any 2002 kiddos parents here


My son sch fee per month is 350.. We planning to enrol him to piano class maybe.. as he love music instrument.. =)


ds' pcf prog cost abt $90, i tink... he's not attending any enrichment class cos he refuse to attend any... everytime i ask him if he wan to attend (e.g. wushu, swimming, music etc), he will always say "DON'T WAN!!!" sigh....


ds' pcf prog cost abt $90, i tink... he's not attending any enrichment class cos he refuse to attend any... everytime i ask him if he wan to attend (e.g. wushu, swimming, music etc), he will always say "DON'T WAN!!!" sigh....
haha...i didn't give ds1 a choice cos i know he will said "DONT WAN!" too. :tlaugh: i told him flatly that i have already paid the fees, so he better get the most out of it. if he is disinterested during the course, that will mean that the course is not engaging enuf to sustain his interest, then i will withdraw him at the end of the term.
so far so good....


Have just tender letter of temination to TPBC and enrol both to PLMC - Covenant Kindegarten.. :001_302:

Ace will be K2 and Alythea Nursery.. Ard $540/term.. Ace poor thing ah.. Sob & sob knowing he changing school.. :eek:

Have not started any enrichment clesses yet.. Alythea used to ask for ballet but now doesn't want le.. Probably will sent them to drawing or singing or even modern dance ba.. Something that interest them.. :001_302:


Active Member
ya if full day is cheap .. but if oni for sch fee for normal sch wah.. wat sch tat is sooo expensive sia..


ya if full day is cheap .. but if oni for sch fee for normal sch wah.. wat sch tat is sooo expensive sia..
XX's ds sch is a 3hr session, i wanted to enrol there too but wif sch bus will be beri costly & journey very long so i dropped d idea.

My boy 3hr K1 is $200 per mth + swimmimg $50 + phonics abt $125
Average abt $375


My ger likes to go for alot of classes... she requested for them herself.... besides attending full day child care + K1, she has
Mon aftern - Speech & Drama (taken during school hours)
Tue night - Art Class
Thur aftern - Ballet Class
Fri night - Yamaha Music Class
Sat morning - Swimming Lesson

I have a hardtime scheduling all these classes and arranging who to fetch her ...... but then, can't deprive her of her interests as she really enjoyed them all .....


My ger likes to go for alot of classes... she requested for them herself.... besides attending full day child care + K1, she has
Mon aftern - Speech & Drama (taken during school hours)
Tue night - Art Class
Thur aftern - Ballet Class
Fri night - Yamaha Music Class
Sat morning - Swimming Lesson

I have a hardtime scheduling all these classes and arranging who to fetch her ...... but then, can't deprive her of her interests as she really enjoyed them all .....
wa...means ++++ you could be spending around $1k on her for all the classes.


Actually a few classes are signed up at community club so not too expensive as she joined as a PA member (Passion Card).

Mon aftern - Speech & Drama (additional taken during school hours) = $30
Tue night - Art Class (at CC $60)
Thur aftern - Ballet Class (at CC $80)
Fri night - Yamaha Music Class ($350 for 3 mths)
Sat morning - Swimming Lesson ($70)


2002 parents, when are u all keen for a gathering & kids get-together ? heehee.... organise some contests for them ?


New Member
:tlaugh:Hi ladies, I'm not very new but I seldom visit. So... I consider NEW.

My son is born in May 2002 as well. I also wrote to the school to be a PV, but the school still in the midst of building and only starting class in 2008. So nothing to do as a PV at the moment as the school claims that they have no program for PV as yet.

And to follow suit with the rest on the topic of enrichment class. My son attends his K1 at a church school, goes for half hourly piano class once a week, and just started with swimming class once a week too. I'm looking for a class on speech and drama for him as I find that his english is not strong enough and worry that he might have problem when he starts P1. Can anyone advise if a Phonics class or Speech and Drama class would be more suitable for an active boy?

Then to side track a little, I'm also looking for a once a week playgroup for my 2yo girl to attend. Any good suggestion?


2002 parents, when are u all keen for a gathering & kids get-together ? heehee.... organise some contests for them ?
Jen, mai contests lah, some gatherings can but dun wan contest lah, i beri kiasu one :shyxxx:


ya i at this age all wants to be No. 1 and to be the FIRST.
ok lorr....... noted. I thot let them sit down and scribble/colour rather than scream & play. Any suggestions on where to go ? beach, fly kite, animal resort to see/feed animals ?


There is a water works playground for kids at Science centre, very fun ! Went with DD1's school trip... all kids were screaming and playing with the fountains.... boys can take off their shirts.... and they have BIG blower to blow dry wet clothes.