EDD May 2014 (maybe)


guess, if u intend to have second baby, better to have close gap.... watch them grow together amd omce and for all difficult... get family support... anyway when it comes, u will be able to pull through... plus I want my 2 kids to have close gap yo reduce jealousy among siblings too... dun be affected by what we say... Mummies are the greatest and children will always be their pillar of strength... no matter how tired or hppeless we feel, we will still give pur best for our children....


suddenly keep on feeling like throwing up and breathless... haiz... hope can endure pass this week and deliver next week instead....
I also Duno y these few days I don't have appetite to eat. Reminds me of during my first trimester lei. Keep Vomit.. Scary. But I have to imagine I am hungry and eat my fd. Juz now went packed my lunch, dumpling noodle. No hungry feeling , just eat only. Mayb these few days. i stay at Hm , nv really walk much, So always feel v full. Eat and sleep and sit dw. My hub seems to be the one pregnant, he always got craving for this and tat food and keep say he is hungry. Like ytd he said he is hungry but I am not til 8 pm den we go eat.. How I envy him...lolx... Juz now baby stretch and kick my chest's rib cage again..


guess, if u intend to have second baby, better to have close gap.... watch them grow together amd omce and for all difficult... get family support... anyway when it comes, u will be able to pull through... plus I want my 2 kids to have close gap yo reduce jealousy among siblings too... dun be affected by what we say... Mummies are the greatest and children will always be their pillar of strength... no matter how tired or hppeless we feel, we will still give pur best for our children....
Ya lo. If can, try to have second one as close as possible lo. 一次过. I also encourage my frens n cols dun wait for years after customary then plan have baby.


Indeed the weather is too hot n humid... I was at home yesterday n my sweat is dripping like mad... so today I go to shopping cntr n have some cold dessert to cool myself down... I cannot imagine how I m going thru confinement month esp no fan is allow!


Ya the weather is a killer... Even though I stay home in aircon room, I also feel very hot... Dunno how m I going to go through confinement.... lol


I think once 1st baby comes, I will be more confident on how to handle and care for the baby and accordingly think for 2nd one :). My sister and me have 1 year difference, we are best friends infact we were in same class as well :)


Any mummies experienced "show"? I had some brownish discharge and panicked. Called the doctor and was told that is the mucus plug. Guess my time to pop is round the corner


Huh xiongmao, can I know if ur brownish is the very light brownish pinkish color? And is it alot? I hv been hving that lately and it's very pale n little... Jialat I m only coming 35 weeks this sun.. Can be this soon bah. But my gynae did check that my cervix is not open on wed so she says dont hv to worry it'll be soon. I didn't tell her bout the pinkish brownish stain though, however I told her that I always have the LS feeling.


For my first pregnancy, I did experience mucus plug discharge.. it's like a huge blob of gooey brown thing wen I was in e shower.. no blood no pink tinge though.. but I did not experience spontaneous labour la.. in fact I lasted 2 more days until the day I was scheduled to induce labour..


Thanks Lingz12! I guess I can still last a few more days then. Yeah, doctor told me no need to come hospital at the moment.
Piglim, sorry if I made you panicked.


Wonder how's the two mummies who have delivered coping now.. They didnt update here...

Xiongmao, no worries i wasn't really worried cos I'm a second time mum so kinda know what I will go thru.. Just that something's r slightly different in this pregnancy. Perhaps it's cos it's different gender this time? I do feel (and everyone commented) that this time round my tummy is bigger than when I had my son.

I'm also losing my appetite lately. Eat a few spoons of rice, soup 1 piece of meat n spoonful of veg and I'm done.

Any mummies still driving ard with e big tummy.. My parents asked me to stop driving after I told them baby's head engaged Le.. They say so dangerous to drive cos I may anytime have contractions of water bag burst.. But I don't hv a choice cos I need to send my son to sch. Hubby is hopeless.. Ask him to drive son to sch at 8am he rather slp a few more mins lor.. Before I sent my son to childcare unused to wake up at 8am then leave Hse at 840. Now need to send son to son I had to wake up at 7am.. And leave hm by 735am.. Doggy bag my breakfast and eat them when I drive.. Like always on the go.. Then have to rush work n leave office by 6pm to pick my son from sch. Again cannot expect hubby to do that cos he works till 11pm. Even the earliest is 7:30pm. Haiz... Now I m worried how I will manage when I go on confinement. Hubby says he can only take 2 weeks.. Then the other two weeks how? I can't keep my son at hm.. Need to attend to my baby also.. Plus not Gd to keep him away from sch for too long. (Son is coping well in sch n I n very happy.. Thk goodness I sent him to sch 1mth ago.. At least now things r kinda settled)

I just packed my hospital bag n then I realised it's so empty.. Have I forgotten anything?

-Cordlife boxes
-disposable panties
-(set of clothings upon discharged , nursing bra, hp, charger, - these can only be packed towards neared date cos still need them)

i don't hv to bring toiletries cos hospital provides tthem plus baby clothings upon discharged,don't intend to take my pump also cos milk will come after few days


Wonder how's the two mummies who have delivered coping now.. They didnt update here...

Xiongmao, no worries i wasn't really worried cos I'm a second time mum so kinda know what I will go thru.. Just that something's r slightly different in this pregnancy. Perhaps it's cos it's different gender this time? I do feel (and everyone commented) that this time round my tummy is bigger than when I had my son.

I'm also losing my appetite lately. Eat a few spoons of rice, soup 1 piece of meat n spoonful of veg and I'm done.

Any mummies still driving ard with e big tummy.. My parents asked me to stop driving after I told them baby's head engaged Le.. They say so dangerous to drive cos I may anytime have contractions of water bag burst.. But I don't hv a choice cos I need to send my son to sch. Hubby is hopeless.. Ask him to drive son to sch at 8am he rather slp a few more mins lor.. Before I sent my son to childcare unused to wake up at 8am then leave Hse at 840. Now need to send son to son I had to wake up at 7am.. And leave hm by 735am.. Doggy bag my breakfast and eat them when I drive.. Like always on the go.. Then have to rush work n leave office by 6pm to pick my son from sch. Again cannot expect hubby to do that cos he works till 11pm. Even the earliest is 7:30pm. Haiz... Now I m worried how I will manage when I go on confinement. Hubby says he can only take 2 weeks.. Then the other two weeks how? I can't keep my son at hm.. Need to attend to my baby also.. Plus not Gd to keep him away from sch for too long. (Son is coping well in sch n I n very happy.. Thk goodness I sent him to sch 1mth ago.. At least now things r kinda settled)

I just packed my hospital bag n then I realised it's so empty.. Have I forgotten anything?

-Cordlife boxes
-disposable panties
-(set of clothings upon discharged , nursing bra, hp, charger, - these can only be packed towards neared date cos still need them)

i don't hv to bring toiletries cos hospital provides tthem plus baby clothings upon discharged,don't intend to take my pump also cos milk will come after few days
Great to hear ur son has settled down ! Hmm ya how u gonna manage when u are doing confinement?

Hmm i'm quite stuck too.. Wondering if i shld send my girl to playgroup for half a day so i can breath and do some chores in the morn.. But its abit too late now.. Friends who are mummies told me i can't handle 2 babies alone.. Urged me to get a maid..esp when times of emergency arises and hubby is not around.. But its kinda late for now coz i may pop anytime and maid need to wait too.. Sigh seems like i'm gonna take one step at a time..

My hosp bag also quite empty like yours.. How abt a jacket, nursing cover and nipple cream? I'm gonna bring a simple muslin cloth and burp cloth for baby too.. To swaddle and use for burps.. In hosp they used the v rough tissue frm the tissue box..

Hmm i'm experiencing the wanna poop feeling and bearing down feeling like mad tonight.. Now on bed and my back is hurting like mad.. Private area all sore and aching.. Sigh did i strain too much today? Anyway i had a bad half day with my girl.. She was super duper naughty .. Drove me upthe wall again.. Tried not to scold her but she had to repeat many times .. Like fiddling w electrical socket, switches, my recliner spring, safety gate catch (its sharp), sucking her fingers loke mad after touching all the floor and dirty stuff.. Sigh and MIL had to visit and spoil her say why i nv do this n that, why i refuse to let her walk and put her timeout in playpen.. Wah lau she came just right after i scolded my girl.. And she did not even help me a single bit.. I was rushing to cook my own lunch n my girl's lunch.. Feed her n myself , wash the dishes etc , wipe her n put her to slp.. Throughout, she just wanted to carry n play w her and let her onto the floor.. After that, she let her have free play w her hp! i totally was pissed coz i already said i don't wanna expose her to devices! the most only show her some photos, do facetime and don't let her hold and fiddle! Arghh what to do.. Sian la.. Hubby say just let her b coz she misses her grandchild.. But there are many things she can do w her mah.. No need to throw the phone to her.. Can teach her to count and stuff which my girl is learning.. And can talk to her , revise abcs and read books one.... Haiz super super pek chek la.. She overstimulated my girl and i had to take extra time to put her to slp for her nap.. Coz she was climbing all over!! Bestest is i told mil i'll take 20 mins to half an hr.. She had to miss call me and knock on the door after 10 mins say she wanna leave.. Stimulate my girl again.. And she was just abt to doze off... Haizzzzzzz

oh well sometimes i do wish i got family support , but i guess if i have it, i have to close both eyes... :( maybe a maid is better? I'm not sure.. Sure got other worries .. But at least i am the employer.. No need to see mother or mil face or be politically nice here n there...


I also Duno y these few days I don't have appetite to eat. Reminds me of during my first trimester lei. Keep Vomit.. Scary. But I have to imagine I am hungry and eat my fd. Juz now went packed my lunch, dumpling noodle. No hungry feeling , just eat only. Mayb these few days. i stay at Hm , nv really walk much, So always feel v full. Eat and sleep and sit dw. My hub seems to be the one pregnant, he always got craving for this and tat food and keep say he is hungry. Like ytd he said he is hungry but I am not til 8 pm den we go eat.. How I envy him...lolx... Juz now baby stretch and kick my chest's rib cage again..
I thinm our space in tummy limited liao, so lesser appetite .. I also experience it.. Try to eat more smaller meals ? or some mummies may experience morning sickness again towards end of pregnancy.. I had abit of it in my 1st pregnancy at 9 mths.. Felt nausea and wanna vomit again.. V tight in chest feeling..

I also no appetite, but i know if i dun eat , i'll be hungry later.. Coz no time to eat.. #1 is demanding.. So i force myself to eat.. :p haha 2nd time mummy everything alsp just do la.. Bo bian.. :/ i still carried my #1 , diaper bag and stroller to load car downstairs.. Its crazy.. 'Pregnant lady shouldn't carry heavy things' does not apply to me.. Bo bian is bo bian.. Just have to tahan..


Wonder how's the two mummies who have delivered coping now.. They didnt update here...

Xiongmao, no worries i wasn't really worried cos I'm a second time mum so kinda know what I will go thru.. Just that something's r slightly different in this pregnancy. Perhaps it's cos it's different gender this time? I do feel (and everyone commented) that this time round my tummy is bigger than when I had my son.

I'm also losing my appetite lately. Eat a few spoons of rice, soup 1 piece of meat n spoonful of veg and I'm done.

Any mummies still driving ard with e big tummy.. My parents asked me to stop driving after I told them baby's head engaged Le.. They say so dangerous to drive cos I may anytime have contractions of water bag burst.. But I don't hv a choice cos I need to send my son to sch. Hubby is hopeless.. Ask him to drive son to sch at 8am he rather slp a few more mins lor.. Before I sent my son to childcare unused to wake up at 8am then leave Hse at 840. Now need to send son to son I had to wake up at 7am.. And leave hm by 735am.. Doggy bag my breakfast and eat them when I drive.. Like always on the go.. Then have to rush work n leave office by 6pm to pick my son from sch. Again cannot expect hubby to do that cos he works till 11pm. Even the earliest is 7:30pm. Haiz... Now I m worried how I will manage when I go on confinement. Hubby says he can only take 2 weeks.. Then the other two weeks how? I can't keep my son at hm.. Need to attend to my baby also.. Plus not Gd to keep him away from sch for too long. (Son is coping well in sch n I n very happy.. Thk goodness I sent him to sch 1mth ago.. At least now things r kinda settled)

I just packed my hospital bag n then I realised it's so empty.. Have I forgotten anything?

-Cordlife boxes
-disposable panties
-(set of clothings upon discharged , nursing bra, hp, charger, - these can only be packed towards neared date cos still need them)

i don't hv to bring toiletries cos hospital provides tthem plus baby clothings upon discharged,don't intend to take my pump also cos milk will come after few days
I have already packed my bag. I juz bring 2 bottles of chicken essence to drink before delivery. I bring my pump as well, juz in case. My bag Seems like alot of stuff wor. Toiletries n charger to bring on the day itself ba. For me, I need to bring rom cert and my bank book as well right?


I thinm our space in tummy limited liao, so lesser appetite .. I also experience it.. Try to eat more smaller meals ? or some mummies may experience morning sickness again towards end of pregnancy.. I had abit of it in my 1st pregnancy at 9 mths.. Felt nausea and wanna vomit again.. V tight in chest feeling..

I also no appetite, but i know if i dun eat , i'll be hungry later.. Coz no time to eat.. #1 is demanding.. So i force myself to eat.. :p haha 2nd time mummy everything alsp just do la.. Bo bian.. :/ i still carried my #1 , diaper bag and stroller to load car downstairs.. Its crazy.. 'Pregnant lady shouldn't carry heavy things' does not apply to me.. Bo bian is bo bian.. Just have to tahan..
Ya now feel like during first trimester kind of feeling after eat and feels like nausea. Zzz..juz dun think too much and go to bed lie dw and will be tmr Liao. Ya tight at chest area. Keep pushing upwards....