We are TTC-ing!


I told my boss abt it n she understand but most probably I will check with care if rest 1 week ok or not coz I read that keep lying on bed is not good too but before that I have to survive the injections first. Let's work hard together.


Active Member
No need to lie in bed all the time during the HL. The 2weeks is to give your body a stress free period so that the embryo can implant nicely (at least a much higher chance compared to stressful days at work ). My sis even went out jalan during the leave. She is due in May14 from ivf.


O, I see. My boss already told me that once I start the process, I cannot carry heavy things n etc. I believe she as a mother of 2 understand what I will going through but I told her if I too stress or my mood swings then I will resign as this is my priority in life n not work at the moment.

I always find that this is the place where I can relax n talk all I want. It's Juz so nice with all of u around.
DT, no harm making this ginger tea which is usually to keep your body warm. Can also expel excessive winds in your tummy! ha ha..I made LRD + Tang shen few days b4 my AF without asking DrC. I'm feeling, not too heaty for me to drink together with DrC's medicine.

I've made appointment to see fertility specialist in KKH on 1st Mar. I just got to know that Dr Sadhana is the only female doctor in reproductive department. Msyoyo, if you or your hubby is sporean, then it's better to get referral letter from polyclinic. You will be then treated as subsidised patients :) This is what I understand from KKH's nurse today when i call in to make appointment. I am also looking at Dr Loh from TMC's rates. They have fertility screening promotion right now $498 (with GST). Pricing wise looks quite all right with the list of screening that they are going to do : Full Blood Count, Rubella, Hormonal Studies, SA, Hep B, U/s pelvic, Syphilis Test, HIV, review with specialist. Just wondering how much will cost in KKH if were to do the same test (if necessary?) without govt subsidised?


Active Member
Another milestone to go Cherrie! DrS is very professional and pleasant lady. I usually like male docs but she is different!

yes times flies indeed. Yes the twins are doing well. Looking at their position, should be jiejie coming out first. But the prep work for their parents are quite a lot. Getting CL and an Indonesian helper. Bought 2 cots. Going to buy 2 baby car seats etc. So busy :)
All this while hubby prefers lady dr, so just follow what he wants since i don't have preference.

Havin twins is not easy..lots of preparation and things to buy. Everything have to be a pair. What about the stroller? she will be getting twin stroller as well? well, i don't mind to have twins..haha.. My colleague gave birth to a pair of twins last year July and now still on unpaid leave though she has a helper. DT, how many sis you have? Is this the sis who take leave next wed to accompany you to do hsg? your relationship with your sis is very close hor..


Active Member
I have 3 sistas and im the 3rd. Yes my preggie sis is the youngest who will be accompanying me next Wed. We have always been very close indeed :)

Wah if i can choose (since we are on wishful thinking mode) i will want triplet. Haaa...i find siblings of 3 is the perfect number. For me, im sure my first sticky bean will be my last. So best is one hoot hit 3 beanies!


Msyoyo, I have taken the subsidized route for all the kkh fertility checkup

U can look up my previous posts where I stated the test I did and the cost and savings as subsidized patient (from polyclinic).

I would say the waiting time is not very long.
My first appt at kkh is 8 jan 2014.

Yesterday 19 feb 2014, I received all the test results and had my second consultation with the Dr who go through my results


Thanks all for all your sharing your experiences... I have discussed with hb, and we decided to go thru the polyclinic route for the fertility check. In the meanwhile, just do whatever we can on our end.
DT good to have close relationship with your sisters! I love this kind of bonding.

msyoyo : That's good, at least you get the first step right..Good luck!

bbhope80 : How long you have been having menses non-stop? I had that few months back. Menses doesn't stop with lots of blood clots. I took hormone pills as well. It doesn't work on me until i went for day surgery. Which dr you are seeing? you are seeing GP or gynae huh? I went to gynae in KKH with GP's referral letter. All are expenses (except GST) are covered by my coy's insurer.


All e best for dragontail n mintminer whos doing ivf. Do stay strong n positive! N keep us update if u gals dun mind.


Active Member
Thanks Maq. Will update surely.

Long or short protocol is determined by the doc whereby either you need shorter or longer days of jabs.

Poohy ya man! Can't believe how time flies. I was just recalling she told me she and her hubby were disappointed they were having a failed cycle but yet 3 months later the twins gonna pop! They are choosing an auspicious date for the c sect. Could be late April.


New Member
Cheriejoy non stop for a month plus. Mine is mainly spotting, at most light flow. No pain though. Went poly and given hormone pill. It stop the bleed. Refer to kk. Waiting for ultra sound scan slot.


Active Member
Twins! So exciting!

Good luck to those going for ivf!

My hsg report say I'm not block, But hubby got some inconsistent sa results, He gonna repeat his sa again mid March. in meantime He just started tiao his body with drC and taking blackmores men performance and vigor ace

Oh soursop, I noticed clinic d has this board saying What are the rates, Mine is consultant $70 subsequent visit (after subsidy is $30) , yours is more ex right? Senior consultant is $80, associate consultant is $60.


Active Member
Cherriejoy: Thanks for the article. The Ginger sugar tea sounds similar to lrd tea, I'm drinking the one with lrd plus ginger one. But didn't take other everyday