EDD Jan 2014


New Member
Hi Nidellia, not to worry , will keep you in my thoughts. I rmb gynae once told that if nasal bone and fluid behind neck is in favorable range then risk of ds is pretty low. I guess is more of your age that's why gynae want to play safe. heard after amnio you to to drink lots of fluid to replace back the amnio fluid. will keep you in my thoughts. do update me on your results :) by the way my edd is only 2 days after yours :)
Hi lush, thanks for the thought! I certainly hope for the best!! Will keep you updated. noted on the extra fluids. I know i hv to bed rest also.
nidellia: there's another topic in this forum that talks about the unfavourable Oscar scan results. It's best you take a look over there. Sorry I can't help with providing the correct topic, but mummies there do share. And most of them wrote about same results but after amnio is done, the baby is fine, no Down syndrome. What they mentioned too is quite useful and encouraging. I hope all's well for you. I can't say don't worry too much as this is easier said than done. But please take care and try to think positive.
thanks babytazz for the info! I will try to search for that thread. I certainly hope my baby is healthy. Right now still relaxed and thinking positive. Just nearer the date will tend to think more.


New Member
Where did you do your oscar? Mine was around 30 mins. I wish i was able to take a lot of pictures, but the sonographer printed just 2. She showed us everything, heartbeat, arms, legs, measure the head, the fluid at the back was measured several times so that's why it took a while.
the sonographer showed us everything too. heartbeat, arms, legs, leg, blood flow in heart, blood flow of uterus, hear the bb heartbeat, seems like detailed scan liddat. the fluid at the back also took some time in order to get a clear pic. she has to nudge bb to give a good position. she gave us 5 pics after all that. then another 15 mins to measure cervix length to det if i will hv possibility of prematurity, etc.....


New Member
Did any of you asked your gynae before if you could eat delifrance or subway (tuna) now? I feel so much like eating the tuna croissant from Delifrance but not sure if that is possible. Going to ask gynae next week when I see him..
not sure about the tuna croissant. but then heard tuna cannot take too much as these fish are known to have higher levels of mercury. same for mackerel like the Japanese saba too. other fish includes sting ray and shark. ytd i just had a chicken mayo baguette..really so full after eating...tempted to choose the tuna one but decided not to.


Chiching my gynae clinic said they will call me 5 days after the oscar tests. They called me yesterday which was 4 days after i took the test. No need to worry bcoz some clinics dont call unless there is some problem.
Rzena: Thanks. That's what Lush said as well. They haven't called me now so i will just assume that everything is okay. Anyway, they said Dr. Ang is also like that. Unless, something is wrong or if you have questions he will not be discussing a lot of things with you. No news is still good news. looking forward to my visit which is end of this month. Previously, I feel like time passes really quick, now i can't wait to finish week after week of my pregnancy. :)


New Member
chiching, wow you all received calls from your gynae. for me, I've done mine in kkh. so after the Oscar scan, will see doc in a while's time and doc will tell me straight in the face.
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chiching, wow you all received calls from your gynae. for me, I've done mine in kkh. so after the Oscar scan, will see doc in a while's time and doc will tell me straight in the face.
Even blood test? I think the blood test results is what most is waiting for.
chiching, wow you all received calls from your gynae. for me, I've done mine in kkh. so after the Oscar scan, will see doc in a while's time and doc will tell me straight in the face.
actually we thought as well that we will get the oscar result right away since for some couples that we saw there, it seems like they got their result after around 10-15mins. But i think it's the blood test that will take a while. They said the result will be sent to the doctor. I haven't received any calls so far so maybe nothing to worry about.


Rzena: Thanks. That's what Lush said as well. They haven't called me now so i will just assume that everything is okay. Anyway, they said Dr. Ang is also like that. Unless, something is wrong or if you have questions he will not be discussing a lot of things with you. No news is still good news. looking forward to my visit which is end of this month. Previously, I feel like time passes really quick, now i can't wait to finish week after week of my pregnancy. :)
Thats what im feeling too. Just hope the weeks go by faster. i Guess once hit 3rd trimester, we are even more eager for it to pass faster.


New Member
Even blood test? I think the blood test results is what most is waiting for.
the blood test was done earlier 2 weeks ago. so after the scan, they straight away compile the results.
actually we thought as well that we will get the oscar result right away since for some couples that we saw there, it seems like they got their result after around 10-15mins. But i think it's the blood test that will take a while. They said the result will be sent to the doctor. I haven't received any calls so far so maybe nothing to worry about.
yeah lo. dun worry. think yours should be ok. i know for sure my age would be an unfavourable factor. 37 this year.


the blood test was done earlier 2 weeks ago. so after the scan, they straight away compile the results.

yeah lo. dun worry. think yours should be ok. i know for sure my age would be an unfavourable factor. 37 this year.
Hehe Nidellia dont worry, 37 is still rather ok. compared to early 40s. my hubby has an aunty who has given birth in her early 50s. Went thru many scares too, but turn out the kids are healthy and active :)


Active Member
My nausea feel is getting lesser, only when im extremely hungry.... no vomit at all....

But new symptoms starting..... constipation.....

How about the rest of mummies??


New Member
My nausea feel is getting lesser, only when im extremely hungry.... no vomit at all....

But new symptoms starting..... constipation.....

How about the rest of mummies??
oh yeah constipation...quite bad...haiz.....so now i try to eat more vegetables and fruits. am also drinking prune juice too.
missy, i've read in baby center that this is a new pregnancy symptom that we will encounter as we enter the 2nd trimester. Constipation, heartburn (still), headache, and dizziness, especially when you suddenly sat down.


New Member
Yes missy,i been having constipation and drinking plum juice seem to ease a litle. heartburn and indigestion seem to be very common...
today nearly fainted in the packed sardin train that I have no choice but to squat down for a while and luckily managed to get a seat only after some passenger alight the next station.
Mummies to be, next time remember must drink and snack a little before you get off to work. Today is rather a bad and scary experience.

Oh btw, i realised the pharmacy fish oil is cheaper than what the gynae prescribe.. must remember that the fish oil MUST state "safe for pregnant ladies use" or similar :)
Yes missy,i been having constipation and drinking plum juice seem to ease a litle. heartburn and indigestion seem to be very common...
today nearly fainted in the packed sardin train that I have no choice but to squat down for a while and luckily managed to get a seat only after some passenger alight the next station.
Mummies to be, next time remember must drink and snack a little before you get off to work. Today is rather a bad and scary experience.

Oh btw, i realised the pharmacy fish oil is cheaper than what the gynae prescribe.. must remember that the fish oil MUST state "safe for pregnant ladies use" or similar :)
Hi chapter, i suggest you bring some biscuits with you. Even the ones that comes in small packaging. This really comes in handy and i have water bottle with straw. I know i'm not allowed to drink in the mrt, i just keep it in my bag and sip it from there since i have the straw. I experienced that as well and i was shaking and almost to the point of vomiting.


I feel that my nausea and bloatedness is getting worse. And im really really tired. Getting abit worried cus they say symptoms should slowly ease off in the 2nd trim but i find mine getting worse. im about 14 weeks preg.


I keep feeling dizzy in the morning, even after food. Even showering and 5min walk down to carpark I feel faint. I am already taking iron pills. Still having indigestion and heartburn but much more manageable compared to few weeks ago. Very tired too, in fact, I feel like dozing off now.. Zzz..