EDD Jan 2014

Oh...you are going for team blue...mine is the opposite for both sides. My htb doesn't have a sister (both boys), i'm an only girl in the family of 5, and i have 3 nephews. So we are hoping this will be the second girl (one on the way for my sis in law) in my side, and the first girl or first baby in their side...hehehe..though just like you, any gender will do as long as the baby is healthy and i want him/her to grow big in my tummy...hahaha


Active Member
gnissim - yes... dr ask me to take utrogestan in first trim.. now 2nd trim she ask me continue to week 15 (next check up).. I just be good & listen & follow.. but same time just curious who else still taking in 2nd trim...
Did u hv spotting? I think this is some kind of steriod and usually just take for short term. Sorry but I not trying to scare u. Maybe u can raise this concern to the gynae.


Hi mummies,
Around 16 weeks scan you found out gender?
I want to bring forward my check up by in week, I'll be 17 weeks so that if we can find out gender I think will be the best birthday present for daddy (for this year)!


I took for the whole of my first trimester although I didn't have any spotting or abnormal cramps. Sometimes gynae just prescribe as a precaution. Maybe ur doc is being extra careful


Active Member
ajcy:813711 said:
Hi mummies,
Around 16 weeks scan you found out gender?
I want to bring forward my check up by in week, I'll be 17 weeks so that if we can find out gender I think will be the best birthday present for daddy (for this year)!
Yes between 16-20 weeks,

My 1st wedding anniversary is on 15 Aug, so also hope i can give hb a good surprise..... pink for him...
Dont worry its safe. Its just progesterone support to support ur pregnancy. Im on it and also on jab bcoz of spotting n its my first pregnancy. Its not steroids la!


Active Member
ok thanks mummies! it just seems like I have been on it for an awfully long period.. I had no spotting/discharge.... except I lost my twin baby.. already on prog support from day 1.. & doc just continued the same dosage as per trim 1.. my dosage is 6 pills a day...


Happilymarried: if u think ur doc is ok, den just listen her advice n take the med. Aniway 15 weeks maybe she still consider 1st trimester. Dun worry if its ur gynae who ask u take.

Ajcy: yes 16 weeks can see gender le. My appt ytd. Just nice 16week. N I can see my girl!


Active Member
haha u mummies r very cute! all guessing pink or blue... for me no more surprise cuz doc told me at week 12+ at oscar! guessing can be quite fun right? now I am just waiting n waiting until next appt....