EDD in Sept 2011


With my first baby gynae estimated that I could go all the way to 41 weeks. But we chose to induce at 40 weeks exactly cos my hubby had some important conference to present papers at and he wanted baby out first! In the end my induction nearly ended up in C-section. Cos no progress for 28 hours of labour man... Even before that my gynae also warned at the last few checkups that if the baby is not ready, most inductions end up in C-section, especially if bb cannot tahan the trauma of long induced labours.
One of my friends gave birth to her first baby at 41 weeks 4 days... And she had been waiting impatiently for her daughter since 37 weeks so it was an extra month before baby made its appearance.
OOoo!! Thanks Babybull!! You've just clarified everything :D *hugs*


Actually, 14 weeks scan that time saw something sticking there already but doc just went "hmmmmmmmmmmm"
then Saturday scan , baby was in a good position facing forward but then when gynae zoom in, baby turn turn turn until buttock face us :( * I was like :O * Nurse saw my expression and laff at me, then doc said "cannot see properly" :( so notti

My EDD at first was 30th Aug then after went to TMC for the Down Syndrome Scan they said become 4th Sept..
Saturday scan that time EDD changed to 28th Aug.. I think not accurate also la.. lol.. When baby is ready to come out, it'll ownself come out la.. haha.. Don't wanna stress over it also .. But just come out after the Chinese 7th Month can already :( Dear mommy me got exams in early August

By the way, any mommies had friends/family/relatives with first birth going up to 42 weeks? Just wondering to see how accurate the study from the website i read yesterday was as it mentioned that fail inductions are simply because the baby wasn't ready yet, and medically induced labors are associated with an increase in C-Sect rate 3 times higher than non-medically induced labors.
Haha.. I also dun wan to give birth during chinese 7th month.. :)


When exactly is Chinese 7th month? So i know when mooncake will start selling... Hmmmmm... So nice. Carisella make me think of mooncakes since she 1st mentioned. Lol.


When exactly is Chinese 7th month? So i know when mooncake will start selling... Hmmmmm... So nice. Carisella make me think of mooncakes since she 1st mentioned. Lol.
Chinese 7th month is July 31st to August 28. Then Mooncake festival is September 12.

Ask you all ah, you got suddenly tummy like cramp liddat then after that ok already .. It's like 3 - 5 secs cramp then no cramp already.. Baby stretching? haha.. cos i feel as the cramp comes, there's this "suction" feeling also..


Carisella - welcome. But you've made me salivate for mooncakes too, and I didn't even like mooncake at all.. =P Worst still, you can't get mooncakes over here so no point craving..

I think your sudden tummy cramp is probably baby or the uterus stretching?


Carisella - welcome. But you've made me salivate for mooncakes too, and I didn't even like mooncake at all.. =P Worst still, you can't get mooncakes over here so no point craving..

I think your sudden tummy cramp is probably baby or the uterus stretching?
SnowSkin MoonCake =3 !! Ice-Cream MoonCake!! and lastly!! Durian MoonCake!!! Hehehee
I think should be either one of the stretching.. It's so sudden somemore..


New Member
Chinese 7th month is July 31st to August 28. Then Mooncake festival is September 12.

Ask you all ah, you got suddenly tummy like cramp liddat then after that ok already .. It's like 3 - 5 secs cramp then no cramp already.. Baby stretching? haha.. cos i feel as the cramp comes, there's this "suction" feeling also..
Hey....I do have this feeling recently too. Especially when I stand up, then will cramp for few seconds...was worried about it too cos not sure what it is. I am 16 weeks...can't feel baby yet :(


hello! back from detailed scan. my hubby managed to book out from reservist but need to book in tmr morning and its his bday tmr. so poor thing. and we're having a baby girl and will name her Natalie Ng. Chinese name will ask shifu to do. so excited! shopping soon!! doc says baby is normal and growing well. but i gotta watch the SUGAR. how to when im craving for packet milo, ang ku kueh, mooncakes. sigh.


Carisella - you have a lot to answer for, now you've gotten all the mummies here craving for mooncakes! =P

lydiaveroni - glad your hubby could make it for the scan. Baby girls are wonderful! (but then i'm biased cos I already have one, hee)
hello! back from detailed scan. my hubby managed to book out from reservist but need to book in tmr morning and its his bday tmr. so poor thing. and we're having a baby girl and will name her Natalie Ng. Chinese name will ask shifu to do. so excited! shopping soon!! doc says baby is normal and growing well. but i gotta watch the SUGAR. how to when im craving for packet milo, ang ku kueh, mooncakes. sigh.
congrats.. i have a craving for dumpling this week...... hmmmm


I am having cramp too.. dunno why.. My gayne said sometimes can start to feel baby movement already since Week 16.. And when I get up of my bed, dunno why I was like carry a ton of sand bag like tat.. feel so heavy (Sound like kangaroo :p)
I having craving for dumpling too.. somewhere in 2 weeks ago.. Now im craving for Tom Yum Steamboat.. keke..


hello! back from detailed scan. my hubby managed to book out from reservist but need to book in tmr morning and its his bday tmr. so poor thing. and we're having a baby girl and will name her Natalie Ng. Chinese name will ask shifu to do. so excited! shopping soon!! doc says baby is normal and growing well. but i gotta watch the SUGAR. how to when im craving for packet milo, ang ku kueh, mooncakes. sigh.
If you can still manage to exercise.. walk more and i mean a lot more to balance out :) even though i'm diabetic, I'm still taking sweet stuff like cheesecake (all time favorite) and ice-cream, but i make sure I really go to the park and WALK WALK WALK!! :)
Distance example is like From ECP macdonalds Carpark to ECP Food Village to and fro.. Hubby leg almost break :D

Carisella - you have a lot to answer for, now you've gotten all the mummies here craving for mooncakes! =P
What!!! D: But but, they are craving for dumplings!! not Mooncakes!!! :p

congrats.. i have a craving for dumpling this week...... hmmmm
:001_302: want to go buy dumpling tonight.. else i keep thinking of it... :001_302:

hmm i also want snow skin mooncake!!
:001_302::001_302::001_302::001_302: fave time of the year....... argh... my champagne mooncake can only take after giving birth........ :shyxxx::shyxxx:


:001_302: want to go buy dumpling tonight.. else i keep thinking of it... :001_302:

hmm i also want snow skin mooncake!!
:001_302::001_302::001_302::001_302: fave time of the year....... argh... my champagne mooncake can only take after giving birth........ :shyxxx::shyxxx:
By the time you give birth can eat mooncake already!! Mwahahahahahaha.. I can't wait for detailed scan Next Saturday!! Finally and HOPEFULLY can see if it's a boi boi or girl girl then i can officially go buy baby's clothes!! And Just nice 23rd Apr got baby fair at Expo !!


Aaaargh!! So good to find out bb's gender right... I cant wait to find out mine!! Carisella's turn next, hope bb wont be shy n show u.
I'm still eating durians & sushi almost everyday. :-S


Aaaargh!! So good to find out bb's gender right... I cant wait to find out mine!! Carisella's turn next, hope bb wont be shy n show u.
I'm still eating durians & sushi almost everyday. :-S
My gayne said not to eat raw food in first trimester.. till my last week appt, he told me can already..can drink coffee too.. :)
Durian try not to eat tat much, I heard that will make the baby grow big and hard to delivery..


Aaaargh!! So good to find out bb's gender right... I cant wait to find out mine!! Carisella's turn next, hope bb wont be shy n show u.
I'm still eating durians & sushi almost everyday. :-S
I ate lots of SUSHI and DURIAN too!! YUMMY!!

My gayne said not to eat raw food in first trimester.. till my last week appt, he told me can already..can drink coffee too.. :)
Durian try not to eat tat much, I heard that will make the baby grow big and hard to delivery..
:( pple scare baby big.. i scare baby too small :( Already 5 months incoming and i don't have A TUMMY to show!! :(


My gayne said not to eat raw food in first trimester.. till my last week appt, he told me can already..can drink coffee too.. :)
Durian try not to eat tat much, I heard that will make the baby grow big and hard to delivery..
I didnt eat the raw sushi when i was in 1st trimester. But durian i start eating since i was pregnant. I heard people say that too, baby will be big. But cant help it lah, i eat 1 box (the white ta pao box) every day. Some say heaty etc but i feel fine. Except sometimes feel like fainting, but thats because i dont eat meat, no iron. Plus durian dont give constipation!


:( pple scare baby big.. i scare baby too small :( Already 5 months incoming and i don't have A TUMMY to show!! :(
Actually if your baby is measuring ahead then definitely not too small. =)

Tummy will be late to pop for the first pregnancy, especially if you're on the slim side. When I was preggie with my girl, I was super skinny and tummy only showed around 28 weeks (7 mths!) Which also meant that no one gave up seats for me until I was 8 mths pregnant, sian..

By the time I gave birth (full 40 weeks) even the midwives had a hard time believing that my baby is full term cos tummy looked like most ppl's 6-7 mths tummy. But doesn't matter lah, small tummy flattens out very quickly after birth. By baby's full month my tummy was flat already - no need for exercise or dieting =P


I didnt eat the raw sushi when i was in 1st trimester. But durian i start eating since i was pregnant. I heard people say that too, baby will be big. But cant help it lah, i eat 1 box (the white ta pao box) every day. Some say heaty etc but i feel fine. Except sometimes feel like fainting, but thats because i dont eat meat, no iron. Plus durian dont give constipation!
Chocobaby, even my gynae also says that eating durians will result in big babies... 1 box a day seems a lot? I think its the sugar content in durians that cause worry bah..

I don't eat meat too, it isn't the only source of iron. Can get your iron from veggies like beans, lentils, etc. Red kidney beans (just buy those S&W brand cans) are good! Most prenatal vitamins have iron in them too, are you taking any? I've stopped taking the vitamins cos they cause constipation... =(