anyone engaged confinment lady from PEM confinement agency?


New Member

Here I'm sharing my personal experience about my confinement. During my 1st confinement, the nanny was not good at cooking. She took care of my baby. She made same dishes daily. For my 2nd confinement i was afraid to engage nanny. I asked to my friends & colleagues 40% of them were told me about PEM like it is a good confinement nanny agency, they are providing confinement services since 1987, PEM provides good nannies for confinement etc. I accepted those words doubtfully and i engaged nanny from PEM. She came to me for my confinement. She started cooking. She made good confinement food for me and different dishes too. Almost 24-hours she took care of my baby. She made good soups for me daily. She prepared water for my confinement bath using herbals and she made tonics also. She was good at baby caring.


So suspicious... So many "new members" who so coincidentally joined only in Jul 2013 and only have 1 post keep promoting PEM Agency... If its so good, no need to keep spamming the forum, right? SMH also have a thread on PEM agency...both good and bad feedbacks there. So its really luck when comes to engaging a confinement nanny.. Even the agency cannot guaranteed the nanny the provided is the BEST.


New Member
I hope all mummies are doing well. Recently my confinement was over. For my 2nd confinement, i engaged a nanny from PEM. She did good job at me. She took care of my baby at any time & she made good food with different dishes for me. And everyone says that PEM provides training to their nannies as per the references of the customer. By hearing that i tried new nanny from same agency for my 3rd confinement. For this time i got a nanny who was not good at cooking, she made different dishes but some are not good. But she provide me a good baby care towards my new born baby. So same agency is having different kinds of nannies. In that, some are excellent and some are good ones. Some people will get good nannies for their confinement and some people will get those who will do less work. However, PEM is good nanny agency in Singapore.


New Member
I like to share my experience with PEM CL....
Got the first CL, but being ask to replace juz after a few days.. Then on second CL, better but more can be improve...
For me our requirement are simple, but seem like so difficult for the CL to adjust.. Think like they are always right..
No advise or action from PEM, as they are same like any other agency..

I shall observe and will update the name of the CL to avoid and the problem/attitude information..

Juz my comment don't consider PEM as priority choice..


New Member
So suspicious... So many "new members" who so coincidentally joined only in Jul 2013 and only have 1 post keep promoting PEM Agency... If its so good, no need to keep spamming the forum, right? SMH also have a thread on PEM agency...both good and bad feedbacks there. So its really luck when comes to engaging a confinement nanny.. Even the agency cannot guaranteed the nanny the provided is the BEST.
Fully agreed with u..
Dont be fool by the marketing stunt and crap u see on Internet.. Only those who really experienced it will truly know the actual / truth of PEM front line staff and their so call professionally trained nanny...

More information shall follow up by me as I am still observing their performance..