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    Endrometriosis and TTC

    i had endometriosis too and a 6cm cyst on my left ovary. got my endo treated via keyhole surgery in march and got pregnant 1 menstrual cycle after. now im 26 weeks pregnant. i read up alot on endo and did watch my food intake for food that can worsen endo / help endo. i suffered for years with...
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    EDD Jan 2014

    i havent been active here in a while and wow 79 pages alredy! hows all the mummies doing!
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    EDD Jan 2014

    Ure not alone my bub refused to budge too! Now waiting for 5th sept for detailed scan. Wish time will zoom past really fast!
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    EDD Jan 2014

    sorry to hear abt ur previous loss. i am going to 16 weeks and i am still on progesterone jab. i prefer the jab actually because the pills worsened my nausea. i guess i have to be on progesterone support because i conceived immediately after a laparoscopy to remove a huge cyst in my ovary and...
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    EDD Jan 2014

    Dont worry its safe. Its just progesterone support to support ur pregnancy. Im on it and also on jab bcoz of spotting n its my first pregnancy. Its not steroids la!
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    EDD Jan 2014

    Nice bump!!!!
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    EDD Jan 2014

    Thanks ladies!! Been in bed since and yes, upping my water intake. And missy nice bump! :)
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    EDD Jan 2014

    thanks gnissim. the a&e doctor didnt say much except reassure me over and over again (i guess he got damn scared seeing me panic). i wont be able to see my gynae till this thursday. been on hospital leave since ages. i seek comfort coming here n reading up on u ladies! my burping is gone too...
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    EDD Jan 2014

    I had my second gush of blood episode on thursday at 14 weeks :( first episode was at 8 weeks due to blood clot. Rushed to a&e and thankfully baby is ok. Sigh. Thought my spotting and bleeding days are over. But now im back on the painful progesterone shots again. Its very depressing to be faced...
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    EDD Jan 2014

    My baby refused to turn and had its legs together during the scan. Haha! Cant wait for next visit to finally know the gender! Im having acne and back acne too with this pregnancy. Gone is my clear skin boohoo
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    EDD Jan 2014

    It will be worth it at the end of our 9 mths im sure :)
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    EDD Jan 2014

    Oh dear. Take care n get well soon!
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    EDD Jan 2014

    What r the implications of a dark spot at placenta? Hopefully its ok! i bled my first clot out.. it was scary. The 2nd one got reabsorbed by the body n is now gone. I hope blood clots wont come anymore.
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    EDD Jan 2014

    Ladies how sexually active are you now that we r done or almost done with first tri? I avoided sex for a while when i was having the spotting and the blood clot. Now that and im better (and raring to go! HAha) im wondering how much sex is ok now?
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    EDD Jan 2014

    Morning sickness still ard.. bleargh! And i thk ive started to feel some round ligament pain...
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    EDD Jan 2014

    My ms only acted up in wk 10 n is still strong now as i enter 2nd tri. Feelg miserable with the burping... i juz gag and no food comes out. But the sound i make is dramatic ah.
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    EDD Jan 2014

    Im 13 weeks!
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    EDD Jan 2014

    So nice to see ur bumps! Im all flabby at this point.
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    EDD Jan 2014

    Heee.. lush i thk it all boils down to ur beliefs and how superstitious u r.
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    EDD Jan 2014

    I.hope u'll get better soon jasmine! r u on leave now since the episode. And congrats to u too nana!