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  1. M

    baby size

    correction... doc advise to induce at 37 or 38 weeks...typo error:shyxxx:
  2. M

    baby size

    Good day to all, I am due on 21 sept. My gynae advise me to induce my baby at 35 weeks cos it is now at 3.2kg. Do you think baby is big at 35 weeks?? Anyone got the same experience as I am? Hope to gain some insight on this. Thanks:Dancing_tongue:
  3. M

    Big baby at 35 weeks...doc advise to induce, anyone share the same experience??

    your baby is for me, both our weight had increased. I tried not to take heavy meals and sweet stuff cos worried that baby might get too big. do you use prostin for induce or on drip. Btw, my edd is suppose to be 21 sept.
  4. M

    Big baby at 35 weeks...doc advise to induce, anyone share the same experience??

    but gynae said that the ideal weight is 3kg. i thot full term is 37 wks?:err:
  5. M

    Big baby at 35 weeks...doc advise to induce, anyone share the same experience??

    Hi everyone, :shyxxx:I am a newbie here. Just went for my 35th wk checkup today. Gynae advise to induce as my baby is at 3.2 kg now. Hope to go for natural too. Anyone share the same issue??:nah: