advice on exclusive EBM

I tried avent manual for my first pregnancy too. Failed to increase supply efficiently. Whole day only pump 300ml. Now using Medela Pisa, less tired n better in stimulating to get more milk. Now whole day ard 1100ml at 11 weeks after birth. Invest in a good pump ba!!


Active Member
Hi all! Ermmm when u feed ebm w bottles, the bottles tend to get oily.. What do you use to cleanse the milk bottles and teats? Do u use those pigeon liquid cleanser etc or just use normal dish washing detergent? Thanks!
i use tollyjoy liquid cleanser for the first 3 mths since bb are more "fragile". now using normal mama liquid detergent.

i realise tollyjoy might not be really effective in cleaning oily bottle , so u can use more liquid or pour hot water into the bottle to get rid of the oil before using steraliser. i realise bottle using steraliser might get yellowish in the long run compared as using hot water to steralise.


Im intending to ep since latching is an issue for me... Bb will fuss all e way.. Only at times she latch n suck but alwis seemed hungry...

How do i increase n maintain supply? Now bb is 15days old last week i could pump 60~70 conbined... Now it seems like dropping drastically...20~30ml!! Since mon... Sighz..

I do latch her 1~2 a day n pump abt 5 times skipping middle of e night as i will try to latch


Thanks, Paulinepo80 and ilovebbdylan.. Now, I'm looking for Medela for a good deal.. :D
ANd also thinking what to buy ; PISA or Free-style? I will need to carry to office for pumping and they say Free-Style is lighter in weight.


Im intending to ep since latching is an issue for me... Bb will fuss all e way.. Only at times she latch n suck but alwis seemed hungry...

How do i increase n maintain supply? Now bb is 15days old last week i could pump 60~70 conbined... Now it seems like dropping drastically...20~30ml!! Since mon... Sighz..

I do latch her 1~2 a day n pump abt 5 times skipping middle of e night as i will try to latch
After I delivered, my milk supply was not much.. my mom cook for me a lot of soup to increase milk. And I realized that pig trotter soup and Ox tail soup really helps to increase. . May be you can try drinking a lot of soup and milk.. :)


hi would like to check with those mummies who do exclusive pimping?

how u all manage to pump and feed? doesnt it take more time? and how does nite pumping and feeding like? imagine to pump, wash, thawing and dun have much time to sleep.

it is indeed very tiring especially first few week after baby is born. For those who engage confinement lady, or their MIL or mothers helping with the feed, life is so much easier.

But not to forget, baby start to grow older, the interval between each feed is longer maybe from 2 hourly to 3 hourly then we will have more time. Over these few months, i have learn so many ways to cut down the time for doing all these washing and steralising. But not to forget, everyone works differently which means some mother can pump for half an hour, but some mothers pumped only 10 mins, so all these are taken into consideration. Some sacrifice their sleep, die die must wake up at night to pump in order for milk to establish for the first 2 months, subsequently reduce night pumping till dawn. Also depends on low long the baby takes to drink etc

My way:
> I am using Medela freestyle , I decided to buy another set of pumping accessories, like valve, bottles, spare kit which mean i do not need to wash and steralise till after 2 pumps. Save alot of my time. Got these additional kits from a spree that's why i have more than 2 sets since i need to pump in office as well.
> I use glass feeding bottles which cut down the time for warming the milk compared to medela plastic bottle.
> I prop up my 4mth baby on a pillow to feed and pump while feeding, if the timing between feed and pump is too close.
> If i am really tired, i latch on in the night , normally he only finish one breast, end up i got to sleep with another full breast, if not very full, i will just ignored tll morning pump. But better only if baby is older, if milk is still not well establish, better drain all milk out.
> My baby is a fast drinker , so thanks to him, i save alot of time also.


So if you gals go out... Did you pump outside or miss it or i ladies dont go out at all
I think it's the best to pump regularly. Last weekend, i went out and didn't able to pump for 2 days. After that my milk production is getting very less. So now, Whenever I need to go out for the whole day, I bring my pump together :D It's quite troublesome but it's more worrying if i couldn't produce enough milk for my baby :)
Ladies, just wanna ask if my supply seem to have stabilized, does that mean it won't increase anymore? Right now my baby is 3 months & I'm pumping between every 4-6 hrs & yield between 70-110mls each time. It's not enough for my little boy so I tried pumping more intensively over 2 days (every 3 hrs) & also latching him but my supply din increase. Does that mean no mor hope for me?? I'm also taking fenugreek (4000mg a day) :(

i would conclude only at least 10-14 days of exclusive 3 hour pumping. still got chance. but also depends on how much time we can spare for such pumping cycle, can be tiring.


Hw bout if out for say half a day (6~7hrs) do u ladies still pump?? I do latch my girl when outside... I realised if i missed 2 pumps will b super engorged if no latch at all... N will leaked!! Coz i need to bring my #1 for check up... May not hv place n time to pump..


Usually I pump every 3 hourly when at hm! If I'm outside, I can last till 5 hourly under my control! So no, leaking at all! Aft tat will need to pump out if not sure leak! Can also wear a breast pad when outing! It helps!


IMHO, i think it's still the best if you can pump 3 or 4 hourly.

I'm sad to see my milk supply is getting less these days since I'm returning to work. Even though the office has lactation room facility, I still miss to pump due to long meeting which would last half day or whole day :(

Now I could barely produce 300ml during the day and it's not enough for my daughter who needs more milk by now.. I've tried fish & papaya soup, drink more liquid, take supplements, etc. to no avail.

Yesterday, my pediatrician suggests me to supplement with formula and at the same time include some rice cereal and vegetable puree as my baby girl is so active..

But well, it's a sad thing that I can't produce enough milk as I wanted to give breast milk for one year :(