EDD September 2013 Mummies


Hi stellaC! Do keep us updated and hope everything is alright!

mummies, just wondering do u know the market price to give CL when she starts work? Like the red packet I m talking about :/
need advise! Thanks!

also, ZPF - how do I know any decrease in bb movt? My gynae said the same thing to me too. Is it they suspect something not right?
my bb has no pattern when active n when not. Sometimes he's just quiet... Sleeping? Or I feel the kicks less strong too. Other times ok.
any cause for worries? Gynae is afraid of cord around bb neck is it? I m not sure! Just speculating why gynae will advise that ... Decrease in movt must inform immed
My boy has a regular timing to practise his karate kicks. It is much easy for me to track his movement. Anyway, you need to make sure your baby moves everyday. If your baby did not move within half a day, please inform the gynae immediately. Better be safe than sorry.


Just to Share:

"Here's one common approach: Choose a time of day when your baby tends to be active. (Ideally, you'll want to do the counts at roughly the same time each day.) Sit quietly or lie on your side so you won't get distracted. Time how long it takes for you to feel ten distinct movements – kicks, punches, and whole body movements all count. If you don't feel ten movements in two hours, stop counting and call your midwife or doctor."

quoted from : Fetal movement: Feeling your baby kick | BabyCenter


I called the labour ward to ask regarding my symptoms and they asked me to go down immediately. I asked them "are you sure?" cos i was not having contractions anymore, it was the night before.. I just Wanted to be assured that it's normal that contractions come and go. Ended up they ask me go down and I went... Turned out its nothing serious and they sent me home after my gynae confirmed its not real labour. Sigh,, so scary I really don't know when is the real labour going to be or how it's gg to be like :(


I called the labour ward to ask regarding my symptoms and they asked me to go down immediately. I asked them "are you sure?" cos i was not having contractions anymore, it was the night before.. I just Wanted to be assured that it's normal that contractions come and go. Ended up they ask me go down and I went... Turned out its nothing serious and they sent me home after my gynae confirmed its not real labour. Sigh,, so scary I really don't know when is the real labour going to be or how it's gg to be like :(
Gynae wants to be on the safe side. It is better to make sure the baby is safe and sound. :) I also don't know what is the real labour feel like. But I think we will be going to experience it very soon. Keep waiting!


Thanks skt and zpf for replies!
stellaC - cervic high... Hmm how about do squats? Not sure if that will help? But I try to do it everyday.. Although the first time I tried last week.. My thighs ache so bad that I could hardly walk n I took 3 days to recover!


Btw doctor did a vagina check for me and he says my cervix is still very high.. How? How to get it to move down?
StellaC, my cervix is still high too! I did ask gynae how to move it down. She said the baby will decide when to engage. So she said let your body and baby do the job. :)


Thanks skt and zpf for replies!
stellaC - cervic high... Hmm how about do squats? Not sure if that will help? But I try to do it everyday.. Although the first time I tried last week.. My thighs ache so bad that I could hardly walk n I took 3 days to recover!
Ouch! I will just leave it as it is.


Just to Share:

"Here's one common approach: Choose a time of day when your baby tends to be active. (Ideally, you'll want to do the counts at roughly the same time each day.) Sit quietly or lie on your side so you won't get distracted. Time how long it takes for you to feel ten distinct movements – kicks, punches, and whole body movements all count. If you don't feel ten movements in two hours, stop counting and call your midwife or doctor."

quoted from : Fetal movement: Feeling your baby kick | BabyCenter
skt, thanks for the useful information!


So I guess I shouldn't be worried about the high cervix huh. I am feeling so muchixed emotions. I'm exhausted, disappointed (I kinda thought baby is coming today), anxious, fear etc and I think its not helping me at all :(

my gynae also hinted me just now that I may be induced on Thursday for labour, I'm really not sure if I should go for it or say no if he asks me on Thursday? On one hand I know baby is safe inside my tummy and she should decide when she wanna come out, on the other hand I'm experiencing so many emotions everyday its really tough


Poor stellaC :(
totally understand what u mean.

can I ask why u dont want to be induced? How heavy is bb now? U r due on 7th? Or wait till EDD then if no movt.. Induce?
that's what I think I will do


StellaC, I'm same as you, period like cramp and tummy feel hard since Sunday evening. I lean on the back of the chair and go onto all four position as this position believe to help baby move down. Today's appointment doc do a check and I'm 3cm dilated. Doc ask whether I want to be induce or wait, I choose to wait till have stronger contraction or water break. Doc ask to monitor baby's movements too. 5hrs pass and I still no sign of contraction, just worried I would be in active labour without aware of it.


Being doing this, hope that this will help my labour progress >_<

Position to help labour progress (from Babycenter.com)
•lean onto a work surface or the back of a chair
•put your arms round your partner's neck or waist and lean on him
•lean onto the bed in the delivery room (with the height adjusted for your comfort) or a window-sill

•kneel on a large cushion or pillow on the floor and lean forwards onto the seat of a chair
•sit astride a chair, resting on a pillow placed across the top
•sit on the toilet, leaning forwards, or sit astride, leaning onto the cistern
•go onto all fours
•kneel on one leg with the other bent..


I took utrogestan from week 25-37 to stabilize pregnancy. I stopped since baby reached full term per doctor's advice. Sometimes having slight headache and feel a bit giddy and I think it created some pressure on my eyes too. But no choice as I was having spotting then.

How many weeks are u now?
37.5wk now. got mild contraction last week tat why under all this pills. this preg really diff from my 1st preg. 1st preg i got mild backaches n alot of BH. this time is like so easy for 1st n 2nd trim, but 3rd trim is hell, mild contraction, super bad backaches, cramps etc...my #1 have to ask my mum to take care now. miss him so much & feel guilty abt it.


So I guess I shouldn't be worried about the high cervix huh. I am feeling so muchixed emotions. I'm exhausted, disappointed (I kinda thought baby is coming today), anxious, fear etc and I think its not helping me at all :(

my gynae also hinted me just now that I may be induced on Thursday for labour, I'm really not sure if I should go for it or say no if he asks me on Thursday? On one hand I know baby is safe inside my tummy and she should decide when she wanna come out, on the other hand I'm experiencing so many emotions everyday its really tough
This is what my hubby said to me too. The baby is safe inside my tummy. I should let him stay as long as he likes. His body will be more developed and strong.


Poor stellaC :(
totally understand what u mean.

can I ask why u dont want to be induced? How heavy is bb now? U r due on 7th? Or wait till EDD then if no movt.. Induce?
that's what I think I will do
Sunbeams,I heard that induction is much more painful and will eventually end up needing epi. I wanna try no epi if possible. Also read that inducing is like forcing the baby to come out when she's happily inside. Ya my edd is 7th and last check baby was 3-3.2kg. I'm praying everyday that my water will break and contractions come and lead to natural birth.. Im sure that's what most ppl want... But well, if eventually baby is much later than edd I'd induce I guess... So stressed!!


StellaC, I'm same as you, period like cramp and tummy feel hard since Sunday evening. I lean on the back of the chair and go onto all four position as this position believe to help baby move down. Today's appointment doc do a check and I'm 3cm dilated. Doc ask whether I want to be induce or wait, I choose to wait till have stronger contraction or water break. Doc ask to monitor baby's movements too. 5hrs pass and I still no sign of contraction, just worried I would be in active labour without aware of it.
Already having dilation! Wow then labour is on the way isn't it? I'm also afraid I won't know when I'm into labour. I'm like reading crazily everyday about labour but it's hard to pinpoInt when is labour ya?


This is what my hubby said to me too. The baby is safe inside my tummy. I should let him stay as long as he likes. His body will be more developed and strong.
Ya baby is safest and happiest inside until she decides tO come out, according to what I read too...


Thank u to all mummies for quick replies ... I was so scared since last night. And after I left hospital I felt so negative too. Feel better now with all ur replies ;)