Edd nov 2011


New Member
hi Worthy lady. i went for my week28 checkup and baby is 1.1kg. My baby is in standing position and Doc say by week36 doc head must be down.


hi Worthy lady. i went for my week28 checkup and baby is 1.1kg. My baby is in standing position and Doc say by week36 doc head must be down.
hi jesslim. my nick is didy, not worthy lady :) anyway, glad to hear ur baby is 1.1kg.. just the right size right? :) don't worry about the position, our babies still have time to turn around :)


today went for checkup at 29 weeks, baby is 1.38kg and i gained 8kg as of now. gynae say most likely i will reach 11kg for this pregnancy.
his head also move down already.
gynae ask me to monitor his movements everyday from now, i feel it is quite stressful to monitor.
nx appt will be in 3 weeks time and at week 36 will check if pelvic big enough for natural delivery.
time seems to be flying now !!!
hi hi I also just went for my checkup on Wed. I am in my 28 week and baby is 1.2kg :) I am excited to see baby growing bigger each day. Tummy is getting heavier too. I have put on 4kg within 1 month, and that's quite scary haha. But I guess it is to compensate back the 4kg that I have lost during the first trimester ;)


New Member
Hi memories! i'm in the same situation as you (26wks and staying with in laws!).. and my house is not ready till 4 yrs later too!! I think part time maid is betta as you will not have a place for the maid to sleep in. (and this is wat i was planning too)

As for the items, you can search for a list of items to buy (do think through it as not everything stated in the list is necessary depending if you were to breastfeed or bottlefeed.)

Hope this helps!
Hey Pan pan,

Their new hse will need new maid oso, so they wan full time .. Meanwhile we discuss that they wil clear up storeroom for the maid to stay la. DUn know if works la...But still can stop myself for worrying..

I have a kind hearted person fr other forum sent me a list of items to buy.. I have already bought baby cot and breastfeeding items , the rest maybe wait till Oct den buy.. Everyday i walk into the store, I will start to headache, it seems alot of items i need.. DUn know how to start...

I reali stress about how to tk care of baby , no experience at all.. Dun knw how to feed, bath baby, change diapers etc...haiz..
Everything seems of "range"..


if i'm not wrong, glucose test is to test for gestational diabetes.
yes you are right. I took the glucose test 4 weeks ago to test for gestational diabetes. That is a "terrible test" for me... gotto do fasting the night before the test. Then when you are at the hospital, they will draw blood from you. After that, they made you drink one cup of super sweet glucose and gotto wait for about two hours (still gotto carry on with fasting and can only slip little bit of water). When the two hours' up, they will draw blood from you again. That will complete the test and you can go and eat.

I nearly wanted to puke during the 2 hours waiting time cos the glucose drink is super sweet. The nurse told me must bear with it, otherwise if I puke out the drink or went to eat something, then the test will not be accurate and I gotto redo. Luckily I have managed to hang in there... phew.

Anyway not everyone needs to go through that test. For me, is because I am 36 and doctor felt that I am a "high risk" mummy, so enrolled me in all sorts of test. But I guess it really depends on doctor / hospital lah, my friend also 36 but her doctor didn't ask her to do the test.


Hey Pan pan,

Their new hse will need new maid oso, so they wan full time .. Meanwhile we discuss that they wil clear up storeroom for the maid to stay la. DUn know if works la...But still can stop myself for worrying..

I have a kind hearted person fr other forum sent me a list of items to buy.. I have already bought baby cot and breastfeeding items , the rest maybe wait till Oct den buy.. Everyday i walk into the store, I will start to headache, it seems alot of items i need.. DUn know how to start...

I reali stress about how to tk care of baby , no experience at all.. Dun knw how to feed, bath baby, change diapers etc...haiz..
Everything seems of "range"..
hey Memories03, dun stress dun stress... I am also first time mummy who have no experience at all :) I believe there are quite a lot of first time mummies here also. If you are worried, maybe can enroll in those classes offered by the hospitals? I am attending the lesson at KK hospital, some lessons quite interesting, some quite boring cos they just read from powerpoint haha... I have seen good reviews from Thomson classes by Mrs Wong Boi Boi. But I only saw the reviews after I signed up with KK, so just stick with it lah :)


New Member
hey Memories03, dun stress dun stress... I am also first time mummy who have no experience at all :) I believe there are quite a lot of first time mummies here also. If you are worried, maybe can enroll in those classes offered by the hospitals? I am attending the lesson at KK hospital, some lessons quite interesting, some quite boring cos they just read from powerpoint haha... I have seen good reviews from Thomson classes by Mrs Wong Boi Boi. But I only saw the reviews after I signed up with KK, so just stick with it lah :)

This Mrs Wong quite famous, some ppl recommend her oso... How do I sign up the course fr KK... I seeing Dr Khoo fr KK .. How much is the session ?


This Mrs Wong quite famous, some ppl recommend her oso... How do I sign up the course fr KK... I seeing Dr Khoo fr KK .. How much is the session ?
I signed up at their Patient Education Centre. It is just beside MacDonald's. I am already in my 7th lesson tonight. There are a total of 10 lessons at $120 per couple. So it is relatively cheaper compared to the Mrs Wong's one. Maybe you can call them to check if they are offering any upcoming lessons?


it is not necessary to sign up with the hospital that you are going to deliver. like for me i am going to deliver in glen e, but i sign up with thomson instead. because the location is at AMK HUB, i dont have to travel all the way to orchard. the lesson is $224 for 5 lessons (2 hrs each) + a doctor's talk.
i heard abt mrs wong and i got 1 of her book - which is similar to what will be taught in class, so its not bad to go read it. :)


New Member
hi didy, yes cos my 1st pregancy is natural birth without anything and i hope this 2rd time will be the same. pray hard 2rd one wont be as pain as 1st one.


New Member
hi mummy Jan, which week are u in currently? Why is there glucose and blood test?
I knw I be having 1 in 3 weeks time to test for hepatitis but no glucose test.
Hi hotmilktea, nt all need to take the test. It's gestational diabetes need do the test.

I'm 30wks tis wk, think we are ard the same edd. R u feeling excited, 10 more wks we can see our babies........


OMG, u are so brave !!!! i still cannot imagine the pain. :(
and 80% of me already tot of epidural now.

hi didy, yes cos my 1st pregancy is natural birth without anything and i hope this 2rd time will be the same. pray hard 2rd one wont be as pain as 1st one.


yah, our edd is very close.
i have mixed feelings actually, excited to see how he looks like and all the joy for the new addition to the family, but at the same time so much things to worry about too. like whether or not i can endure the pain and go without epidural (high chance i cannot endure), whether i have breast milk to feed him, whether or not he be a healthy boy, whether how long i need to lose of the fats...ha ha . i think too much !!!

Hi hotmilktea, nt all need to take the test. It's gestational diabetes need do the test.

I'm 30wks tis wk, think we are ard the same edd. R u feeling excited, 10 more wks we can see our babies........


New Member
i have mixed feelings actually, excited to see how he looks like and all the joy for the new addition to the family, but at the same time so much things to worry about too. like whether or not i can endure the pain and go without epidural (high chance i cannot endure), whether i have breast milk to feed him, whether or not he be a healthy boy, whether how long i need to lose of the fats...ha ha . i think too much !!!

same here..


New Member
hi hotmilk yes the pain is really terrible but once the baby head is out the pain is gone. if you cannot stand the pain you better take epidural cos after certain cm opening doc wont allow u to take epidural. the pain is terrible when your cervic is open start from 3cm onwards. Beginning the pain is still ok. But natural birth is good and next day i can get down my bed and walk.


oh dear.. now seeing what everyone says about giving birth, i am really scared actually... though im excited to be a first time mum. n guess its normal for all of us to worry too much.


start from 3cm and pain till 10cm is really hard to imagine !
is the contraction more painful or the stitches is more painful? how long does the stitches need to heal before we wun feel any pain when walk, pee or rest ? sorry for asking so many questions, really hope to prepare myself :(

hi hotmilk yes the pain is really terrible but once the baby head is out the pain is gone. if you cannot stand the pain you better take epidural cos after certain cm opening doc wont allow u to take epidural. the pain is terrible when your cervic is open start from 3cm onwards. Beginning the pain is still ok. But natural birth is good and next day i can get down my bed and walk.


New Member
Medela Mini ELect Plus to let go

Hi All,

I have a Medela Mini ELect Plus ( DUal pump ) and city pack ( Cooler Bag ) to let go.
Used it only twice n no fluid pass through the parts.

this is bought locally in Feb this year and I still have the receipt and warranty.

PM me if interested =)


New Member
hi hot milktea. the most painful part is the contaction from 3cm-9cm as from 9cm the nurse will ask you to push your bb out. The stiching still ok not very pain and the next day early morning nurse will force you go toilet to ssh ssh cos they want to make sure no inflection. you have to gentle when cleaning your below using cotton bud and the healing will be around 2weeks time, depend on your gynae skill too. dont worry as long as you can go through the contaction part the rest still ok.


hi mummies

did anyone here monitor their baby movements as what gynae has instructed 10 movements over 12 hrs?
i feel my baby movements is weaker suddenly from yesterday till today, and it worries me. he still moves but not as strong