EDD May 2014 (maybe)


Oh dear. CNY coming soon too and we must enjoy the delicacies that we can eat so please take good care! I think the weather is turning chilly at night too. Stay warm!

I would like to join the Facebook group too! yingli.p@gmail.com - thank you Tannie for bringing us closer :)


havent log in for some times.. how is everyone's coping?
am having my detail scan this coming monday... hopefully everythings will be good.
is there a FB grp? who can i contact to be added in?
Hi mummies! It's another new week again! I only check in here on weekdays in the office... So yep! It's definitely good to be reading new reviews.

Tannie, why dont you bring her to KKH? I feel KKH is the best PD in the whole of Singapore. They have the best medication and equipment for kids. When my girl falls sick, I'll just bring her straight to KKH. Her PD is just taking her vacs, cos there was once I brought her to the PD due to some bacteria virus. She couldnt be well with all the meds given by the PD. 3 weeks and not cured. So I brought her to KKH and immediately after a week of KKH meds, she got well. I think their medicines are really good. Anyway, you gotta stay well and healthy to be able to handle the tiredness.
Hey ladies, can we attend sister wedding (including morning cermony) during pregnancy?
applez10, i think it depends on yourself. Are you a pantang person? If yes, then better dont attend.

When I was pregnant (i think about 4-5 months), I attended my best friend wedding (I was also wearing heels). Everything went smooth. I mean my pregnancy went smooth, my delivery went through smooth too (as in, no hard labor etc). So I guess it depends on both parties. I think you gotta ask your sister as well (out of respect).


Perkyperky, I brought my gal to kkh when she had high fever, they prescribed sone medication for her but she did not recover after taking for 1 wk. The medicines also seems to make her vomit n diarrhoea hence we decided to bring her to a pd


applez10, I oso attended a fren's wedding wen I was pregnant with my #1.. my girl's healthy and labour was fine too.. as long as u and ur fren dun mind, why not? I oso went bb showers.. hahaha.. but I draw the line wen it comes to wake la.. partly cos my parents and mil strictly prohibit it..
Perkyperky, I brought my gal to kkh when she had high fever, they prescribed sone medication for her but she did not recover after taking for 1 wk. The medicines also seems to make her vomit n diarrhoea hence we decided to bring her to a pd
Ohh! Our situations are vice versa! Hahahaha! Well, of course we will do what's best for our kids! Anyway, what did the PD said about your girl?


Mummies, i sneezed non stop n left eye super itchy n red.. just went to see GP and back.. really gotta take the medicine.. sighh.. :/ Still gotta do packing.. i keep having sneezing marathons and pee keep leaking ..:/
Hey ladies, can we attend sister wedding (including morning cermony) during pregnancy?
Hi applez10,

I just attended my good friend wedding 1 mth ago as well.. and also went to a friend's baby shower yesterday..

I guess as long as both parties don't mind, it is fine.. But with regards to carrying others baby while pregnant, better ask the other party before carrying.. some are pan tang and will mind...


I attended my best friend's wedding when i was 10 weeks preggie. I declined to be her bridesmaids though.

Preggie woes of leaking pee when sneezing n leg cramps at night are here for me since Sat. Oh dear...

I have also realised that my nose is becoming more sensitive to dust and i tend to sneeze more.

Everyone please take good care as CNY is near!
Talking about nose and flu, I have also noticed my nose getting blocked at night and when I talk, that nasal voice of mine will appear... Hahaha! When I sneezed, my pee also tend to leak a little. I think we should do more kegal exercises to refrain our urine from leaking.

But sometimes I'm just so forgetful and lazy to do the kegal exercises. Also, I think it's because our little one is constantly sitting on our bladder that causes the leaking, plus their increasing weight too!

Talking about CNY, I really got not much mood. Normally can dress up so nicely... Now due to the increasing tummy, all clothes are so limited. Cannot doll myself up too. Sighhh...

I used to have leg cramps at night too. Now before I go to bed every night, I will ask my hubby to massage my leg by just pressing onto the leg muscles. Till now, the cramps didnt come back. Maybe you can try to massage your legs too? And doing some stretching exercises on your legs can also help to reduce the cramps occurrence.
Working moms... Is everyone here taking all the 4 months maternity leave once and for all? Or intending to return work after 3 months, and leave the remaining 1 month after going back to work?

I cant wait for the 4 months maternity leave!!! I will take the 4 months straight, cos i'm thinking if i take 3 months and leave 1 month... those remaining leave might be tough to approve; gotta see work load etc etc...