2nd trimester.. pray hard for healthy baby


good for u... I'm still trying to find better ways for my baby girl to accept milk right now LOL.. maybe should try cheese,omg,cheese is so fattening but i love it,hopefully my girl loves it too~~ hahaha


Active Member
good for u... I'm still trying to find better ways for my baby girl to accept milk right now LOL.. maybe should try cheese,omg,cheese is so fattening but i love it,hopefully my girl loves it too~~ hahaha
Its really a headache if your girl doesn't like it. you really have to find other ways.
Try yogurt, soyabeanb milk, high cal bread or oatmeal...


Actually I'm taking calcium tablets already,juz feel it's still not nutrition enough compared to drinking milk.. Aiyo,mummies r like tat de,will worry for anything n everything..


Active Member
Actually I'm taking calcium tablets already,juz feel it's still not nutrition enough compared to drinking milk.. Aiyo,mummies r like tat de,will worry for anything n everything..
Thats right. I also took calcium pills everyday. An addition of milk is good for you. :)


Lately I'm so paranoid,like finally reached 3rd trimester,juz 3mths+/- to go..Oh it's less than 3mths,June 11 edd.. Suddenly started to worry n prepare this n that again.. Tats y I'm getting so worked up over baby refusing milk.. time to go find some relaxation again~~


Active Member
Lately I'm so paranoid,like finally reached 3rd trimester,juz 3mths+/- to go..Oh it's less than 3mths,June 11 edd.. Suddenly started to worry n prepare this n that again.. Tats y I'm getting so worked up over baby refusing milk.. time to go find some relaxation again~~

I'm reaching 3rd tri or already there. Gota start to buy Anmum milk as I've finished two boxes!
What kind of relaxation r u thinking to do?

Make a pregnancy ticker


i go shopping around,eating n drinking my fave food/drinks to relax myself.. as usual,my 2yr old toddler will be with me but still can make it a quite fun trip.. at times when my son is not naughty,he can make me laugh too..


i bought the annum choc milk. took half tin then cannot take it. feel like puking when i drink so i changed to nutrisoy for calcium. i still have another similac vanilla havent touch. any mum staying at serangoon i can pass to then...


same for me.. i bought anmum once 2yrs back,drank 1st cup only,i feel so blurpy the whole day,hiccups n blurping nonstop.. my mom finished the rest of the pack for me instead LOL.. din dare to try anymore milk formula types since then.. but will try the anmum lactating milk formula after i gave birth,tried the sample back then n was ok with it.. maybe its only during pregnancy i'm v blurpy... -.-


Active Member
i bought the annum choc milk. took half tin then cannot take it. feel like puking when i drink so i changed to nutrisoy for calcium. i still have another similac vanilla havent touch. any mum staying at serangoon i can pass to then...
Anmum choc milk should be nice, compared to the rest of the maternity milk.
i have to buy one tonight. :)


Been drinking fresh milk these few days,baby girl seems to accept it.. I dun feel it's as tasteless as before already.. But still will mix with Milo at times for a change of taste..I came across those packets of 4 anlene 4x calcium milk boxes,wonder if we can take it too.. Tried before vanilla flavor b4 pregnancy,taste nice..They have chocolate too...


Active Member
Been drinking fresh milk these few days,baby girl seems to accept it.. I dun feel it's as tasteless as before already.. But still will mix with Milo at times for a change of taste..I came across those packets of 4 anlene 4x calcium milk boxes,wonder if we can take it too.. Tried before vanilla flavor b4 pregnancy,taste nice..They have chocolate too...
I may also drink fresh milk. Thought of going JB shopping this Sunday. Then probably buy some groceries.
I think you have to ask your gynea whether you can drink Anlene. Hope there's nothing harmless in the powder.


its not in powder form,its like packet drinks milk.. ya i think i will check with my gynae 1st b4 buying to taste haha