young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

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Active Member
it's ok dear *hugs* one can never think properly when they're angry...
and su was rite did nothing wrong...hopefully everything will be back to normal for you and hubby today...:wong19:
True true... we cant think properly when we're angry. Its human nature.. *winks* But women can control, men cant.


Well-Known Member
Lis, sorry to hear that you had a bad day yest. Maybe that there are a few factors that have caused the incident to escalate as such. Let's give him the benefit the doubt - he is stress over work, he is tired and balik kerje kena entertain guests from your side, he loves you too much hence the jealousy etc....

It was good that you gave him a strong statement kindda give him the assurance that you & him are still going STRONG. But i feel that you should just end it there instead of layan lagi perasan dia yang insecure masa tu. He must be emotional and was not able to think straight so that was why his words were just piercing you to the core. Why didn't you just angkat kaki and stay away from him in the house - to give him space to do reflection.

From your account, it was like both of you were competing to say your point. That will not benefit either party coz dua-dua tengah marah and emo. To avoid unnecessary confrontation, one of the partners kena cool down. you know him well, if he is the type who takes time to cool down and can't see the bigger picture of things, it goes to prove that you are able to take charge of the situation - whether you want the incident to turn out good or worse.

Try these, when he comes back : Joke with him, Talk about the funny things that your son buat, Go down memory lane that you've had with him, Spontaneous hugs or peck on the cheeks or whatever that you know can bring smile to his face. Insya-allah when he smiles, matters in the house will go back as normal for you both.

you may ask - Why do i have to do all that when in fact he started it ? Well, i can only say, consider yourself having the ability to look at things on a bigger perspective and you want to take charge during any difficult marital situation.

Hope that gives you the motivation to work towards a happy and solid marriage. Last, cheer up babe. Parts and parcel in a marriage. I am no marriage counsellor but just sharing with you ....
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Well-Known Member
It's ok.. i will always try my best to make things better.. even thou it's not my fault.. i'll b making roti boyan today for him to eat.. i hope he'll like n enjoy it.. and i hope he sees and realise that i'm always here with him.. :embarrassed:


Active Member
It's ok.. i will always try my best to make things better.. even thou it's not my fault.. i'll b making roti boyan today for him to eat.. i hope he'll like and enjoy it.. and i hope he sees and realise that i'm always here with him.. :embarrassed:
untung hubby you lis....lepas gado dapat makan sedap2....hehehehhe:001_302:

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Lis be strong and banyak bersabar dan berdoa.. dont't worry he will realise it soon.. Lelaki memang gini asyik nak ikut kan EGO dorg je.. Skali ku lesing aru tahu.. heeheehee.. Lis smile baby smile.. :)
Ti pat msn ku hug kau k..
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New Member
velcome on board honeymummy.. so what shall we call you..? tkkn nk panggil honeymummy kan..? so lOng ..~ hehehe.. intro lebih cket tentang diri you..?
aniwae,congrats on your pregnancy..! soO hepi.. *bile agak nye ade rezeki aku?*

and you can talk bout aniting in here.. ape2 ajek..! :wong29:
hi lis! thxs for ur msg! yes, u can call me hani ;p or honey hehehehe im 27 this yr..insya allah ada rezeki long u been married? i only get myself conceived after almost 2.5yrs wedding..jgn putus asa..usaha je ;p
gd luck to u! spreading my baby dust to u ;p;)


Well-Known Member
hi lis! thxs for your msg! yes, you can call me hani ;p or honey hehehehe im 27 this your..insya allah ada rezeki long you been married? i only get myself conceived after almost 2.5yrs wedding..jgn putus asa..usaha je ;p
good luck to you! spreading my baby dust to you ;p;)
hee.. alamak.. da ade 2 hani la.. hee.. :001_302: lagi satu is 'hanipoise'..
hmm.. i da 3 years.. i have 1 son already.. cume tengah pk bile nk ade lagi satu.. heehee.. waiting for the right time.. when we're financially stable.. :shyxxx:
so you're working or stay at home jek..? kalau keje,keje ape..? ktne..? *kepo*


New Member
Gooooooood evening!!!
Just came back from hubby's workplace. Went there with daughter to surprise him. Hehehe... anjat boy boy kita.

Anyways, welcome honeymummy!! Congrats on your pregnancy. I loike!!! Kita pun nak pregnant lagi... but belum boleh lagi...
Ok ok... i intro dulu.. ahheemmm...
My name is sunita, can call me Su. I live in Woodlands and i have a princess who is 16months old.... and im 27 years old. How about you? Khahahahaha!!! Macam intro kat mIRC dulu2. Hahahaha!!!!

P.S: Kalau dah dapat tahu gender baby you... bilang tau. We all celebrate. *winks*
Hi su! nice to hear from u! thxs for ur msg! since ur baby dah 16mths, oklah for the nxt one heheheh
the way u intro..teringat zaman mirc dulu hehhehe
u can call me hani or honey ;p i live at sengkang..27 too this yr..lucky u dah ada princess now! i just cant wait to have my little angel this yr ..will surely let u noe the gender wen i noe hehehhe


Well-Known Member
good for you babe. Cheer up it's the weekend! Roti boyan dah siap ? Ehem, kita ada sambal udang kat sini. :)

Topic of the moment = Severe Snoring
just wanna share with you. Korang saw the ad in TV, this brand selling how to reduce snoring level tak ? Well, i bought it for my hubby. Breathe right - tak silap brand dia, anyway i forgot the exact name. Doubtful but $8+ what the heck...trylor !

He has been using it for the past 2 days and OMG, this product will be with me for life. Or rather my hubby for life. Bila dia tepek the sticker on the bridge of his nose, terus ZERO snoring. Of course, he denies that it is waste of $ and he DOES NOT snore. DUH!!!!!!!

Wonderful.....wonderful sleep for me the past 2 days, After so many years of hearing the snoring lullaby now the snore is gone. Gonna buy for my dad too.


Active Member
Hi su! nice to hear from you! thxs for your msg! since your baby dah 16mths, oklah for the nxt one heheheh
the way you intro..teringat zaman mirc dulu hehhehe
you can call me hani or honey ;p i live at sengkang..27 too this your..lucky you dah ada princess now! i just cant wait to have my little angel this your ..will surely let you know the gender wen i know hehehhe
Ok since kita ada 2 hani... i panggil u honey lah.. hmmmm..
u cant wait eh? Hehehehe... nak tahu apa2, can just ask us. Sure will help u out.


Active Member
good for you babe. Cheer up it's the weekend! Roti boyan dah siap ? Ehem, kita ada sambal udang kat sini. :)

Topic of the moment = Severe Snoring
just wanna share with you. Korang saw the ad in TV, this brand selling how to reduce snoring level tak ? Well, i bought it for my hubby. Breathe right - tak silap brand dia, anyway i forgot the exact name. Doubtful but $8+ what the heck...trylor !

He has been using it for the past 2 days and OMG, this product will be with me for life. Or rather my hubby for life. Bila dia tepek the sticker on the bridge of his nose, terus ZERO snoring. Of course, he denies that it is waste of $ and he DOES NOT snore. DUH!!!!!!!

Wonderful.....wonderful sleep for me the past 2 days, After so many years of hearing the snoring lullaby now the snore is gone. Gonna buy for my dad too.
I told my hubby to buy, dia kata merepek... now i must buy for him oreadi. Hmmm... nanti hubby tak snore, anak pulak yang snores. She snores loud, u know!!! All in 1 bed, 2 snoring peeps, 1 angry sleepy mummy. *sighs* Kena tolak teruk2 dah lain crita, ni snoring punya hal.. Takleh angkatsssss!!!!
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