Any pain felt?


Hi all,anyone feels a sharp pain or kinda pulling sensation from your ribs downwards? It always happens on the left for me where the bb's legs are supposed to this normal?


Well-Known Member
Hi all,anyone feels a sharp pain or kinda pulling sensation from your ribs downwards? It always happens on the left for me where the baby's legs are supposed to this normal?
Yes its normal.Sometimes its not baby legs tht is causing the pain but gas trapped there.Pain can get quite unbearable sometimes.


Yup i agree,i think its wind...Coz my baby's legs are near my lower abdomen as i always feel him kicking around down there..After a few burps,the pain will go away..So i guess its trapped air that's causing the discomfort..


New Member
Hi all,

I have also experience the frequent pains from my stomach and abdomen, let other than that, both my legs have also swollen since last 2 months. Anyone can advise on what to do to stop the swollening to my foots? :we2Randy-git:


Well-Known Member
i hear people say putting ur leg a bit higher on a pillow when u sleep.. will help to reduce the swollen.. u can try.. :001_302: Good luck


Active Member
Hi all,

I have also experience the frequent pains from my stomach and abdomen, let other than that, both my legs have also swollen since last 2 months. Anyone can advise on what to do to stop the swollening to my foots? :we2Randy-git:
Enter to 3rd trimester now, recently feel stomach pain once a while (Not so frequent)

About the swollen leg, so far never encounter....

Maybe is because hubby help me to massage everyday.. :shyxxx:

But heard that before deliver, the feet sure swollen... (dont't know true or not?) :err:

Oh! Maybe you can try to drink as much as plain water you can...

Plain water can help you to flush out the toxin of your body..


anyone experience this in second trimester?
feel tummy pain when walk for sometime. sometimes after 20-30mins my tummy start to pain.

when sneezing, feels like got pressure on the bladder n feel like peeing. :embarrassed:
is this normal?


Active Member
anyone experience this in second trimester?
feel tummy pain when walk for sometime. sometimes after 20-30mins my tummy start to pain.

when sneezing, feels like got pressure on the bladder and feel like peeing. :embarrassed:
is this normal?
For me, I sometimes feel soreness (not exactly acute pain) in pelvic area after walking/standing for longer-than-normal periods of time. I heard this is quite common, as baby's weight is bearing down. Think something like your muscles at that area not able to bear the weight for too long. That's why I try to sit down as much as I can, even when Im outside (sit on bus, train, at shoe shops, food court etc). A reference I found from 'Whattoexpect' (Pelvic Girdle Pain in Pregnancy -- Pregnancy Symptoms and Solutions --

Second question about wanting to pee when sneezing. Yes, that's very common too. called urinary incontinence (Urinary Incontinence in Pregnancy -- Pregnancy Symptoms and Solutions --

Hope this helps assure you!


I just experience it on wednesday...thought is normal..because the pain will go off like tat..but im wrong...the moment i walked i start to feel the pain so unbearable...and decided to go soo kanchiong tat i thought im going for a early labour..hehehe...actually this is my 1st experience to feel this way...during my 1st child i didnt had tis kind of pain at all..

anyone experience this in second trimester?
feel tummy pain when walk for sometime. sometimes after 20-30mins my tummy start to pain.

when sneezing, feels like got pressure on the bladder and feel like peeing. :embarrassed:
is this normal?


I just experience it on wednesday...thought is normal..because the pain will go off like that..but im wrong...the moment i walked i start to feel the pain so unbearable...and decided to go kk
so what did the doc say when u go kk?


Active Member
Hi all,anyone feels a sharp pain or kinda pulling sensation from your ribs downwards? It always happens on the left for me where the baby's legs are supposed to this normal?
sharp pain might caused from loose joints, it's kinda normal unless you feel very painful untill you break in cold sweat, like tat then u need to talk with ur gynae to examine it.

or might be caused by lack of sport...2nd trimester you're allowed to do some slow walk, and stretching too to relax ur abdomen muscle. but you need to consult with ur gynae first if u wanna do certain sport you prefer.


Active Member
Hi all,

I have also experience the frequent pains from my stomach and abdomen, let other than that, both my legs have also swollen since last 2 months. Anyone can advise on what to do to stop the swollening to my foots? :we2Randy-git:
hi, swollen feet can caused by consuming more salty food.. salt will make ur body experience water retention and its all making ur feet swollen.

so to get rid of the water retention is actually by drink alot of water...try to drink 8 glass a day atleast. plain water that is..:tlaugh:


New Member

anyone feels a sharp pain or kinda pulling sensation at your belly button?? i had this on one of the night, probably abt 3-4 times, but next day, i dun feel it anymore.. I'm only in my 16th weeks.

And do you sometime feel pain or some tingling sensation at the vagina area (the area where we pass urine)??
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Well-Known Member

anyone feels a sharp pain or kinda pulling sensation at your belly button?? i had this on one of the night, probably about 3-4 times, but next day, i dont feel it anymore.. I'm only in my 16th weeks.

And do you sometime feel pain or some tingling sensation at the vagina area (the area where we pass urine)??
I had felt a sharp pain and pulling sensation at my belly button for a couple of weeks already. Researched online, they say that its due to the skin and uterus stretching themselves out. For me, it usually hurts for a while, and then it'll subside.

Will probably check with the doctor at the next appointment


Well-Known Member
From last week till now... i have feel that i have heartburn or gastic... i also not sure... but normally it happen at night.... on & off... sometime can't sleep... :err: Hopefully i will get better...


New Member
Read from some books.. seem like some of us will get heartburn.. the books said it'll help by eating small meals.. and dun drink too much water/soup during meals??

Probably you wanna check with your gynae on next visit?


Read from some books.. seem like some of us will get heartburn.. the books said it'll help by eating small meals.. and dont drink too much water/soup during meals??

Probably you wanna check with your gynae on next visit?

keep having heartburn this few night, i did not eat a full meal as i cannot eat much.... don think eating small meal will help, if still small meal will be as good as not eating already....

is there any other method which u gal use??


Well-Known Member
keep having heartburn this few night, i did not eat a full meal as i cannot eat much.... dont think eating small meal will help, if still small meal will be as good as not eating already....

is there any other method which you gal use??

I hear that we can actually drink ginger or mint tea... it help... i think is normal.. even if u don't take heavy meals.. it will still got heartburn.... so u might wanna try d:001_302:rinking them..