EDD Jan 2014

some issues lor.. but actually GE and KK private suite price differs abit only nia actually. Haahaa

I think this week got baby fair in jb if i not wrong. 27-29 Sep iirc


New Member
I think kk private suite is as expensive as outsideprivate but the good thing is, if got complications, kkh have the facilities to take care whereas private hospitals don't and will transfer to kkh anyway!

Yah got baby fair but i think everyone waiting for the big fair next week. I compared their Starbuy prices with other baby fairs and they really cheaper. Think they really negotiate with the vendors. I will buy everything next week.. Downloaded their checklist and planned which booths to go to already! Hehe!
Ya lor. KK can handle emergencies immediately. decided in bringing wifey to GE in the begining cause want her to have a more comfortable time.


Jane: u have any checklist from the fair that shows which booth is what exhibitor?

Patrick: GE means more comfortable? I tot the process is all the same, only depends on facility, mid wives and gynae - good or not... I know some chose GE coz of gynae.
The crowd at GE is much lesser. More professional and everyday there seems to be more friendly but maybe because i pay abit more. But until i encounter something unpleasant with the doctor's staff dan i shift to KK.

I think KK is extremly crowded with alot of people and alot of for****rs. Some of the nurses also look dam unhappy and not friendly de.

But dr KT Tan not bad but she very cold haahaa but very professional. Somehow i feel she is gd and puts me at ease
I think kk private suite is as expensive as outsideprivate but the good thing is, if got complications, Kandang Kerbau Hospital have the facilities to take care whereas private hospitals dont't and will transfer to Kandang Kerbau Hospital anyway!

Yah got baby fair but i think everyone waiting for the big fair next week. I compared their Starbuy prices with other baby fairs and they really cheaper. Think they really negotiate with the vendors. I will buy everything next week.. Downloaded their checklist and planned which booths to go to already! Hehe!
Jane u go where download the checklist ah?


Active Member
PatrickYan:829632 said:
I think kk private suite is as expensive as outsideprivate but the good thing is, if got complications, Kandang Kerbau Hospital have the facilities to take care whereas private hospitals dont't and will transfer to Kandang Kerbau Hospital anyway!

Yah got baby fair but i think everyone waiting for the big fair next week. I compared their Starbuy prices with other baby fairs and they really cheaper. Think they really negotiate with the vendors. I will buy everything next week.. Downloaded their checklist and planned which booths to go to already! Hehe!
Jane u go where download the checklist ah?

KT Tan is indeed professional but cold.... me n hubby also quite comfortable....


New Member
Hi Patrick, downloaded from their webpage http://www.mummysmarket.com.sg/babymarket2013/pregnancychecklist/babymarketchecklist.pdf

For their starbuys i saw on their facebook page http://www.facebook.com/mummymarket

I want to buy that carrier that can convert into small cot de! looks soooooo convenient... also that Mii UV bottle sterilizer... preparing for taking baby back to Malaysia when born haha!

Babytazz: dun have wor that one... i think i saw them saying that they are designing? not sure leh..


Jane: I'm waiting for that info. Haha.. Yes, that bag seems very convenient! But also think it may be heavy already without putting any stuff in it. Anyway check it out during the fair and see if it's preferred! They seemed to have quite a number of interesting stuff.. That uv steriliser sounds very travel friendly too!


New Member
U r welcome Alicia!

babytazz... I suspect should be 2kg ba... Bit heavy for a bag but since its multi purpose, can bring it overseas when we don't have cot at hotel room etc. even in Singapore, got stroller to hang it so still ok i think hehe!


I think jan EDD mummies communicate more than other months Edds. Hehe... I feel my bb is making me vomit whenever I eat something she doesn't. Hai.. Feeling sick sometimes but still gaining weight. Lol.. How r u shadypink?

patrick: should plan to go for the classes around week 20 of pregnancy.you can check various hospital's classes. You are not limited to just the one your wife will deliver in. It is good for first time parents to go, and if second time parents have the time, good too for them as revision. But if you really miss the class, don't worry too much... It's teaching you how to take care of newborns, how to breastfeed, how to breathe when giving birth and some exercises you can do with wife during her pregnancy. Its probably good in teaching husband how to guide wives during delivery. I didn't rem a single thing in the delivery room. But sadly so did my husband. Haha. If you have a pro-breastfeeding nanny, you can learn from her. Even can learn from the lactation consultants in hospital after birth. And for taking care of newborn, hospital and nanny will have sessions to refresh and guide u & wife too.