Any recommendation for Thomson's Gynae? Is there any package offer for pregnancy?


Hi, I'll be seeing Dr Phyillis Liauw this coming Mon. Recommended by relatives. Hopefully its a nice experience. I've already written a list of questions to ask her. Hope she won't be put off by that. How many gynaes did you see before u decide on the one to sign on package?


Gynae from Thomson must beware.My relative got a Gynae from there n so call experienced doctor.He didn't detect the baby got heart problem.When infant at birth doctor didn't say anything,just say have mumer sound only.Then we send her to PD,immediatiely say heart got problem,refer to heart specialist.Specialist say theres a hole in the heart n is very big.Why the gnae did'nt detect
Hi, I'm new to this forum and considering TMC. can pm me the doctor's name pls ? thanks


Hi Tiggee,

May I know how are the charges like for each consultation (prior to signing package, if any) ? and package price ? THanks
Package from 12 weeks is $600. Inclusive of consultation, ultrasound scan and urine test everytime you see him. Not inclusive of blood test, Oscar & vitamins etc.

My 1st consultation was $80 + $20 for ultrascan and $5 for urine test. But I did blood test and all my vitamins. So my bill was rather expensive. Cos I only visited my gynae at week 17. :x


Thanks Tiggee..

I have just booked an appointment to see Dr Tham on 11/4. wanted sat but his clinic is full.