**2011** Rabbit Mama Pls Gather here **

Wow, rabbitmummy, you're taking a part-time course? I did that too when I had a full-time job - Wed, Thu and Sat - and I was so tired with that and all the OT like you said but that was when I wasn't pregnant. (I just couldn't get pregnant that year!) It must be very tiring for you! But hey, you're an amazing woman! Persevere and baby will be resilient like you too :)

I had some spotting on Sunday. Quite worried but clinic was so zen that I now feel ok.. I'll just monitor and report everything to doc at the next visit. And I'll continue to take my TCM - I'm a believer! Hope everything turns out fine for us..

Qian1984, too bad then cos I won't be going back until next year!
I did this course for the sake of my own future.. as i am tired of Just Obeying Boss (JOB) but for now i did hope to work until i finish my dip course.. Baby came quite sudden though trying for 4 years but not expected to be so fast..

i m no amazing woman or anything i am just trying my best everyday but how i go through it i dont know.. i just know i cant waste my hard earn savings if i fail.. so that drives me on.. its just a miracle for me i can only thank God for the strength he gives me.
Dear Rabitmummy,

First of all let me tell you i feel so proud of you. give yourself a pat on your back you deserve it.
Secondly my advice to you is tk things postive think positve foucs all ur energy in ur work jus ignore the negative comments from ur boss tat shud nt influence ur performace tat is very imp at the end of the day u need to do ur job tat is all wat s in ur control ur bossess reaction is nt in ur hands so there is no point wasting enrgy reactin to him or even ponderin on his comments jus do ur job let him nag he will hv to pay for his actions and has to answer GOD later the most imp thing DO NOT LET IT INFLUENCE U u need to be very strong in ur mind and stay postiive spottin is common as i hv read n lot of females dun tk off also for thsi as theri gynea do nt give em off so its no big deal tat ur nt takin off THNK POSITIVE be brave and one more imp thing FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS ALL UR ENERGY IN WAT UR DOIN IN THE PRESENT thinkin of past and future and worryin distracts ur mind so wen ur in office jus concentrate on ur work dun do anyhtign esle n wen ur in school jus concentrate on ur classes try to focus ur energy emotional and physical and do ur job so tat at the end of the day u shud be able to tell urself tat i did my part rest ws destiny all my best wishes r wif u and trust u will succed in all ur endevors keep goin gurl
thank you.. i try to be postive as sometimes i go into depression... and my friend will remind me to stay postive too.. :)
rabbitmummy: u r a student as well? are u quite young? study + work is tough~ hang on!

my "nite" sickness oso gone gradually already.. u all try not to take too much sour stuff oso.. it will produce a gas then makes u feel super bloated and burppy..
i am already going to be 30 this year just 1 month before EDD date :)
i dont really like sweet stuff...
JIA YOU!!!:Dancing_wub:

I also used to work beyond office hrs but after conceiving, I learnt to take a backseat. I am now working from home for 3 half days per week. I really dun give a darn anymore, even if they want to retrenched me, or fire me. I tried 4 yrs for this kid, if the company dun understand then that's fine with me.:001_302:
i want to ask for working from home but my manager keep saying things until i am so tired of it... yeah my baby is more important to me too..


New Member
iyra the scan done was to detect down syndrome and the test ws ok
tat msg was jus to correct the typo error as in my previsou message i mis spelled(or rather its the system i guesss) the down syndrome as don son


iyra the scan done was to detect down syndrome and the test ws ok
tat msg was jus to correct the typo error as in my previsou message i mis spelled(or rather its the system i guesss) the down syndrome as don son
OIC! Haha Sorry for the blunder!


iyra the scan done was to detect down syndrome and the test ws ok
tat msg was jus to correct the typo error as in my previsou message i mis spelled(or rather its the system i guesss) the down syndrome as don son
OIC! Haha Sorry for the blunder!


New Member
iyra - no worries :) it happens

eejess - there u go

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]The upcoming baby fairs

1. Takashimaya Baby Fair 2011
* Dates: 9 to 28 Mar 2011
* Time: unavailable (last year’s fair: 10a.m. to 9.30p.m.)
* Venue: Takashimaya

2. Baby Care Festival 2011
* Dates: 18 to 20 March 2011
* Time: 11a.m. to 8p.m.
* Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 6B
* Organiser: Mother & Baby Singapore

3. Baby Expo
* Dates: 22 to 24 Apr 2011
* Time: 11a.m. to 9p.m. (22-23Apr), 11a.m. to 8p.m. (24Apr)
* Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 6A

4. Mothercare Baby Fair
* Dates: 3 to 13 Mar 2011
* Venue: Harbourfront

5. Motherhood Exhibition 2011
* Dates: 2 to 5 June 2011
* Venue: Hall 6B Singapore Expo
* Time: 11.00am to 9.00pm
* Free Admission


Hi ladies.....probably all the mommies here shld meet at the fair too :)

Just went for my scan last Sat and knew of my bb's gender. ^ _^

Well, Jia Jia you Beng Nan yen de jing, no matter what we have to remind ourselves to be strong n keep moving forward coz mommies are the pillar of the family, if you know what I mean :)
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