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  1. J


    Let me tell you something very ridiculous. My mama volunteer to do my confinement for me as she had been doing it for me for my 1st pregnancy. And my elder child is more comfortable with my mama compare to my mil. My Mil disagrees with my mama coming over to do my confinement. She gives my mama...
  2. J


    my mil told me that doc and gynae are useless, can't believe in them. She keep telling me that she understan what's he bestfor babies and mummies. She insisted that bm is useless, and told me not to listen to what gynae, doc and everyone said. Ask me to listen to her only. Sigh. But I'm happy...
  3. J


    She always tell me this that doctor's words can't be listen. She keep telling me, doctors are useless and said that u should listen to her then wasting money and time going to the doctor and clinic to listen to their nonsense. This is the way she speak to me, whatever she say is right, whatever...
  4. J


    Anyone faced the same problems as me? I wanted to breastfeed my 2nd child who is suppose to be due in August. But noone is supportive towards this decision that I had made. My mother in law is the one who strongly disagree with me breastfeeding my child. I remember when she found out that I...
  5. J

    Teats can use for how many month and need to change a new one?

    Hi there My mama & friends actually advised me to change their teats & pacifier every 3months, and every 6months for bottles. Hope this is helpful to you. Maybe you would like to check the pd? Joyfullow