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  1. T

    Need advice - Sticky baby

    oops, i just checked with my mum, and she said I have a cousin that was clingy till 3 years plus. won't even let him mum go to the washroom, stand outside and cry and cry till he throw up. :err:
  2. T

    Need advice - Sticky baby

    my boy stopped around 1 year 2 months... or so, when he learned how to move about on his own.
  3. T

    Need advice - Sticky baby

    is your baby only 'sticky' recently, or has always been sticky? My boy was sticky during that age too, he's going to be 2 now and can be left alone to play on himself for the whole afternoon. I think it's during that age kind of thing. It got so bad then I even start having wild thoughts that he...
  4. T

    Pneumococcal Vaccination

    Pneumoccocal is available at polyclinics. can pay by medisave, $160 (if not wrong) my son took his 3 mths after his mmr. let my boy take all his jabs at the polyclinic, can make appointment, and the nurses all experienced (have specific arms or thighs for the jabs). cannot imagine if doc ask me...