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    EDD in Sept 2011

    Hi...can add me on fb too? edd 26 sept...princess teresa...dr yu suling of SGH :)
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    Any recommend of SGH gynae???

    I am seeing Dr Yu Su Ling too. Just wanna share my experience with you. I had an ectopic pregnancy last june and I opt for injection instead of surgery to terminate the pregnancy. Last Oct I went for a scan and saw a dark shadow around my left tube where the ectopic was so i was worried and I...
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    EDD in Sept 2011

    Hey....I do have this feeling recently too. Especially when I stand up, then will cramp for few seconds...was worried about it too cos not sure what it is. I am 16 weeks...can't feel baby yet :(
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    EDD in Sept 2011

    Hi all, I am new here. My EDD is late sept..:) I had an ectopic last June leaving my left tube damaged. But I am so happy that that I got pregnant again after half a yr. Hope to know u all better and share our happiness and woes here. :001_302: