Please share your birth story


Active Member
I think episiotomy was performed... I was so exhausted and in so much pain during the process that I wasn't paying attention to the details >< just relieved when it's over and bb's out and wailing and healthy :)


Oh great! anyway thanks for sharing your experience! Hope u have a speedy recovery. Take care & rest well :)
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New Member
My first Pregnancy

I truly loves my pregnancy...:)

I got admitted due to bleeding but no pain, no contraction, nothing. While at the delivery suite, i only feel my contraction pain for 3hrs... was from 6am to 9am. Everyone was pestering me for a c-sect (including my husband) as my doctor told me my baby's head is already out of shape, his heartbeat is beating slower, and my baby is eating his own shit which he said is already bad for the baby, bla3... as a mother and new to everything, you will feel scared and of course will want the best for our child. I didnt want to go for c-sect or take any epidural, i insisted i want natural delivery for my first child. I rejected the doctor twice and was thinking of my child's safety and so, i signed the application to undergo the operation. As i sign and was crying to myself that im sorry for the baby for i cant give him a normal delivery, and at the same time keeps turning my stomach right and left as i can feels that the contraction is going harder and stronger. Coming to the last page to sign, i literrally dropped the pen i was holding on to, and i felt something below. I shout telling my mid-wife that the baby is coming out but sadly no one believe me, only my husband. Within seconds, miracle happens and popped... the baby is out and i felt relieved, happy, and thankful. Nothing can describe my feelings for that day. I am so thankful cause God heard my prayers, and my baby too grant me my wish. With no pain, i sincerely thanked God.

Was born on the 14march'12 at 0913hrs with the weight of 2552gms and 44cm at length. And again i thanked God that my baby is absolutely fine. I truly didnt blame my doctor and everyone there for prestering me to undergo for that c-sect, cause i truly understands them that they dont want anything bad to happen to my baby and will be blame in the later part. They truly much concerns for me and my baby but abit too pushy at the time is quite irritating and annoying too. But well, everything went smoothly so far.

And now at his 5months old, and during his mischievious time, i just got to know i'm pregnant again at 6weeks. Haha i need to go through the same process all over again. Just cant wait for my stomach to get bigger and feels the baby kick me again...:D


Hi suezul,

A mom simply knows the best!! :) how many weeks were u when there was show? Were u dialated??
Anyway congrats on your 2nd pregnancy :)


New Member
Thanks ain:) mine is past 40weeks 3days. It only starts to dilate a night before at 11pm and its from 3cm to 4cm. Then at 5am, still remains at 4cm. And during the pushing process, there's a slight torn. So only two stitches needed. Felt lucky! Haha so ain, 4more days to your big day. Are u well prepared? Or well armed??! Hehehe.


Iam mentally prepared but physically?? Errrr.. I dunno. Lol. I was 1cm dialated and 50% effaced last fri and my next appt will be this coming mon.. Hope to have some progress. Im having mild contractions, no show nothing. Awaiting it to happen actually.

One question. Did u have any progress during your 40 weeks check up?


New Member
Progress??! Baby's already at the right position, and gynae says everything so good so far. A week later, a big day for all. Ain, is this your first too? Boy/Girl?


New Member
Ahhh wah best... boysss! Hi5!!!:) Hehe this year got too many boys. I think boys for this year is over population. My sis-in-law due in nov also boy. Hahaha


Ain , you going to which hosp ? Mine is a boy too ! :) I still have 8 weeks. But still scared too ! ): whenever I feel the Braxton hicks I'll scared ! And scare myself till feel like puking ! Omg ~~ ain share your story too okay ! Keep looking at this thread awaiting your news ! Haha!


Hi Jojoai,

Mine is at SGH. How abt u?? Ive been having lots of braxton hicks but no painful contractions thou just mild cramps. Im just scared i will go overdue! I hope to go all natural if possible! But anything cud hppn apart from your plan. :( determination is whats the most important! :) hows your baby been doing so far? Is he behaving well?? Hehe.
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I'm at Thomson ! Bb very naughty ! Hahaha. Super super active. I'm scared he will be that active when he's out. Hahaha. :) super nervous. Yeah I also afraid of being overdue ! You can research on how to go in to labour 'earlier'. Hahaha. Some say ML will have earlier labour but I not too sure. If I'm not wrong I read it on magazines. :) how many more days for you ?


ML?? Too lazy to do that.. Heavy liao.. Hahaha. 3 more days to go. Yup my baby is also very active even at this point of time.
U plan to have him natural as well??


Yeah. As natural as possible. :) hope I'm able to do it ! Hahaha. Very very scared of pain though ... Jia you ! Hopefully on your edd you will see him ! :)


Ain, it's getting closer to your EDD!! Mine too... Just 4 more days to mine.. But same as you, I had no show, no contractions at all!!! I'm also afraid that my bb would be overdue.... Duno how heavy is her now.. Tomorrow will be going for my check up and gonna see how much I've already dilated.... Counting down


Today i went for check up, still 1 cm dialated :(. Had CTG, there were contractions but irregular. Baby is good so they will not plan for any induction. Did a swabbed test(i didnt know it was a painful procedure!!) since i have been leaking some watery discharge from morning which they had confirmed it was not from my waterbag. 2 days to my edd. No further progression. I guess i will be overdue :( *sob*

Nlipeng, do update me tmr. Hope u hv some progression :)
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Ain, the swabbed test should not be painful... I had mine on the week 36, and it's not painful, just some discomfort...

I guess I will be overdue too... Anyway, I'll update u tomorrow... You get more rest ya....


My gynae was on an urgent meeting, so the other dr did the test for me. I guess shes a bit harsh :(

Alright keep me posted.