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  1. J

    expressing milk?

    hi, i'd like to know when to express milk for storage? my baby feeds every 3 hours on both sides. so i really don't know when i should express my milk for storage? i'm afraid that if i express on one side while feeding then he won't be full.
  2. J

    Am I too Petty?

    i totally understand how you feel. i stay with my husband's grandparents and they smoke when baby is around also. and now then baby is coughing abit, and his grandfather comes and blame me and say that i caused the coughing because i switched on the fan when it's so cold. it doesn't occur to him...
  3. J


    i'm not sure if i'm producin enough milk, but my baby always drink and go back sleep. and he has been gaining weight. i think maybe i'll ask my gynae about the menses when i go back for my check up. hate having menses!!! :(
  4. J

    home based job?

    hi any sahm can recommend a home based job? have not been working for a year, and i don't want to depend on my husband.
  5. J


    i heard that if you breastfeed, you won't have menses? but i have been full breastfeeding for a month plus, and i just had my menses, is it normal?
  6. J

    cold drinks while breastfeeding?

    thanks alot for the suggestions. but now the problem is that i'm trying to get him to get used to sleeping in the dark, even in the day. but my husband's grandmother (we're staying with his grandparents) keeps carrying him over to a brighter room to sleep in the day. i told her that he...
  7. J

    cold drinks while breastfeeding?

    we leave the night light on till daylight, but he still cries. i try not to carry him so often. but my husband always carry him when he cries.
  8. J

    cold drinks while breastfeeding?

    he can be left alone for a longer time when the light is on. but when the light is off, he just keeps crying even after i tried rocking him in his cot, give him pacifer or carry him. what my husband does normally is to carry him and walk around in the living room until he sleeps, so that i can...
  9. J

    cold drinks while breastfeeding?

    thanks alot for the answers! been craving for a cup of ice tea and ice cream :001_302: by the way, is any of your babies scared of the dark? mine is 3 weeks old and he seems to be scared of the dark. doesn't want to sleep in my room in the daytime (cause our room is abit dark), but when we put...
  10. J

    cold drinks while breastfeeding?

    hi, i'm new here. have been reading this forum but can't seem to find an answer to my question. can we consume cold drinks while breastfeeding? i've been told that if i drink cold drinks while breastfeeding, i will cause my baby to have too much wind/gas. is it true?