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  1. C

    We are TTC-ing!

    congrats msyoyo!! Hope you are feeling much better!!
  2. C

    We are TTC-ing!

    Good luck to you Tasha. Im sure your Dr will let you know what is the best for you..hehe. Btw, where is Dr Henry's clinic? For me, i didnt take clomid as it does not have effect on me. So DrS ordered to do injection (Puregon injection) to stimulate my eggs. Then after 7 days of injection, will...
  3. C

    We are TTC-ing!

    What about your Tasha? Will you do IUI again? Or you will do differently in your next cycle? Yah, yours is natural or injectable for your IUI?
  4. C

    We are TTC-ing!

    Yes Tasha, I will do iui next cycle but that depends on DrS's advice. Will be seeing her next Sat for review. How's your AF this cycle? For me very heavy and lots of clots (sorry, TMI) and cramps for 3-4 days. Faint..
  5. C

    We are TTC-ing!

    Hugs Tasha. My SO-IUI failed as well! Soursop care to share more about ovary massage? Cost, where? how often? benefits?
  6. C

    We are TTC-ing!

    Tasha..goodluck to you. Are you schedule for bloodtest next week? I'm also praying hard that my AF don't come. shoo shoo AF! Wish me luck and babydust to al of us!
  7. C

    We are TTC-ing!

    wow Tasha - there is a possibility of multiples..for KKH, they will convert IUI to IVF if there are more than 3 folicles under SO-IUI otherwise you have to abort IUI if you r not going ahead with IVF.
  8. C

    We are TTC-ing!

    Welcome Tasha!! I'm on SO-IUI this cycle and tomorrow is the IUI day. That's nice that you can ovulate with clomid. For my case, my body don't respond to clomid hence i am on injectable. Yesterday night i was on pregnyl jab to trigger ovulation and today is the happiest day i've ever with OPK...
  9. C

    We are TTC-ing!

    hugs yukki. Take it easy and rest a cycle before what to do next. I understand that if failed SO-IUI cycle, you gotta rest for a month before proceed to the next cycle. Will you be visiting your dr for review? I'm on SO-IUI this cycle, looks like my IUI will be on this Friday. Don't want to...
  10. C

    We are TTC-ing!

    Congrats soursop!
  11. C

    We are TTC-ing!

    You guys make me feel like going to Bangkok for massage!! Enjoy to the fullest ok DT and MXLO!
  12. C

    We are TTC-ing!

    I lor. I also stopped seeing DrC. Same like you, hubby doesnt want me to mix western and TCM at one time, especially after my irregular menses and somemore now going for SO-IUI. Of course Platinum Mall is better than T21. Platinum Mall you can shop a lot compared to T21 which is more...
  13. C

    We are TTC-ing!

    I felt Terminal 21 so so only as well. But worth to visit if you have not been there. Have you heard of Health Land Spa? Massage there is cheap and not bad as well. Need to make reservation in advance.
  14. C

    We are TTC-ing!

    HI DT, are you still on TCM? Hi franchjean, welcome! Don't be too stressed out. We all are in the same shoes, totally understand the feeling..We can just do whatever we can.
  15. C

    We are TTC-ing!

    mysoso - i see, just monitor your dominant follicle provided you will ovulate on your own , am I right? You are with which gynae/hospital? Learn something new today, thanks!
  16. C

    We are TTC-ing!

    Hi msyoyo - can i know how does this TOO works? It's a new term to me. Which cycle are you in today?
  17. C

    We are TTC-ing!

    Happy Sunday everyone. I'm waiting for my AF arrival day. Going to start SO-IUI next cycle.
  18. C

    We are TTC-ing!

    Hi Mxlo , sorry to hear tat..please take care and rest well. big hugs to you..
  19. C

    We are TTC-ing!

    DT good to have close relationship with your sisters! I love this kind of bonding. msyoyo : That's good, at least you get the first step right..Good luck! bbhope80 : How long you have been having menses non-stop? I had that few months back. Menses doesn't stop with lots of blood clots. I...
  20. C

    We are TTC-ing!

    All this while hubby prefers lady dr, so just follow what he wants since i don't have preference. Havin twins is not easy..lots of preparation and things to buy. Everything have to be a pair. What about the stroller? she will be getting twin stroller as well? well, i don't mind to have...