endometriosis and adyemoysis


New Member
Anyone has endometriosis and adyemosis? Have laproscopy four times to remove already but it still comes back. Any tcm doctor who can treat this?


Well-Known Member
I had endometriosis too. Had laproscopy for ovarian drilling and found out and remove at he same time then i got pregnant.

How you know it came back? i need to find out from you so i can monitor and know whether mine condition like urs endometriosis come back and hunt me...


Anyone has endometriosis and adyemosis? Have laproscopy four times to remove already but it still comes back. Any tcm doctor who can treat this?


New Member
I had endometriosis too. Had laproscopy for ovarian drilling and found out and remove at he same time then i got pregnant.

How you know it came back? i need to find out from you so i can monitor and know whether mine condition like urs endometriosis come back and hunt me...

Well my gynae ask me to do a scan. And the result shows tiny fibriods appear.


Well-Known Member
Oh I see....

My gynae told me to prevent it from coming back is no menses = either get pregnant or there are other options like preventive methods - contraceptive pills or tie the tubes or put rings.... can check that out if you no intention to have another bb....

hope it never come back again...

Well my gynae ask me to do a scan. And the result shows tiny fibriods appear.


New Member
hi girls.. just wondering if this thread is still up?? i'm new to this site and hopefully joining here will help me get through my journey to motherhood.
i had a laparoscopy done for my endometriosis last feb 2010. and now we are actively ttc. it has now been 6 months after my lap and still no luck.. everytime af comes, i feel so depressed.. help... don't know what to do anymore.. advise pls??? any success stories out there from ladies having the same condition as me will help a lot. thanks :)


Hi sasa17ify,

I also had endometriosis and had my lapo in Dec '07. I conceived in Apr '08.

Don't give up.

During the 6 mths after my lapo that I was trying to conceive I charted my BBT and bought ovulation kits to monitor my ovulation. I was also on Chlomid for a few mths. After my lapo I was back at my gynae almost every mth to monitor my ovulation.

My gynae once suggested for me to go for hormone jabs for 4 mths to stop my menses so that it will clear the endometriosis clots but my husband was against it. Thankfully I was still able to get pregnant.

Hope you will get pregnant soon!


New Member
hi diymummy!
thanks for your reply :) it really means a lot to me. af came again this month.. so frustrating.. but still not giving up! i know there is still hope :)
if you don't mind, can i ask who is your gynea? mine is Dr. TM CHua from NUH. i'm wondering if i can get a second opinion with a new obgynea.. any suggestions? your help will be truly appreciated. thanks in advance! Godbless you!


Hi sasa17ify,

My gynae was Dr Peter Chew. I find him ok though recently he has raised his price a lot. Sometimes he's very busy so he seems to whisk thru consultations and can appear cold. That's some of the reviews I got from people who've been to Dr Chew.

But if you don't mind, you could go down to see him. His clinic is at GlenE medical center. 6th floor. This is his website: Home

Good luck!