EDD Jan 2014

I had my second gush of blood episode on thursday at 14 weeks :( first episode was at 8 weeks due to blood clot. Rushed to a&e and thankfully baby is ok. Sigh. Thought my spotting and bleeding days are over. But now im back on the painful progesterone shots again. Its very depressing to be faced with this bleeding :(


Shadeypink: stay strong n glad tt ur bb is fine. Rest more n heed on doctor advice.. did doc say ur spotting maybe is due to low placanta den kena blood vessels so got blood? Drink more water too!

Anyway I feel my symptoms r so much gone by nw. I dun feel preg. This is what makes me so.paranoid. so scare to mc again. Hai. My usual burping is gone too. The bump tt I felt at above pubic likealso no bump lliao. :/ anyone same experience?
thanks gnissim. the a&e doctor didnt say much except reassure me over and over again (i guess he got damn scared seeing me panic). i wont be able to see my gynae till this thursday. been on hospital leave since ages. i seek comfort coming here n reading up on u ladies!

my burping is gone too and my bump is only obvious after i eat (now i look like in between fat & pregnant).


Shadypink: rest well and take care & yes stay strong too like what gnissim says! I think you should be able to call up the clinic and inform them this has happened and likely they will push your appt earlier?


Active Member
I met up with my client whom I have not seen him since I conceived, his wife asked me am i pregnant, i replied 14 weeks, her reply, wow, your tummy so big leh....

Attached was my bump taken last night....



Just read all the posts, i know how you ladies are feeling too as i had blood episodes early in preg too. what the gynae thought me was to lie on the bed more and drink lots and lots of water because even sitting causes stress to the pelvic, i dont really like a&e doctors maybe due to my experience with them, when i first notice spotting episodes i went there and they could not find out the cause, just keep ask me go home and wait and see. no advice, no nothing, just told me cervix is still closed and that is a good sign.
Even my gynae at TMC didnt really bother as he told me there is nothing they can do during early preg accept mc and progesterone pills. not much reassurance too.
Only when my gf intro me to her own gynae which im seeing now, he really scan very detaily around my pelvic area and notice there is a blood clot there. then give me the necessary advice. Try not to panic and bed rest more, gynae's support is really very impt.
gnissim - actually most of my symptoms are gone now too, i ask friends and gynae & they say is natural part of 2nd trim as hormones are more balance now. not was quirky as during 1st trim so symptoms will soothe all. i will only get occasional heartburn and burps when i eat the wrong things ( esp spicy food ). Try not to worry :)


anyone got the same problem as me? my lilypie pregnancy ticker doesnt seem to be moving, 2 days ago same date , now also same date.


Thanks lush. My hubby also says the same thing as u. Haha.

Missy10: wow! Actually I feel mine abit big also. Esp after food. Even got weird stares at mrt. They must be thinking if wan let me seat not. Lol


Thanks lush. My hubby also says the same thing as u. Haha.

Missy10: wow! Actually I feel mine abit big also. Esp after food. Even got weird stares at mrt. They must be thinking if wan let me seat not. Lol
haha , so must rest more! anything can share with us!


I met up with my client whom I have not seen him since I conceived, his wife asked me am i pregnant, i replied 14 weeks, her reply, wow, your tummy so big leh....

Attached was my bump taken last night....
Wow, your bump is really big. It looks more like bump than fat tummy to me :)


any mummies know how to put lilypie's pregnancy ticker correctly? i try putting but they keep telling me bbcode font not allowed :/


Active Member
Ya, it look more like a bump and a big big bump after I have eaten.... hubby is so confident that mine is a princess... bcos of the round bump....


haha missy, you can find out in your next appt. oh ya, mind sharing how you put the ticker? which link did you use? i used but they keep say bbcode not allowed.


haha, i dont know did i do mine correctly, i upload the image instead of putting it in the big edit signature box. the edit signature box always gives me error messages, worse come to worse i will just delete the ticker if its still not working correctly.


any mummies experience round ligament pain ( buttocks, thighs ) areas when walking or sitting in the same position for too long?