EDD May 2014 (maybe)


Jiayou tannie n charchia! My girl also quite sticky n demanding.. As long as i'm around.. Which is always the case.. She's always demanding for my attention.. Pass every lego brick to me, throw on floor want me to bend down puck up return to her and she wants me to take it again.. Zzzz happens everytime.. I'm so tired..

Oh ya its been sooo hot n humid! I'm stuck at home whole day sweating non stop.. Can't squeeze a time for shower in the afternn.. Hang laundry, feed bf, cook lunch, entertain bb, feed, wash, wipe her, put her to slp.. Watch her, entertain her, prep dinner, cook, wash, bathe n put her to slp den i can bathe.. I've been having some heat rash around my bra area and under my boobs lining.. Sighh sweating alot.. Don't wanna on aircon in the day n out in living rm.. Only when in bedrm putting bb to slp den on aircon.. Sigh i foresee confnement my bill is going up coz i'm gonna on aircon to breastfeed! :p Now pressing hubby to get more fans in the living room..! Life of sahm not ez sia.. I remember during 1st pregnancy, i seldom sweat.. Feel cold somemore.. Perhaps mostly in aircon places, offices, restaurants, come home late, do nothing much, bathe n slp in aircon.. Shiok man.. Now?! Slog whole day! Haha.. Soon gonna have harder days ahead w 2 bubs! :p i hope i won't rant too much.. :x

hmm my gynae appt is this thurs.. Can't wait.. Wanna know when i can roughly give birth.. Hubby asking me too.. How i know man.. My 1st bb was born exactly at 40 weeks on my EDD... Not sure if this time will be the same.. Hubby having exams on 28th apr n 6th may.. Final project presentations in mid may.. My edd is 15th may.. Sighh he totally no time to prepare for this bb.. So stressed out.. After he's done, he's back to work n no longer having student life.. Most likely gonna be sent on overseas attachments often.. I really dunno how to cope man.. Just hope he wun need to be sent away in june.. Coz after confinement, i'm on my own! Worries worries!!


meltie jiayou.... SAHM really not an easy job... my daughter also does the same thing, drop her bottle while feeding, want me to hold for her, drop her toys want me to pick up for her... if not keep using her hands to call me to come... usually I will ignore and she will cry, I will just let her cry till she give up... sometimes my hubby or siblings see already say I very bad and bully her... sometimes I feel bad also... but then no choice, else everytime she thinks she cries she will get her way...


meltie jiayou.... SAHM really not an easy job... my daughter also does the same thing, drop her bottle while feeding, want me to hold for her, drop her toys want me to pick up for her... if not keep using her hands to call me to come... usually I will ignore and she will cry, I will just let her cry till she give up... sometimes my hubby or siblings see already say I very bad and bully her... sometimes I feel bad also... but then no choice, else everytime she thinks she cries she will get her way...
Oh well i already feel its normal to do timeout for my girl.. Let her whine abit..she can talk though .. So she keep saying pain-pain nowadays.. to get attention and cry.. Sigh.. And she screams 'ants' .. Even when there's no ants.. Sigh i just run in n out loh.. Sometimes i just sit away frm her.. So she won't see me n shout at me.. But after awhile she will start her siren liao... Hahaa i think she's bored at home.. Stuck w me n i with her.. I'm going crazy soon too.. No tv, no recreation, just 1 iphone with me ..work n work whole day and night.. Put her to slp at 9 just now and she already woke up twice to cry and sit up... Zzz.. How to slp.. Hubby is busy in study room as usual... Zz wish he can stay in room to tend to bb while i get my rest .. I keep going toilet though ... Sighhh


ya I also keep going to the toilet... my daughter refuse to sleep the entire day... She kept passing motion and we keep washing her up till her rashes are back again... sighs... n for no reason she vomitted... Finally managed to make her sleep at about 8pm but has since woken up thrice but lucky I m beside her so she fall back asleep... I m also trying to sleep but no.2 in the tummy cannot stop moving... end up I m still tossing n turning in bed...


oh dear... Seems my gynae did the Strep B test too soon. I did the test at 34 weeks. last sat which was my 36 weeks, she did not redo the test but told me she will check for dilation this coming sat which is 37 weeks.

jeslow, ya better stay away from your hubby. chicken pox is very contagious.
i did the strep b test at 34 weeks too. Didn't know that it was too early..

ST Woo

Hi, I cannot remember need to do the strep B test. I seeing my gynae tomorrow. Will check with him. Thanks mummies Jiayou!


ya I also keep going to the toilet... my daughter refuse to sleep the entire day... She kept passing motion and we keep washing her up till her rashes are back again... sighs... n for no reason she vomitted... Finally managed to make her sleep at about 8pm but has since woken up thrice but lucky I m beside her so she fall back asleep... I m also trying to sleep but no.2 in the tummy cannot stop moving... end up I m still tossing n turning in bed...
At times I try not to wake up go p cos I know once I go p. like last 9, I wake up ard 3 plus and my eyes are big big, can't sleep and keep look at my hp. I sure cant back to sleep after hrs.. I also try not to drink much water at night time. Day time will drink more. Ur got listen to classical music?


At times I try not to wake up go p cos I know once I go p. like last 9, I wake up ard 3 plus and my eyes are big big, can't sleep and keep look at my hp. I sure cant back to sleep after hrs.. I also try not to drink much water at night time. Day time will drink more. Ur got listen to classical music?
I try not to drink water after 8pm but still need to pee... even though daytime pee alot... I listen to soothing music, classical music and nursery rhymes etc... I also did it for first pregnancy... my hubby wants to expose the children to different genre of music...


I try not to drink water after 8pm but still need to pee... even though daytime pee alot... I listen to soothing music, classical music and nursery rhymes etc... I also did it for first pregnancy... my hubby wants to expose the children to different genre of music...
so far I onli listen to classical music. ur still gt drink milk and wat other supplements? my col told me one mth b4 edd dun eat the fish oil le. she says fish oil will create blood circulation etc and will affect the flow of blood during delivery wor.


mine is all in one capsule... I eat till I deliver... everyday I drink one glass of milk... but I think need to cut down coz mu breast are starting to ache...


mine is all in one capsule... I eat till I deliver... everyday I drink one glass of milk... but I think need to cut down coz mu breast are starting to ache...
Y need to cut dw due to breast aching? I drink also one glass of milk everyday. Plus I drink protein drink too. Plus vit c and iron pills only. I also drink avocado drink at least once weekly. And those bottled bird nest once weekly. So far I have not drink coconut yet. No craving to drink tat lei. Mayb this wkends then drink ba. Plus I read ppl comment tat drink coconut water makes baby come out earlier? Duno how true lei


I drink coconut almost everyday... lol... I need to stop stimulating breastmilk... sometimes I see got leakage on my bra... lol


Charchia! same! I keep tossing around in bed coz no.2 is too active.. Even middle of the night. Sigh

hmm i nv listen to any music leh.. Probably what my bb hears is my no.1 talking, screaming, i scolding, talking to her or just lotsa talking lol... Sigh no time la.. How to bother about all these hahahaha...

Hmm i nv drink much at night leh but still go toilet.. Cannot hold .. Coz there very strained.. Hmm but i always get dry mouth so i sip some water and go back to bed.. End up go toilet again.. Sighhhh


I deink normal fresh milk only... I dun like powdered milk... have breastmilk coz I had no.1 only 10 months ago, didn't fully stop... anyway my chinese doctor keep telling me to massage my breast everyday to stimulate supply and prevent blockage... so that when time to breastfeed is easier and it really works...


I deink normal fresh milk only... I dun like powdered milk... have breastmilk coz I had no.1 only 10 months ago, didn't fully stop... anyway my chinese doctor keep telling me to massage my breast everyday to stimulate supply and prevent blockage... so that when time to breastfeed is easier and it really works...
I can drink any milk, bt think I prefer powdered milk..but onli white milk, not those flavoured ones. I think now I also shd also massage my breasts too wor..lol


Actually it is not advisable to massage breast unless want early labour.
As massaging of breast will stimulate contractions, that is what i heard.
So if doing prenatal massage, tummy and breast is a NO-NO.


I think it defers for everyone... Coz massaging of the breast didn't make any difference for me... I have been massaging my breast since the second trimester... but then each session is very short... It helps to relieve the aches and clogs in the breast to prepare for breastfeeding... But i know massaging of the tummy is a nono... The only time i massage my tummy was during first pregnancy, the chinese doctor help me to move the baby's head downwards as it was starting to move away when reaching edd, so that i will have a easy delivery...


Actually it is not advisable to massage breast unless want early labour.
As massaging of breast will stimulate contractions, that is what i heard.
So if doing prenatal massage, tummy and breast is a NO-NO.
oh is it? I din know massage breast will stimulate early labor..