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  1. S

    endometriosis and adyemoysis

    hi diymummy! thanks for your reply :) it really means a lot to me. af came again this month.. so frustrating.. but still not giving up! i know there is still hope :) if you don't mind, can i ask who is your gynea? mine is Dr. TM CHua from NUH. i'm wondering if i can get a second opinion with a...
  2. S

    ttc with no luck because of endometriosis...

    hi ladies :) i'm new to this site and hoping that this will help me get through my journey of trying to concieve.. i'm 28 yrs. old and happily married for two years. i found out dec. 2009 that i have endometriosis and was advised by my OB- Gynea to have a laparoscopy to remove all adhesions...
  3. S

    endometriosis and adyemoysis

    hi girls.. just wondering if this thread is still up?? i'm new to this site and hopefully joining here will help me get through my journey to motherhood. i had a laparoscopy done for my endometriosis last feb 2010. and now we are actively ttc. it has now been 6 months after my lap and still no...