Any FTWM staying at Bt Panjang?


Welcome either SAHM/WAHM to join in the gathering lar, any opinions?

Pls suggest on where to gather? I am working from mon - fri, alt sat. Any objection if we fix on 22/5 for this gathering as me off on that sat :wong29:
I'm fine with Saturdays but my dd is attending Shichida in the morning. Can we make it in the later afternoon? what type of gathering?


Active Member
sat is 23 ley... but I got first month party on 23 and first birthday party on 24..

yes, we should organise one outing in Bukit Panjang!!


Active Member
I'm fine with Saturdays but my dd is attending Shichida in the morning. Can we make it in the later afternoon? what type of gathering?
oh ya, hehehe, i almost forgot I enrolled a parent & tot and starting this sat, morning also, at Ten mile junction... hahah...
Jurong it crowded? Now got the influenza thing going on....i try to avoid crowded places. My gal just recovered from a serious bout of fever...
june........ hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm . i anyhow bomb a date okiiiiiiii. 10june to 20june.............?

park... dowan lar... now singapore so hawt... super super hot weather


New Member
I am staying at Jelebu Road, I am a mum to a 5 weeks old daughter.

Just finished my confinement and going back to work in 2 weeks time. :)