EDD May 2014 (maybe)


always reach at night feel so uncomfortable... dunno how to sleep... tummy cramps and so tight... I find that when I sit down is not so bad... lying down is only the tightness... but the moment I stand or walk, the strain and ache is super bad till my legs can slowly go numb or jelly...


Wah xiongmao! U might just be next! but i also got friend who lost her mucus plug for a week and no need to admit.. Still waited till other signs show.. Jiayou!!! Keep us updated!
*nervous* I m first time mummy, feeling jitters now. My EDD is 18 May, hope I can last another 1.5weeks


always reach at night feel so uncomfortable... dunno how to sleep... tummy cramps and so tight... I find that when I sit down is not so bad... lying down is only the tightness... but the moment I stand or walk, the strain and ache is super bad till my legs can slowly go numb or jelly...
ya man.. My bb kicks super hard at night.. Just now i so scared bb might just give a super big kick to burst waterbag.. Crazy movements! And always when i am in bed liao, she is super active.. And i am having a the aches and pain.. Just now sat up wanted to stand up walk to toilet.. Left leg gave way, and pelvic muscles were in pain.. I literally had to hold up my bump to relieve the weight and limp to the toilet.. Siao liao so jialat.. I am so scared i cannot take care of my #1 suddenly.. Haizz but i must sti tahan .. Still got to do it.. :/


I have already packed my bag. I juz bring 2 bottles of chicken essence to drink before delivery. I bring my pump as well, juz in case. My bag Seems like alot of stuff wor. Toiletries n charger to bring on the day itself ba. For me, I need to bring rom cert and my bank book as well right?
For breast pump i think don't need to bring.. Most hospitals have pump.. I used their hospital pump when i was there previously (had to pump before i discharge coz bb had to be hospitalised.. Even in the nicu, i pumped with their medela hospital grade pump and funnels.. They gave me glass bottles for storage too.. So save the trouble.. Their pumps alot stronger too..

So, don't need to bring too many things .. Coz u'll have alot of other things like gifts and hampers to bring back.. Marriage cert needed for birth registration if u wanna do it during ur stay.. Gotta think properly of what template for the name.. Christian name first or last, hanyu pinyin /dialect.. Wah i rem i sat there thinking for so long.. End up i just go back after 2 weeks... Hahaha .. Hmm bank book? Just get ur hubby to bring credit card.. Check limit.. Oh ya, bring the gynae receipts for claiming up to $450 ..


Wonder how's the two mummies who have delivered coping now.. They didnt update here...

Xiongmao, no worries i wasn't really worried cos I'm a second time mum so kinda know what I will go thru.. Just that something's r slightly different in this pregnancy. Perhaps it's cos it's different gender this time? I do feel (and everyone commented) that this time round my tummy is bigger than when I had my son.

I'm also losing my appetite lately. Eat a few spoons of rice, soup 1 piece of meat n spoonful of veg and I'm done.

Any mummies still driving ard with e big tummy.. My parents asked me to stop driving after I told them baby's head engaged Le.. They say so dangerous to drive cos I may anytime have contractions of water bag burst.. But I don't hv a choice cos I need to send my son to sch. Hubby is hopeless.. Ask him to drive son to sch at 8am he rather slp a few more mins lor.. Before I sent my son to childcare unused to wake up at 8am then leave Hse at 840. Now need to send son to son I had to wake up at 7am.. And leave hm by 735am.. Doggy bag my breakfast and eat them when I drive.. Like always on the go.. Then have to rush work n leave office by 6pm to pick my son from sch. Again cannot expect hubby to do that cos he works till 11pm. Even the earliest is 7:30pm. Haiz... Now I m worried how I will manage when I go on confinement. Hubby says he can only take 2 weeks.. Then the other two weeks how? I can't keep my son at hm.. Need to attend to my baby also.. Plus not Gd to keep him away from sch for too long. (Son is coping well in sch n I n very happy.. Thk goodness I sent him to sch 1mth ago.. At least now things r kinda settled)

I just packed my hospital bag n then I realised it's so empty.. Have I forgotten anything?

-Cordlife boxes
-disposable panties
-(set of clothings upon discharged , nursing bra, hp, charger, - these can only be packed towards neared date cos still need them)

i don't hv to bring toiletries cos hospital provides tthem plus baby clothings upon discharged,don't intend to take my pump also cos milk will come after few days
Lotsa of pads are necessary if natural delivery.
i brought a pair of front button pjs to wear during my stay in hospital, more comfortable with home clothes rather that hosp gown.
also bring towel and face towel to clean up cos after natural delivery, doing first pee must wash and apply antiseptic lotion and gel to the wound.
your hp charger too and yes a jacket to sleep with it in case it is cold at night.
instsnt red date tea, I'm staying in tmc hence not provided.

that's about all..
im going to get discharged in the morning before 12pm if everything is good!
going back home to no1 since she is running a fever while I'm in labour (I was also running mild fever then)
We only manage to FaceTime each other, so has not been seeing her for days! Missing her loads :)


Last but not least in case I got busy when I get home..
hope all mommies in waiting have a smooth and swift delivery ya
all the best :)


Lotsa of pads are necessary if natural delivery.
i brought a pair of front button pjs to wear during my stay in hospital, more comfortable with home clothes rather that hosp gown.
also bring towel and face towel to clean up cos after natural delivery, doing first pee must wash and apply antiseptic lotion and gel to the wound.
your hp charger too and yes a jacket to sleep with it in case it is cold at night.
instsnt red date tea, I'm staying in tmc hence not provided.

that's about all..
im going to get discharged in the morning before 12pm if everything is good!
going back home to no1 since she is running a fever while I'm in labour (I was also running mild fever then)
We only manage to FaceTime each other, so has not been seeing her for days! Missing her loads :)
Thomson don't provide towel? If request from them, is it ok? Also I tot they will provide swaddle cloth for the baby? They told me just to bring my own stuff can le. Baby stuff all will be provided.


Xiaomao, my mucus plug dropped one month before my delivery, so dun worry. Plus it is not like dischage... it's really a puddle of jelly like brown thing.

TMC dun provide towel but a hanky. .. I prefer to bring my own. Remember to bring toothbrush n toothpaste, I think it's not provided.

TMC will ask u to change to your pj... they will only provide those hospital robe that is tie at the back... v troublesome.


Last but not least in case I got busy when I get home..
hope all mommies in waiting have a smooth and swift delivery ya
all the best :)
Xiaomao, my mucus plug dropped one month before my delivery, so dun worry. Plus it is not like dischage... it's really a puddle of jelly like brown thing.

TMC dun provide towel but a hanky. .. I prefer to bring my own. Remember to bring toothbrush n toothpaste, I think it's not provided.

TMC will ask u to change to your pj... they will only provide those hospital robe that is tie at the back... v troublesome.
I will bring my pyjamas. Need to bring small handkerchief for baby? Is it provided? Think no need right?


Small towel is for myself to wipe face and breast when bfg.. More convenient. All bb stuff will be provided except booties upon discharging so do bring.
Toiletries is provided, but I prefer to use mine.. :)


Small towel is for myself to wipe face and breast when bfg.. More convenient. All bb stuff will be provided except booties upon discharging so do bring.
Toiletries is provided, but I prefer to use mine.. :)
I tot they will swaddle the baby and baby still need to wear mittons and booties?


I tot they will swaddle the baby and baby still need to wear mittons and booties?
Some babies are born w sharp and long nails.. Sill unable to cut at newborn stage coz its like flesh.. So babies tend to scratch themselves esp their faces.. Better to put on mittens for them.. Most of the time mittens are too big for their tiny hands.. :p and when they struggle in the swaddle, they drop them..


Anyone knows whats provided in Mt A? Not sure if got longan red date tea.. And if there's any stuff for baby.. Gave birth in Gleneagles previously and got a receiving blanket for baby and free flow longan red date tea ... Heard mtA had bath tub and stuff as a gift.. Not sure what it is now.. :p


meltie:867903 said:
Anyone knows whats provided in Mt A? Not sure if got longan red date tea.. And if there's any stuff for baby.. Gave birth in Gleneagles previously and got a receiving blanket for baby and free flow longan red date tea ... Heard mtA had bath tub and stuff as a gift.. Not sure what it is now.. :p
This yr also the same, got bb bathtub, dun think got red date tea unless u opt for confinement meal during the stay. They provide maternity discharge bag as well as bb diapers and wipes (1 packet each )


Mummies, any of u know how should i boil the longan red dates tea? Is it necessary to add in other herbs?

for my #1 my hubby only put in longan and red dates. But the longan red dates drink i tried from NatalE like got herbs taste.


so it's better to drink red dates tea in the hospital after we delivered? then i better get a packet of the instant ones and pack in my hospital bag..feeling nervous after seeing the other mummies delivered, keep wondering when will be my turn..hehe, EDD is on 13 May so hope baby will last for another 2weeks plus