Any mummies here experienced real bad constipation!!

Hi all mummies and mummies to be

i'm currently into my 2nd trim and have been having bloating and constipation issue!!
the feeling is real bad as it feels like the whole stomach is stuffed up.
i've been trying drink as much water as I can although I find it hard to drink water nowadays (don't know why but I used to drink a lot of water)
i've tried prune juice but I din drink a lot but it just caused a lot of gas in the stomach but my bowel not much reaction.
its so bad that I can have no bowel movement for about 5-6 days before I used suppositories (prescribed by my gynae) to release abit but really reluctant to use it as I do not want to take any unnecessary medication.

im so worried that the constipation will be harmful to my babies.

any mummies experienced such bad constipation also and what remedies do you suggest?
Try eating more fruits? I dun hv constipation but bowel movements indeed not as easy as before & takes longer. But not to the stage of no movement.


New Member
me too..moving bowels was a breeze during first trimester. Currently at 2nd trimester, just went to see the doc and was prescribed some senokot Hopefully it works. Have been eating fruits everyday and drinking plenty of water but it does not seem to improve, and the doc says it will worsen as my tummy grows bigger....:(


New Member
My doc prescribed me latulose which can be taken everyday. I drank it every few days previously but when I was on holiday in Europe 2 weeks ago I drank it everyday because diet had little veg and fruits. However now I find papaya doing a very good job and I don't have constipation now (18 weeks +)


Prune juice is very useful imo.. I finished up the entire bottle and after a few hours, everything in me came out like a waterfall. I don't like the taste of the drink tho :/
Hi cand1es and Vailey

my gynae did prescribed lactulose to me too....but I din take it tt often...somehow not very comfortable taking too much coz scared will be over reliance on it in future.

Vailey, you drank the entire bottle 1 shot? big is the 1 bottle? I bought the Del Monte brand 1 bottle before and I tot it was for serving of 2?Now I'm taking prune juice too but I only drink like a cup at night after dinner...find the taste abit strong and sweet so dun dare to take too much at 1 short...

I do have some bowel movement now in the morning but not a lot and I always feel bloated whole day uncomfortable....I have to take gaviscon whenever the bloating make me uncomfortable.

Pray hard my little ones are growing well and healthy despite mummy got so many issue..:)


I was prescribed lactulose too.. but I just couldn't take the awful taste of it so I gave up after trying twice. Apparently it didn't work cuz gynae told me that I will take days to take effect.

For prune juice, yup I bought the del monte one and drank it all in one shot. :')


New Member
I have no problem with bowel movement - once everyday. In fact I think my bowel movement is much better now that I'm pregnant cos I try to eat more fruits. Pre pregnancy I hardly eat fruits ;p


you need to keep yourself active too. apparently if you are 'not moving' as much your bowel movement will also be affected.

also it will be good to keep to a constant routine.
e.g. if you tend to go every morning at 8am, try to clear it at 8am daily.

so far, not much of an issue for me, except for weekend if i sleep in, then that day i may not go. but for weekdays usually it's a daily affair at about the same timing. it also helps that you drink some warm water after you wake every morning.