EDD May 2014 (maybe)


Oh dear jeslow, i hope ur hubby get past the contagious stage! Meanwhile, do take precautions! did ur gynae say anything?

This thread is indeed moving fast! i'm getting nervous.. Though its my 2nd pregnancy.. I'm nervous for different things! Sigh its all about my no.1! :p Hmm and i haven't really got time to discuss w hubby abt baby's name! This week 36 weeks liao! Most ppl asking me when i'll pop and what's baby's name.. So stressed! Hmm i'm feeling pelvic pain too.. Alot of stretching and pressure .. Just now over dinner i started feeling breathless as i felt bb kicking up my ribs and chest area liao.. Maybe just had another growh spurt? Siao liao.. :p This thurs is my appt with my gynae.. Hope to know if i'll give birth earlier or later... I just went toilet like 4-5 times in a hr.. Its crazy to rush there urgently and pee abit here n there.. Told hubby i won't flush.. Only flush after like 4 times? Coz so little pee and waste alot of water flushing! Imagine i got a toddler to look at and i kept telling her to wait there and i go toilet.. Sigh.. She's been getting impatient with me.. Haha i have to tell her.. Sorry mummy don't wear diaper like you do.. :p

hmm ya i rem doing that group B strep test.. Its to see if we have strep B bacteria at our cervix there coz it can be passed to baby when baby passes through during delivery.. I don't know if it will be neccessary for those who are already confirm doing c-sect. I did this test towards the end of my pregnancy and i was positive.. So gynae prescribed me to take 2 weeks of Augmentin antibiotics to cover for the strep B infection.. I continued taking the Augmentin post delivery too.. Well there were some complications w my girl as she got high white blood cell count and they took no chance and could not rule out the possibility of her having a strep B infection.. She was given IV antibiotics for a week too.. I hope this time won't have such complications...

Hmm i have nothing to pack into my hosp bag! Maybe only the disposable panties and maternity pads... :p the rest can only put in before i go hosp... Shall just keep a checklist ready.. Maybe i try to pack my camera .. :p

sigh whole body aching.. Maybe i strained myself again today , cooking, washing and chasing my no.1 around.. Felt that i really can't bend much and sit on floor with her.. So tiring and can't get up without all the pain and strain.. Feeling like a clumsy hippo..
Meltie, i check with my gynae before.. Even c-sect risk getting strep B infection if any.
I just check with her last visit at 35 weeks, she says i could do the strep B test if im worried i will pop before 37 weeks (the next check up). So i did and so far no calls i presume is clear.. but she says at 37 weeks she will need to do one more time.
Those having strep B before for no.1, occurence for the next preg is of higher percentage. Just sharing :)


now im nursing a very bad cough.. cough so hard tt each time i can feel the bb moving vigoursly.. Feel so bad for bb..
cant drink coconut as im supposed to start.. ahhhhhh..

any fast remedies for cough?


Meltie, i check with my gynae before.. Even c-sect risk getting strep B infection if any.
I just check with her last visit at 35 weeks, she says i could do the strep B test if im worried i will pop before 37 weeks (the next check up). So i did and so far no calls i presume is clear.. but she says at 37 weeks she will need to do one more time.
Those having strep B before for no.1, occurence for the next preg is of higher percentage. Just sharing :)
I will be doing my GBA test when I am at my 37weeks plus, which is next Friday. my doc din ask me to do the test on the earlier weeks lei.


Shanice, as i have early labour history for no.1 so i kept asking my gynae what if i pop before i did the strep B test and it is positive but we do not know etc.
So she says if im worried no harm doing earlier but at 37 weeks i would have to test one more time to ensure it is clear. so play safe i did at 35 weeks, next appt will be next week.


Shanice, as i have early labour history for no.1 so i kept asking my gynae what if i pop before i did the strep B test and it is positive but we do not know etc.
So she says if im worried no harm doing earlier but at 37 weeks i would have to test one more time to ensure it is clear. so play safe i did at 35 weeks, next appt will be next week.
ic..so it means is better to do the test nearin to the edd date le lo..


Yup.. Its normally done around the last appt w gynae.. So that they can clear u of the infection before giving birth..

Jiayou charchia! Hope ur no.1 don't give too much trouble! I'm trying to manage my expectations of my 18mo.. I just do timeouts with her, place her in palypen when i really cannot manage.. If not i'll go crazy w her running around the house... Can't imagine w no.2 around too...

I just keep having the feeling that i may give birth earlier! But i'm not ready at all!!! Everytime i roll n stand up, feel like baby can drop hahaa coz the muscles so painful cannot hold the weight..

Zz tiring day so far.. Sweat like mad cooking, washing, feeding and putting bb to slp.. Now resting abit but so uncomfy...


Yup.. Its normally done around the last appt w gynae.. So that they can clear u of the infection before giving birth..

Jiayou charchia! Hope ur no.1 don't give too much trouble! I'm trying to manage my expectations of my 18mo.. I just do timeouts with her, place her in palypen when i really cannot manage.. If not i'll go crazy w her running around the house... Can't imagine w no.2 around too...

I just keep having the feeling that i may give birth earlier! But i'm not ready at all!!! Everytime i roll n stand up, feel like baby can drop hahaa coz the muscles so painful cannot hold the weight..

Zz tiring day so far.. Sweat like mad cooking, washing, feeding and putting bb to slp.. Now resting abit but so uncomfy...
Sometimes at hm, feels like on the air con and stay in there dun wanna come out. now at office also gd cos gt air con and fan blowing at me wor..lol..


Yap agreed; I rather stay in office in this weather thn to be st home I dun even want to go out for lunch... I jus pack some simple lunch n eat In.


Yap agreed; I rather stay in office in this weather thn to be st home I dun even want to go out for lunch... I jus pack some simple lunch n eat In.
is it? ya lo. but I will still eat out lo. cos to breathe fresh air, chat with cols etc but come back like takin shower le..:Dancing_wub:


Hi mummies, i'm back from my gynae appt..everything's good, baby still average size and gynae says most likely will carry till full term since she has not moved down much =)

I've checked with my gynae on hubby's chicken pox, she says best to keep a distance and not touch anything he has touched..I have gotten chicken pox before but she best to be safe than sorry..so he is being confined to a room whenever I'm at home lor...quite sian since I need his help sometimes with stuff.. >_<
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I did it at week 35 also coz my gynae has no intention of meeting me till I deliver as he suspect about week 37 I will give birth which is quite near our next appointment...

My gynae can roughly estimate when I might deliver as he delivered my no.1 and base on how far my first and second pregnancy... for my first pregnancy, he also did not tell me when I will deliver no.1...


Hi mummies, i'm back from my gynae appt..everything's good, baby still average size and gynae says most likely will carry till full term since she has not moved down much =)

I've checked with my gynae on hubby's chicken pox, she says best to keep a distance and not touch anything he has touched..I have gotten chicken pox before but she best to be safe than sorry..so he is being confined to a room whenever I'm at home lor...quite sian since I need his help sometimes with stuff.. >_<
then better stay away... coz I think might spread to the unborn... coz my cousins are also down with chicken pox and my gynae ask me to stay away though I had it but there is a risk the unborn might catch the virus...


oh dear... Seems my gynae did the Strep B test too soon. I did the test at 34 weeks. last sat which was my 36 weeks, she did not redo the test but told me she will check for dilation this coming sat which is 37 weeks.

jeslow, ya better stay away from your hubby. chicken pox is very contagious.


meltie, thanks... really hope no.1 will not give me alot of problems but quite difficult especially when come to sleeping or nap time... I must be the one who makes her sleep and if she wakes up and I m not beside her, she will cry and scream... after that very difficult to calm her down... so I dunno how my parents, in-laws or hubby going to cope with her when I m at the hospital.... now she is like a koala bear...anyone used to be able to carry her as long as I m nearby, now cannot she will grab my shirt when someone tries to carry her... sometimes she doesn't even let her grandparents or daddy carry her... haiz... guess she can sense the sibling coming soon...


My gal also becoming very sticky esp now she is having flu n fever... making me very tired too... when I am arnd, she also dun want my mum, her main care taker, hope she will be ok after baby os out...