Any smokers mummies?


New Member
1st too! Your 1st one you already know what to do even before you visit the gynae?
You mean the supplements? Haha well no. We actually check four times.
First two times via kit, negative. Third time, private clinic - positive.
Last time we went to poly clinic -positive. Then my hubby ask if I need to take anything
Like vitamins and all.. :)


New Member
Going back to the original topic, its not easy to just quit, especially because I've always been a firm believer that you quit smoking for yourself and because you want to do it, not because someone else demands that of you or due to circumstances.

But having a baby... its one of those things that you know you have to do. I managed to pull through because of great supportive colleagues who constantly rejected my pleas to 'just have one stick'. Within 2 weeks, the craving was no longer there... weeks & months later, the urge still comes back, but perhaps mainly because it's something I absolutely can't have (unlike alcohol, where you can still sip a little and it's fine!).

All it takes is a little determination & willpower. And a little help from the people around you. And you'll get through it. After all, its just for 9 months, and its healthier (not to mention cheaper) to stop smoking! Wishing you ladies all the best in your pregnancy!
Hi all!

I'm a smoker mummy too. I only smoke 1 stick in the day and a few puffs before sleep. Cos really cannot take it. I'm between 4 weeks - 6 weeks.

now slowing down to a full stop.



Hi all!

I'm a smoker mummy too. I only smoke 1 stick in the day and a few puffs before sleep. Cos really cannot take it. I'm between 4 weeks - 6 weeks.

now slowing down to a full stop.

I totally stop now from few puffs a day to zero. But however when hanging out with friends for some chit chat session i tend to smoke few puffs or half stick. Temptation still there esp when you're with friends.


New Member
Hi Mummies,

I too tot it was impossible to quit when i found out i was pregnant at 4wks+..but promised hubby to quit within a 2week dateline.. Had to start from 3sticks (after every meal) to 2, 1 and even to half. Finally managed to totally quit after 1 wk+
Couldn't really take the smell.. and would always puke even after half a stick.

I think being pregnant finally gives u a reason to force urself to quit and lead a healthy life. Now that i look back, i'm really glad i am not addicted anymore..



I just found out I'm pregnant and I also want to quit or rather stop for a while. :001_302: I don't crave for ciggy. It's like a bad, bad habit! At work, I don't even feel the need to smoke! I usually smoke before going to work and after work! Right now, I start by having only 5 ciggies a day. I think I'll slowly cut it down to one and then a few puffs and finally to none!