8th monh old baby schedule. Share yours please.


New Member
Hi mummies,

My little star schedule is :

7am : wake up
8am : 150ml of EBM
9:30 : nap about 1 hour plus
11am: shower
11:30 am : 150ml of FM
12:30 pm: porridge (50 to 80 ml)
1:30 pm : nap around 2hr
3:30 pm: 150ml of FM
5:30 pm: porridge (50 to 80 ml)
7:00 pm : 150 to 180ml of FM
7:30 or 8:30pm : sleep till tomorrow 6 or 7 am depend on the time he slept the night before.

I got 2 questions over here:

Is he taking too less porridge? My mother in law says i give him too less.

Is he taking too less milk? I think he should take 200ml every feed then it is considered an average intake.

Thank you for your sharing experience.


New Member
150ml of milk per feed at 8 months old sounds alright to me. My boy was also having 150ml at that age. 200ml is alot! Some babies I know of at 12-15 months are still on the 150ml - 180ml mark. Just follow your baby's cues :)

It's ok for the solids intake to be low as the main nutrition before 1 year old is from milk. Over the next few months, you may like to gradually decrease his milk intake the hour or so before you feed porridge. ie instead of 150ml milk, feed 120ml and then 100ml porridge etc. So by 1 year old, he should be eating at least 1 small baby bowl of porridge as a meal :)


New Member
Hi! My baby boy is 8 months a few days shy of 9 months, here's his schedule:

630-7am : Wake up. Breakfast 180ml fm + 2tbsp oats, 1 tbsp fruit puree
8-9 am : Nap for 40 mins- 1 hr
1130-12pm: Lunch 3tbsp cod with spinach/potato + 2 tbsp mixed veg (I change this menu every 3-4 days)
1pm : Nap for 40- 1.5 hrs
3pm : 180 ml fm
6pm : 3 tbsp peach/pear/apple with 2 tbsp porridge oats OR 5 tbsp porridge (2 tbsp grains cooked already bc 5 tbsp) with 1/2 egg yolk + 1 tbsp spinach
7pm : 180ml fm
7-830pm : Sleep til next morn

I read that babies their age needs 540-600ml of milk daily, so, no, your baby is drinking fine!
As for porridge, my boy is definitely a big eater! He has always been since young, if I give him too little, he cries, hahah.. on average, on boy is taking 3tbsp (45ml) more than your baby every solid meal.

However, he's a mighty 10kg! He's a very very active baby though~ so I just fathomed he needs more fat cos he needs the energy to burn~ hahhah~


New Member
Hi! My baby boy is 8 months a few days shy of 9 months, here's his schedule:

630-7am : Wake up. Breakfast 180ml fm + 2tbsp oats, 1 tbsp fruit puree
8-9 am : Nap for 40 mins- 1 hr
1130-12pm: Lunch 3tbsp cod with spinach/potato + 2 tbsp mixed veg (I change this menu every 3-4 days)
1pm : Nap for 40- 1.5 hrs
3pm : 180 ml fm
6pm : 3 tbsp peach/pear/apple with 2 tbsp porridge oats OR 5 tbsp porridge (2 tbsp grains cooked already bc 5 tbsp) with 1/2 egg yolk + 1 tbsp spinach
7pm : 180ml fm
7-830pm : Sleep til next morn

I read that babies their age needs 540-600ml of milk daily, so, no, your baby is drinking fine!
As for porridge, my boy is definitely a big eater! He has always been since young, if I give him too little, he cries, hahah.. on average, on boy is taking 3tbsp (45ml) more than your baby every solid meal.

However, he's a mighty 10kg! He's a very very active baby though~ so I just fathomed he needs more fat cos he needs the energy to burn~ hahhah~
Wow, your son is really a big eater. hehe. I didnt feed my son breakfast, he doesnt like cereal and I lazy to wake up early to cook porridge or prepare puree food for him. haha.

In your menu, I dont see you feed him meat? I always cook porridge with meat and veg for my son, dessert is fruit. 2 meals per day, lunch and dinner only. Or else, his stomach has no space for milk.

He was 7.9kg when he was 6 and a half month old. I dont know how heavy he is now but he looks skinny :(


New Member
150ml of milk per feed at 8 months old sounds alright to me. My boy was also having 150ml at that age. 200ml is alot! Some babies I know of at 12-15 months are still on the 150ml - 180ml mark. Just follow your baby's cues :)

It's ok for the solids intake to be low as the main nutrition before 1 year old is from milk. Over the next few months, you may like to gradually decrease his milk intake the hour or so before you feed porridge. ie instead of 150ml milk, feed 120ml and then 100ml porridge etc. So by 1 year old, he should be eating at least 1 small baby bowl of porridge as a meal :)
thank for your reply.


Hi mummies, this is my baby boy's schedule (he is 8mths 6days today)

7.30am: wake - 180fm + 2 tbsp oat cereal with 1 quarter mashed banana (the big del monte type)

9.30am: nap for 1 hr

10.30am: wake - 60ml fm

11:45am: porridge (brown rice mix white rice + 1 meat + 1 vege

1pm: nap for 2 hr

3pm: wake - 180fm

5:30pm : semolina porridge or cereal + fruit (sometimes together with egg yolk)

6pm: bath

7pm: 180fm

7:30pm: sleep

11pm: 180fm

Sleep till next morning

But in comparison to your babies I think my boy is rather small. At a few days shy of 8months old he weighs 8.3kg.