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  1. G

    Advise for post natal massage?

    hey dear, can pm me the contact? :)
  2. G

    Sale of Balance Flats - August 2010

    my queue number was 627, applied for sengkang 4-room flat. My 2nd attempt participating in their launches, both numbers exceeded the number of flats they offer. bro and sis-in-law participated in this exercise, their first try and their number is 300++! Guess it really depends on luck. Sighz!
  3. G

    Anyone During pregnancy still go for facial ?

    yes i still go for facial during pregnancy. currently in my 7 months now, and my face breaks out even bad now. used to be on the cheeks, now it has moved to the forehead. even normal facial routine doesn't have any much effect. i would recommend mummies to go for facial, since it relaxes the...