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  1. H

    young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

    Kalau pakai vacuum,bulu kat hidung semua tercabut jugak seh...hehheh violent hehheh what a topic :biggrin: oklah got to go for now, hubby reaching home soon..took time me nak siap2 go out ehehhe enjoy the wkends ladies! :Dancing_wub:
  2. H

    young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

    hahahh tats a funni one..rabak seh method ni..:shyxxx:kat rumah i tak ada penyapu pun..vacuum tu ada ah hehehehe maybe try vacuum..agaknya lagi wrks heheheh i dun think there r ladies out there who willing to do that on their hubby..kata sayang kan heheheh ..anyway should there be anyone who do...
  3. H

    young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

    cool! can call me honey ;p sure i will thxxs!
  4. H

    young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

    hi lis! really got 2 hani..then u gals can call me honey like wat su mention ;p oklah tu..lucky u oredi got 1 just otw with my first.. ;p hahha this yr no overseas trip to celebrate wedding anniversary as celebrate local je hehehe i just left the wrking industry coz too...
  5. H

    young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

    Hi diana!nice knowing u! im enjoying my time here knowing young mummies here..sure lotsa stiories to share n learn :Dancing_wub:
  6. H

    young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

    Hi su! nice to hear from u! thxs for ur msg! since ur baby dah 16mths, oklah for the nxt one heheheh the way u intro..teringat zaman mirc dulu hehhehe u can call me hani or honey ;p i live at sengkang..27 too this yr..lucky u dah ada princess now! i just cant wait to have my little angel this yr...
  7. H

    young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

    hi lis! thxs for ur msg! yes, u can call me hani ;p or honey hehehehe im 27 this yr..insya allah ada rezeki long u been married? i only get myself conceived after almost 2.5yrs wedding..jgn putus asa..usaha je ;p gd luck to u! spreading my baby dust to u ;p;)
  8. H

    Wanna know more mummies and MTBs staying in the Northeast

    Hi ladies! im a first time mum due early dec..delivering at thomson. great to see u all here! im staying at compassvale link so near abt u? btw im not sure on gender yet..most prob next wk when i go detailed scan next wk. have u all feel the movement yet? i cant feel...
  9. H

    young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

    Hi Enfor! nice to hear from u..thxs on ur wishes ;p alhamdulilah me n baby r fine..thou theres normal pains on n off..just not that much appetite.. i went for my scan abt a few wks bk..not tat really vi hope i noe the gender when i go for my detailed scan next wk ;p sure i wun...
  10. H

    EDD in December 2009

    mine is 6th choosing Thomson too.. ;p
  11. H

    EDD in December 2009

    hi ladies! my baby is a dec baby too..its the first wk of dec ;p can't wait for my baby's arrival..happy to see u all in that can learn from one another..esp me being a first mum ;p;)
  12. H

    young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

    Hi young mummies! I just nice to know all of u!;) I'm a first time mum n currenty 5 mths pregnant..only due in dec.. so i guess this is a gd forum for me to join n learn from u ladies ;p Let's keep this friendship in touch!