EDD Jan 2014


Sharing my recent bump at 17 weeks, realise my bump doesn't look as big is before. feeling funny too.
( thats why i say i look more like i have fat tummy )
Missy10, your bump really looks round!!

Lush: maybe your bump is shifting upwards little by little? But definitely not like a fat tummy coz it looks solid!
Chiching: try putting finger in your mouth to make you vomit. If you have a lot of air within your body, this gesture may make you vomit the air. Like a very loud burp. But it may be uncomfy.
Babytazz: did this before and it made me feel a lot better and was able to eat dinner properly. Yes, the burp is really loud, made my htb run to the bathroom to ask if I'm okay because it was a really loud burp...hahaha


Babytazz: did this before and it made me feel a lot better and was able to eat dinner properly. Yes, the burp is really loud, made my htb run to the bathroom to ask if I'm okay because it was a really loud burp...hahaha
Hehe... Can imagine that. I'm down with flu now and whenever I cough, I'll wonder if it's earthquake inside for my baby. Hehe.. Hate this cough.. When I do cough badly, I had to hold my tummy...
Babytazz: Awww...that's bad...hope you feel better. Our immune system is low now, i always wake up with a stuffy nose...also, my sneezes are quite different now that I'm pregnant. Aside from the fact that I'm sneezing a lot, when i sneeze, it's always 2-3 consecutive hard sneezes that i have to hold on to my tummy. I'm afraid that something might happen to my baby too
Oh my!! I'm so getting excited for my scan this Saturday...hopefully, the doctor can see the gender. Though we will keep it a secret first. my sis in law is so excited to buy clothes but i'm not ready to accept yet, not until the 7th month. :)


Congrats illuz for getting a girl! Can buy all the pretty pretty cute cute things for her liao. :D
And to all mummies who still have bleeding problem, do take care and rest more.

gnissim: Me too, my pregnancy symptoms not there sometimes i even forget that I'm pregnant. :p Can still chase after my elder boy and carry him. The only thing that reminds me of the pregnancy is the bump that is growing bigger... Looking forward to my next scan, hope can tell gender too!


Active Member
babytazz:812172 said:
Babytazz: True! My htb has been wondering why i have been burping a lot, i told him that's part of it...hahahaha. Until i burp, i don't feel better.I agree with the dinner not being as nice as during my first trimester. Now i feel like throwing up during dinner but really can't. The feeling to burp is there, in my chest, but just can't get it out...hahahaha
Chiching: try putting finger in your mouth to make you vomit. If you have a lot of air within your body, this gesture may make you vomit the air. Like a very loud burp. But it may be uncomfy.
Babytazz - i have been doing this all the time, then after burp, hubby will always make fun saying where is the frog with the baby bump....


Yeah pink team! Can finally start to think of names instead of calling baby this baby that. Would love to start shopping for her and decorating the room. I was telling my hubby I can now indulge in cutie stuff, pinks and laces, hello kitty, strawberry shortcake, and say it's not for me! It's for baby girl!
Babytazz: True! My htb has been wondering why i have been burping a lot, i told him that's part of it...hahahaha. Until i burp, i don't feel better.I agree with the dinner not being as nice as during my first trimester. Now i feel like throwing up during dinner but really can't. The feeling to burp is there, in my chest, but just can't get it out...hahahaha
You can try apply oil(eucalyptus) just below your ribcage. Like you said, after you burp you feel better right? Or do certain exercise to burp. It is really an indigestion. By the way, my friend who an expert in relief pregnancy discomfort is giving a talk this Thursday on Balancing Hormones and another talk on HypnoBirthing, calm and gentle possibly relax birth at Simei. Anyone keen to join me?
btw, any mommies here who can feel their baby's movement yet? They said it should be around 15-20 weeks. Something like a butterfly feeling...i still don't feel anything yet...


Babytazz: Awww...that's bad...hope you feel better. Our immune system is low now, i always wake up with a stuffy nose...also, my sneezes are quite different now that I'm pregnant. Aside from the fact that I'm sneezing a lot, when i sneeze, it's always 2-3 consecutive hard sneezes that i have to hold on to my tummy. I'm afraid that something might happen to my baby too
Hope we get well soon! Let's take care together. Hehe..


btw, any mommies here who can feel their baby's movement yet? They said it should be around 15-20 weeks. Something like a butterfly feeling...i still don't feel anything yet...
Chiching: sometimes first time mummies won't feel the movements till later. But even if you ask me now, I can't rem how the movement was like. Hopefully this time I can see the baby kicking in my tummy during third trimester. Then I can show my boy, see your sibling kicking. Hehe..


Yeah pink team! Can finally start to think of names instead of calling baby this baby that. Would love to start shopping for her and decorating the room. I was telling my hubby I can now indulge in cutie stuff, pinks and laces, hello kitty, strawberry shortcake, and say it's not for me! It's for baby girl!
Congrats on your girl, so happy for you :) !


btw, any mommies here who can feel their baby's movement yet? They said it should be around 15-20 weeks. Something like a butterfly feeling...i still don't feel anything yet...
Chiching, don't worry, you will be able to feel real soon, my gynae say first time mummies will only experience the movements around 18 weeks :)


New Member
morning ladies! no worries some ladies feel it quite late. for me, first time, I started feeling bubbles at 10weeks...then from 15 weeks onwards, can feel light tapping and 'swimming' sensation..