A new and in-dilemma mum..


New Member
Hi mummies..

Nice to meeting you.. I juz found out that I'm preggy, and now still racking my brains with my husband whether to tell my family about this.

We have juz registered our marriage in Dec last yr, and not held our traditional ceremony yet, therefore its a rush if we are to hold one, yet our considerations are that the old folks will wish very much for us to have one.

Therefore we will have to plan our traditional ceremony very fast and sign up for bridal packages.. The thing is, I do not wish to tell so many ppl of my pregnancy while its still not stable yet, juz to be on the safe side. However by holding the ceremony in such a rush, there will bound to be many questions from relatives.. Help!!!


hihi, like wat mackin said, is a double happiness. i believed ur family will b happy over tis. moreover, u've alre rom, so tnk sldn't b a pro. =) jia you


Active Member
yea, shouldnt be problem since you're already legally married...just the customary wedding but surely your parents wouldn't mind...as for other relative, don't mind bout them! hehe

congratulations thou! don't feel bad about getting too early to get pregnant, your baby might feel sad... =( you don't want a sad baby do you? =)


Well-Known Member
u should be happy.. some people try for so long.. so is a blessing.. hee... don't wory about wat people will say.. wat important is wat u think.. JIA YOU:wong29:


Well-Known Member

Just like to highlight that there is such a say "not to voice out pregnancy when baby is not stable at 3 mths, if not will have prob" well it is the "bang Tang" say. i was in the same situation too. both me & hubby had no intention for a wedding as we are already legally married but in-law very old minded insist to have as my hubby is their eldest son. Not to worry, I also make all arrangements & preparation by myself during my time. searching for wedding package & dinner hotel, lucky for me I had lots of hotels contact so I got myself a very deal package for wedding dinner. As for my wedding dress I just go to IMM for a round & found an ideal package straightaway. So I settled all preparation need in less than 2 wks & had my wedding before I reach my 3rd mths pregnacy.
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Well-Known Member
hi! welcome! n congrats to u!!
im sure your family will be more than happy to receive such joyous news!
Me too ROM first n wanted to push customary till al least a year or 2 later... But 10 mths after ROM became preggy n no choice but went ahead with a simple customary within 3 mths... Agree with others that it's double happiness cos the ground rule is you are legally married...


its actually a double happiness!! So do not think too much about wad others might think about u.....coz u r expecting a bundle of joy!!

congrats~~and welcome to mummysg~~~:tlaugh: