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  1. suezul

    Please share your birth story

    Congrats ain on ur delivery. When i read ur stories, i was like ' feeling it all over again.' Speedy recovery for u. And aha... we had a same baby name but mine was 'muhammad aqil luthfi (meaning: the last prophet name, intelligent, kind-friendly-gentle). Anyway, welcome to the...
  2. suezul

    EDD Apr 2013

    Hi to all mothers of April babies... Congrats!:) Seems like mostly here are a newtobemother. I feel how u feels. Im not so-called expert or experience, only had one so far and my next will be due on apr'19. My first is only 5months old now and there another one pending only 6wks 3days. My first...
  3. suezul

    Edd march 2012

    Really? I've start letting him have farley biscuits mixed with his milk and i just starting letting him eat grinded porridge with egg but nothing lei so far:( happy for u anyway...:)
  4. suezul

    Please share your birth story

    Ahhh wah best... boysss! Hi5!!!:) Hehe this year got too many boys. I think boys for this year is over population. My sis-in-law due in nov also boy. Hahaha
  5. suezul

    Edd march 2012

    @Katsg wahhh thats fast. Congrats!!! Happy for u:) He has been eating is it?
  6. suezul

    Please share your birth story

    Progress??! Baby's already at the right position, and gynae says everything so good so far. A week later, a big day for all. Ain, is this your first too? Boy/Girl?
  7. suezul

    Please share your birth story

    Thanks ain:) mine is past 40weeks 3days. It only starts to dilate a night before at 11pm and its from 3cm to 4cm. Then at 5am, still remains at 4cm. And during the pushing process, there's a slight torn. So only two stitches needed. Felt lucky! Haha so ain, 4more days to your big day. Are u well...
  8. suezul

    Please share your birth story

    My first Pregnancy I truly loves my pregnancy...:) I got admitted due to bleeding but no pain, no contraction, nothing. While at the delivery suite, i only feel my contraction pain for 3hrs... was from 6am to 9am. Everyone was pestering me for a c-sect (including my husband) as my doctor told...
  9. suezul

    Edd march 2012

    Hi, im new here. Recommended by my colleagues. And im still struggling and learning on how to use this apps. Hehe. Wahhh seems alot of the mummies in here getting ur babies to toilet train already. Mine is still unable to sit straight so i think its too early for him. He is very active nowadays...