was the baby moving. It feels like the baby is trying to push his way up wards and my whole stomach gets hard.

I've just been reading online and it seems like they might be Braxton hicks. Anyone has that? And how do I differentiate baby from Braxton hicks? I'm only 20 weeks and 1 day.
I had that sometime, it's fine. Your baby is moving up towards your ribs and the hard thing is basically your uterus and its harder under my breast area(the place use to be our stomach). But now at 23 weeks baby like goes down so I no longer feel hard.However 2 days back, on the left side suddenly my half tummy harden(30seconds), and after the wind is out,my tummy just relaxes.Sometimes it's our intestine. Braxton you should feel slight contraction or spasm.my friend who's now going to be due soon actually felt the hardening at 20plus weeks. If its really braxton, it doesnt matter body is just preparing. Cant really compare our body with others. I have a freaking pelvic pain and everyone scares me that pelvic you can only have it from 7 months!! but when checked doc said nothing's wrong with me.

Don't stress yourself and if you want certainty you have to get your cervix check at yr gynae's.That's what i did. Sometimes you just gotta go to ease your mind.Do update us. Like we all say better be safe than sorry.

But that's my 2 cents worth opinion.


Hi mummies.

Hope everyone is coping well in your 2nd to 3rd trimester. My lil princess is a kicking machine. She gives me kicks very frequently. Even hub feels it. Its quite a wonderful feeling for me. :)
Hope all of you are enjoying the journey too.

Recently I've some issues, would like to get some advices here and see if anyone has similar experience.
1. I don't seem to be digesting my calcium pills well. I've been eating them for about 3 months. The reason why I feel that my body is not absorbing it well is because my pee is especially yellow and smells like medicine hours after I take the pill. Anyone experienced this too?
2. I taking longer than usual to digest my meals. I take longer to feel hungry and after meals I remain bloated for a long time. Is this normal??

i heard from my friend that braxton hicks feels like contraction, like labour pain, but is fake labour pain... if yours is not like that, then is not braxton hicks.

I do realised that Calcium pills give me constipation..... and My Urine also quite yellowish in 2nd trimester....
As for meals, i realised that after meals, i will feel very FULL and my tummy will Stretch as if going to burst.....

By the way, Mummies,

do you all feel Stretching pain at the tummy area? Like bruised kind of feeling, like the tummy is stretching very hard... i can't even stand very straight with this kind of pain.... my friend say could be round ligament pain which is normal.....

And i am now in my 19 weeks, I sometimes feel baby move one day, and the next day, he totally doesn't want to move.... Is this Normal?


same for me, urine is yellow most of the times despite I have managed to sip down more plain water than 1st trimester.

As for bloatness and constipation, I have already been feeling them since first trimester. At least once a month, I will feel my tummy is overstretched and going to burst. Itchy as well. I believe the tummy is growing making more space for the growing baby. That's why stretch mark cream/oil is a must for us now.

But I am unsure if all these are because of the calcium pills we are taking.

Oh yes, baby kicks happen like almost every day. Maybe it's not kicks but baby is stretching? I don't know, hubby feel it too and it's like one of the mose magical touch in the world.

A mummy


i heard from my friend that braxton hicks feels like contraction, like labour pain, but is fake labour pain... if yours is not like that, then is not braxton hicks.

I do realised that Calcium pills give me constipation..... and My Urine also quite yellowish in 2nd trimester....
As for meals, i realised that after meals, i will feel very FULL and my tummy will Stretch as if going to burst.....

By the way, Mummies,

do you all feel Stretching pain at the tummy area? Like bruised kind of feeling, like the tummy is stretching very hard... i can't even stand very straight with this kind of pain.... my friend say could be round ligament pain which is normal.....

And i am now in my 19 weeks, I sometimes feel baby move one day, and the next day, he totally doesn't want to move.... Is this Normal?
Ya braxton is painful. Like menses cramp. But I don't feel pain yet. Braxton happens as early as 1st trimester only we don't feel it because its very mild. But 2nd to 3rd trimester you should feel it. But I think mine is not braxton,i think mine is wind constipated or post drinking milk kinda event.Because it happens for only one day and never again. My friend's contraction at 2nd trimester was painless. Seriously, I'm confused. Contraction should be painful right?

I dont know from week 16 baby is active. And now it's crazy active.EVERYDAY. So i cant answer but some mummies please help Faithmummy out.

I don't eat calcium pills. It's no good for the heart as mentioned here and also in my lectures.

NLM is a resourceful medical place Calcium Supplements May Raise Odds of Heart Death in Women: MedlinePlus

Business times singapore Calcium supplement controversy

Yahoo news Calcium Supplements May Be Bad for Your Heart: Study

Once yahoo singapore also bring out this news so something to take note of and after that I took my calcium via diet and not pills. Since i'm no bestfriend with milk, i take soyabean and cheese for calcium. Just my 2 cents worth.

A mummy

same for me, urine is yellow most of the times despite I have managed to sip down more plain water than 1st trimester.

As for bloatness and constipation, I have already been feeling them since first trimester. At least once a month, I will feel my tummy is overstretched and going to burst. Itchy as well. I believe the tummy is growing making more space for the growing baby. That's why stretch mark cream/oil is a must for us now.

But I am unsure if all these are because of the calcium pills we are taking.

Oh yes, baby kicks happen like almost every day. Maybe it's not kicks but baby is stretching? I don't know, hubby feel it too and it's like one of the mose magical touch in the world.
Depending on where the baby lies, my baby is head down and so that area will be her arms or head or hiccups. Near the chest will be the legs.My rib hurts alot.It's normal,better than not to feel it!

A mummy

Hi mummies.

Hope everyone is coping well in your 2nd to 3rd trimester. My lil princess is a kicking machine. She gives me kicks very frequently. Even hub feels it. Its quite a wonderful feeling for me. :)
Hope all of you are enjoying the journey too.

Recently I've some issues, would like to get some advices here and see if anyone has similar experience.
1. I don't seem to be digesting my calcium pills well. I've been eating them for about 3 months. The reason why I feel that my body is not absorbing it well is because my pee is especially yellow and smells like medicine hours after I take the pill. Anyone experienced this too?
2. I taking longer than usual to digest my meals. I take longer to feel hungry and after meals I remain bloated for a long time. Is this normal??
You are feeling perfectly normal although the Ca pills like i've said I ate them long time ago,and I've stopped. But when I was taking it yea urine smell medicated. Urine colour wise, pregnancy never been clear for me no matter what I drink.
A mummy

thanks... i am very touched by your reply.... wow it is really nice that your baby is kicking you everyday
that is such a wonderful feeling.

for Braxton hicks, i never heard of it being not painful, only heard that it is mild....
i do had some cramps in 15 weeks, but my friend said it is normal....
my friend also told me braxton hicks is normal because it is just fake labour pain preparing us for the actual labour

thanks for sharing, I didn't know calcium pills will cause heart issues in woman... No wonder i have been feeling faster than normal heart beat lately... !! btw my friend's gynae recommended her to drink Nutrisoy.... very high in calcium for preggy ladies

A mummy

A mummy

thanks... i am very touched by your reply.... wow it is really nice that your baby is kicking you everyday
that is such a wonderful feeling.

for Braxton hicks, i never heard of it being not painful, only heard that it is mild....
i do had some cramps in 15 weeks, but my friend said it is normal....
my friend also told me braxton hicks is normal because it is just fake labour pain preparing us for the actual labour

thanks for sharing, I didn't know calcium pills will cause heart issues in woman... No wonder i have been feeling faster than normal heart beat lately... !! btw my friend's gynae recommended her to drink Nutrisoy.... very high in calcium for preggy ladies
My Pleasure but really Sorry I cannot help much because different body is different. But some mummies don't feel kicks even at week 20.But it will be even more scary if you feel it and then don't feel it. But I am sure as long as during the scan you try to ask the gynae to show you your lovely baby's movement I think it's the best. You'll feel secured. I think by week 25 you probably will feel them everyday.
Yeap I drank Nutrisoy the one with 500mg calcium. It's good for our bones not the baby so much because we need the Ca intake more or we will have hip pains...I actually uptake my soybean consumption and my hip has been pretty good now. So weird. But on and off not everyday pain.

Ya I was on Ca pill until the Yahoo news.It hardens our heart arteries unless you take it with another element,I am not too sure what is it.This 2 will work simultaneously.Ca harden and this element will soften. Ca suppose to harden the bones but it seems it will harden anything in our body.