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  1. M

    Edd nov 2011

    I got several mummies say den drink soya beans is gd for baby gal (their face will be smooth) but for baby boy dun drink too much become CC.. dun know how true.. Soya is form of protein so i guess it ok to drink..
  2. M

    Edd nov 2011

    i guess all mummies start to feel the same le.. get easily tired .. I jus went for sat appt n doc say my baby ga is 1.4kg at 30 weeks.. He mention that the baby is normal weight but my stomach abit big so ask mi cut down abit.. hehehe.. I went to chinese medical shop n there is auntie saying...
  3. M

    Edd nov 2011

    My EDD is 18 Nov at KKH.. mine is baby gal
  4. M

    Edd nov 2011

    I am seeing my doc this sat too at KKH. I alot of stretch marks at my left side, but right side oso got a few line le.. Sad.. Maybe i put on too much weight. Hope everything goes well for my baby.
  5. M

    Edd nov 2011

    same here..
  6. M

    Edd nov 2011

    This Mrs Wong quite famous, some ppl recommend her oso... How do I sign up the course fr KK... I seeing Dr Khoo fr KK .. How much is the session ?
  7. M

    Edd nov 2011

    Hey Pan pan, Their new hse will need new maid oso, so they wan full time .. Meanwhile we discuss that they wil clear up storeroom for the maid to stay la. DUn know if works la...But still can stop myself for worrying.. I have a kind hearted person fr other forum sent me a list of items to...
  8. M

    Edd nov 2011

    HI Mummies-to-be, I newbie to this forum and going to be mum in Nov too.. Mine is 26 weeks le , I am excited but at the same time very stress abt it. This is my first child and I have any experience with kids at all.. I afraid, I not sure what should i do and how to go abt it....There seems...