Age difference betwenn you and your hubby/wife


Alpha Male
Re: Age difference betw u and ur hubby/wife

wahahaha.. now already look like liao loh.. i go out wif hubby ppl wink i'm his daughter sometimes... LOLXXXXXXX

Wow.. daughter leh!!! u trying to say u look younger than ur age or he look older?? :tlaugh:


Alpha Male
Re: Age difference betw u and ur hubby/wife

mine 9 yrs older than me

i wonder if older men are really woody woody one (no offence to daddies older than me!!) or it is juz my hubby. LOL
hmm.. ur woody woody means Mu Tou?

I think shld be nothing to do wif age bah... :001_302:


Alpha Male
Re: Age difference betw u and ur hubby/wife

^5 lol.. yes i tink older man tend to be more slow to understand .. haha like let say if i wanna hint him buy something, he would not get it.. i have to tell him i wanna buy tis or tat veri straight forward den he understand haha.. lolxx

Sometime man tend to act blur.. :tlaugh:


Active Member
Re: Age difference betw u and ur hubby/wife

Wow.. daughter leh!!! u trying to say u look younger than ur age or he look older?? :tlaugh:
among his frens of cos i'm look young lah haha.. all 40 50 plus uncle auntie, so tot i'm his daughter in e first place wahahaha.. lol


Re: Age difference betw u and ur hubby/wife

mine 9 yrs older than me

i wonder if older men are really woody woody one (no offence to daddies older than me!!) or it is juz my hubby. LOL
jennii..mine oso 9yrs older than white hair oredi n keep dying it he paiseh if we go out together ppl will ask hw cum her guy so old..hahaha..but i told him it doesnt matter if u don dye ur hair cz aniwae sooner or ltr i grow old wat..its juz the matter of time...frens was shocked to noe i wit a 31yrs old guy which they consider an old man...:001_302:


Re: Age difference betw u and ur hubby/wife

^5 lol.. yes i tink older man tend to be more slow to understand .. haha like let say if i wanna hint him buy something, he would not get it.. i have to tell him i wanna buy tis or tat veri straight forward den he understand haha.. lolxx

Ooo...really ar..maybe ur HB juz joking ba...mine ar if i wanna eat smth, he'll ask me alot of qns till i fed up...luckily i only ask him for food..nvr ask him to buy for me ladies stuff...recently after go checkup, i told him i wanna eat sweet corn & ice kacang..but he said u can only choose one..i was like huh choose 1 only?? ok la i want sweet corn..while waiting for it, he keep asking me again n again Syg u want sweet corn n ice kacang or sweet corn only..mad sia...give up..angrily told him off "u said can choose one only wat...Syg, i preg lei..damn hungry rite plz don talk much..the more u talk, the more hungry i am..unless u wanna me to faint rite nw la!!!!" guess he noe he has irritate me n said ok Syg, i get it both for u..

Tell u ar...older man can oso pain in the neck....purposely one....:wemad:


Re: Age difference betw u and ur hubby/wife

DH is older than me by 7years .. =)
but he looks younger than me leh..
like never grow old. damn..
auntie lia0s.. =(


Active Member
Re: Age difference betw u and ur hubby/wife

Ooo...really ar..maybe ur HB juz joking ba...mine ar if i wanna eat smth, he'll ask me alot of qns till i fed up...luckily i only ask him for food..nvr ask him to buy for me ladies stuff...recently after go checkup, i told him i wanna eat sweet corn & ice kacang..but he said u can only choose one..i was like huh choose 1 only?? ok la i want sweet corn..while waiting for it, he keep asking me again n again Syg u want sweet corn n ice kacang or sweet corn only..mad sia...give up..angrily told him off "u said can choose one only wat...Syg, i preg lei..damn hungry rite plz don talk much..the more u talk, the more hungry i am..unless u wanna me to faint rite nw la!!!!" guess he noe he has irritate me n said ok Syg, i get it both for u..

Tell u ar...older man can oso pain in the neck....purposely one....:wemad:
haha LOL .. mine food still ok , cos long liao he know wat i like .. at first he buy i just leave e food dere den he will ask me why so i tell him cos dont suit me haha LOL den now long liao he know wat i like to eat or dont like to eat haha so ok .. for stuff i have to ASK for it wan den he will buy else he donno wan haha veri stupid haha ...


Re: Age difference betw u and ur hubby/wife

haha LOL .. mine food still ok , cos long liao he know wat i like .. at first he buy i just leave e food dere den he will ask me why so i tell him cos dont suit me haha LOL den now long liao he know wat i like to eat or dont like to eat haha so ok .. for stuff i have to ASK for it wan den he will buy else he donno wan haha veri stupid haha ...

Hahaha...tis is nt called stupid...for me HB is rather ignorance...i noe he purposely one disturb me till i surrender.....:wong7:


Active Member
Re: Age difference betw u and ur hubby/wife

jennii..mine oso 9yrs older than white hair oredi n keep dying it he paiseh if we go out together ppl will ask hw cum her guy so old..hahaha..but i told him it doesnt matter if u don dye ur hair cz aniwae sooner or ltr i grow old wat..its juz the matter of time...frens was shocked to noe i wit a 31yrs old guy which they consider an old man...:001_302:
Hi Sri,

31 yrs not old for guys la LOL

my hb 30 yrs next april and still looking like college student haha! sumtime still hv childish habbit also..:nah:


Re: Age difference betw u and ur hubby/wife

Hi Sri,

31 yrs not old for guys la LOL

my hb 30 yrs next april and still looking like college student haha! sumtime still hv childish habbit also..:nah:

hahaha...i luv to say him OLD lei..hehehe...

if i were to tell him wat u say...he sure action one...he'll say old at the age but young at the groin...:wong7:


Active Member
Re: Age difference betw u and ur hubby/wife

hahaha...i luv to say him OLD lei..hehehe...

if i were to tell him wat u say...he sure action one...he'll say old at the age but young at the groin...:wong7:

well ppl always want to stay young nomatter's natural! tat's why alot old uncle2 willing to spent money on viagra.... :001_302:


Re: Age difference betw u and ur hubby/wife


well ppl always want to stay young nomatter's natural! tat's why alot old uncle2 willing to spent money on viagra.... :001_302:
LOL.......... I tink he needs one too...:Dancing_tongue:


Re: Age difference betw u and ur hubby/wife

hehe. my hubby older than me by 7 years. he 81 i 88.

he is always kind of pain in neck cause sometimes i give him 2 choice to choose wat to eat, he will ask me to choose. until i fed up say dont eat, then he will choose. :D he is lazy to buy what i like so he sub a cc for me. so i can buy my stuffs myself. :x