EDD Jan 2014


i am so tempted to get a doppler too. but i dont know how to convince my husband! :S
haha yes yes . lets be each other's support thru the pregnancy, realize there are alot of wonderful ladies here that can share so much with us. lets jiayou tgt! first i must get rid of my anxiety. haha!
Sorry to interrupt the conversation, just wondering if any mummies to be can help me. I'm experience very bad fainting syndrome on Monday. Broke into cold sweat n blackout in the train while I'm oh my way to work. Therefore till now I'm down with fever flu and cough. When to GP and the gynae, however the GP is worried in giving me medication as for my gynae, it's all half of the usual dosage which was normally prescribe which no improvement is seen with my current condition. Any idea if there's anything else I can do cook or eat to improve my situation ? I did my Down syndrome test on wed n since I'm coughing the baby is moving non stop. Wasn't able to get a good photo of the baby. I'm so sad abt it. Please help.
Hi Jasmine, sorry to hear that. did they do any blood tests on you? during my first trimester, i was fighting with a bad case of fever and cough though it never reached to a point that i fainted. I can't do anything but to rest at home and drink fever medicine like the normal panadol every 4 hours to improve my condition. Our immune system is down during pregnancy in order to prevent our immune system from attacking the baby. I didn't have any special food but i load up on citrus fruits and water and plenty of rest. Better get a blood test. Ask them to check your sugar, blood count and everything. Cold sweats and fainting can be caused by a sudden drop in your blood sugar or hypoglycemia.
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New Member
Congrats to all mums to be in Jan 2014! my edd is on 23th Jan 2014! Just finished my oscar test today and blood test. Seems well so far (finger crossed though) :)


Sorry to interrupt the conversation, just wondering if any mummies to be can help me. I'm experience very bad fainting syndrome on Monday. Broke into cold sweat n blackout in the train while I'm oh my way to work. Therefore till now I'm down with fever flu and cough. When to GP and the gynae, however the GP is worried in giving me medication as for my gynae, it's all half of the usual dosage which was normally prescribe which no improvement is seen with my current condition. Any idea if there's anything else I can do cook or eat to improve my situation ? I did my Down syndrome test on wed n since I'm coughing the baby is moving non stop. Wasn't able to get a good photo of the baby. I'm so sad abt it. Please help.
Jasminetay: I think it's quite tough to prescribe medicine to pregnant women.. Those that can be prescribed may nt have an effect that is as strong as usual. Drink lots of water to bring your temp down and hopefully it helps make you well again soon. Take care!


Jasminetay: I think it's quite tough to prescribe medicine to pregnant women.. Those that can be prescribed may nt have an effect that is as strong as usual. Drink lots of water to bring your temp down and hopefully it helps make you well again soon. Take care!
Yes, I had flu the other day too. Even though doc says piriton is ok, some others says better not. In the end I didn't take and drink alot more water, eat fruits and sleep the whole day instead. Got better in 2 days

Jasmine hope get well soon..


Active Member
Jasmine - do take care.... pregnant woman are vulnerable to virus....

Nana - welcome..... everything will be fine....

I did my oscar blood test on 2 July, so no call means nothing, so counting down 2 more days to my oscar scan on Mon morning.....

Keep telling my lil donut tat we taking photos , so baby must do nice nice pose for us.....


Had a bad scare two days ago. was vomiting with so much force that something gushed out below. I tot it was discharge or urine but when I went toilet, it was soaked with bright red. I'm already 14 weeks + 5 days btw. rushed to KK and really thank God that the gynae discovered that my cervical polyp had burst and gynae removed it immediately. This polyp has been causing spotting which worries me though I was assured it will not affect my precious one and that it will detached itself when I give birth. Now that it's totally removed, I felt safer that I dun haf to see spots on n off anymore. pregnancy is really like a roller coaster ride. for those who also have polyp like me, do consider removing it to give u a peace of mind...


Active Member
Lush:807313 said:
Just wondering has any mummies bought maternity dress and wearing them?
Nope, jus bought many dresses, from qoo10, also from cotton on.....

Dun think i will buy maternity wear.... think i will look like penguin wearing maternity dress....

But i did bought 2 tummy support suit from mothercare... which straight your posture and support the growing tummy


Had a bad scare two days ago. was vomiting with so much force that something gushed out below. I tot it was discharge or urine but when I went toilet, it was soaked with bright red. I'm already 14 weeks + 5 days btw. rushed to KK and really thank God that the gynae discovered that my cervical polyp had burst and gynae removed it immediately. This polyp has been causing spotting which worries me though I was assured it will not affect my precious one and that it will detached itself when I give birth. Now that it's totally removed, I felt safer that I dun haf to see spots on n off anymore. pregnancy is really like a roller coaster ride. for those who also have polyp like me, do consider removing it to give u a peace of mind...
hey dear, big hugs to you, i know how it is like to hav a big scare, please take alot of rest.


Had a bad scare two days ago. was vomiting with so much force that something gushed out below. I tot it was discharge or urine but when I went toilet, it was soaked with bright red. I'm already 14 weeks + 5 days btw. rushed to KK and really thank God that the gynae discovered that my cervical polyp had burst and gynae removed it immediately. This polyp has been causing spotting which worries me though I was assured it will not affect my precious one and that it will detached itself when I give birth. Now that it's totally removed, I felt safer that I dun haf to see spots on n off anymore. pregnancy is really like a roller coaster ride. for those who also have polyp like me, do consider removing it to give u a peace of mind...
Phew! Glad to know all's fine! It was indeed a bad scare!


Active Member
Peenut:807365 said:
Thank you Lush and BabyTaz. :)

Missy: is the support suit uncomfy ?
Its supposed to be comfy, its elastic, so to support your back straight when you have weight on try tummy, you can try before you buy.... is singlet style
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Just received a call from the clinic, my OSCAR blood test n scan is normal and low risk. Glad to hear that, hopefully everything going smooth till the day :).
to all mummies please take care,drink a lot of water n eat more fruits n vege.....


Hi, just want to ask a very random question, in the noon had a gathering with my hubby's cousins and we were actually talking about "ghosts" and some Religion relatedr stuffs, those usual chat about past experience, i am just wondering is it pantang to talk about it when im preg? im abit worried now.