Anyone gave birth at MT A recently?


Just delivered my boy in may (also during swine flu period), realised they are not so strict in the visiting rule. Stayed in 2 bedded ward, my neighbour had her whole family (more than 5 people excluding hubby) visiting her... I think so long s there is no complaints, should be fine. My hubby & friends stayed until after 8pm (visiting hours is until 8pm) also no issue...

Generally I think Mount A not bad, will still go there again for my 2nd baby... Nice environment, charges still affordable (alot $ saved by using medisave). But I experienced few of the nurses not very friendly, of cause there are many other friendly & helpful nurses around.

bad Encounter:
1 nurse after I delivered keep asking me to pee... but since never drink anything, nothing came out. And she never explained the purpose of doing so. Then she warned that if I unable to do so, she will put a tube in to remove the urine. I was so stressed then. After I finally managed to do it (after drinking a few glasses of water), then I realised they just want to ensure I can still urine & amt is ok...

Good Encounter:
Another nurse saw that I had difficulty bf my boy, helped & teached me with patience & even tipped me how to latch him on.
usually local nurse are nicer..

about the pee the nurse got explain to me.. Cos they wanna make sure ur urine system is fine after epidural ( if u no epi they wont force u pee ) if u cant pee is very serious.. They oso need to make sure u can stand up and walk, oso to make sure after epi u r fine



I going to deliver @ Mt A to my 1st baby soon... May I know that need to bring any diaper or baby grocery?
apple_san ask me la.. haha all my kids delivery Mt A..

So m i, oso born in Mt A haha..

no need bring milk or diaper.. They will give u 1pack of Pampers NB ( yellow packing ) for baby to use it there.. tis is paid by u within ur delivery package.

They will ask u whether wan BF? Full or partial. If partial they will ask u wat brand of milk u prefer baby to take.. They have any brand every brand so no worries. Oh when u discharge the nurse will oso give u a few more bottles milk to brink home.. Depends ur luck see the nurse stingy or not. Cos my 2nd preg 1 nurse gimme 2 only den when i pick my gal from nursery room another nurse giimme half dozen...

my fren very lucky she deivery ay TMC the nurse give her 1 carton milk to bring back haha


apple_san ask me .. haha all my kids delivery Mt A..

So m i, also born in Mt A haha..

no need bring milk or diaper.. They will give you 1pack of Pampers NB ( yellow packing ) for baby to use it there.. tis is paid by you within your delivery package.

They will ask you whether want BF? Full or partial. If partial they will ask you what brand of milk you prefer baby to take.. They have any brand every brand so no worries. Oh when you discharge the nurse will also give you a few more bottles milk to brink home.. Depends your luck see the nurse stingy or not. Cos my 2nd preg 1 nurse gimme 2 only then when i pick my gal from nursery room another nurse giimme half dozen...

my friend very lucky she deivery ay Thomson Medical Center the nurse give her 1 carton milk to bring back haha
Hi 5, lonerjas!

I'm also gave birth to my Ds in may!

You are so lucky to meet good nurses! You know wat, I only manage to get one bottle of milk upon Ds's discharge!! Wat a stingy nurse I've met! >.<


Hi 5, lonerjas!

I'm also gave birth to my dear son in may!

You are so lucky to meet good nurses! You know what, I only manage to get one bottle of milk upon dear son's discharge!! what a stingy nurse I've met! >.<

eee so stingy lehz.. i notice usually those lousy nurse are indians haha sorry ah not being racist.. just find their attitude more hostile keke


I just when to MT A maternity tour... so far very thing looks good but while I'm looking into Nursery. How cume the baby is crying and yet the nurse still doing her documentation. This attitude make me feel like try to let my baby stay at my room more time den nursery when my dayz at Mt A.


I just when to MT A maternity tour... so far very thing looks good but while I'm looking into Nursery. How cume the baby is crying and yet the nurse still doing her documentation. This attitude make me feel like try to let my baby stay at my room more time then nursery when my dayz at Mt A.
haha then u expect them keep carry ur baby ah... cant ma. don pamper baby by keep carrying later they grow up u will have a hard time.. They will only attend the baby when for feed or poo.. if u worry request the baby be with u til baby sleep or u sleep lor that is wat i do


Agreed with Lonerjas..

Do not pamper your babies too much and is really quite impossible for the nurses to attends to all the babies and i think sg hospital also dun provide 1 to 1 care services to your babies no matter how many bedded u choose..


Dear Ladies,

How come no one here mention anything about the labour ward? I heard of some hospital's lousy labour ward, having only curtains to divide the sections.

Can anyone share with me, how is the labour ward of Mt A? Is it a room to yourself or shared with others?

Imagine sharing the labour ward with another mummy screaming all the way, even if you can be calm and not afraid, after hearing them screaming away, it will somehow affect you isn't it?

Please advise. Thank you.


Dear Ladies,

How come no one here mention anything about the labour ward? I heard of some hospital's lousy labour ward, having only curtains to divide the sections.

Can anyone share with me, how is the labour ward of Mt A? Is it a room to yourself or shared with others?

Imagine sharing the labour ward with another mummy screaming all the way, even if you can be calm and not afraid, after hearing them screaming away, it will somehow affect you isn't it?

Please advise. Thank you.
I was told by my gynae's nurse that all labour rooms at Mt A are single-bedded, i.e you hv the room to yourself. This is my 3rd child and I delivered my previous 2 kids in KKH and SGH respectively. I hvt come across a labour room where I hv to share with others.


dun worry... the delivery suite is single bed for all.. You may attend their Maternity tour for Free and just take you 1hours. They will show u their delivery suite and all the different bed room if availble.


yap, I went to the tour as well and was introduced the delivery ward @ Mt A. Its a single bedded room when there are TV an etc. Everything seems very well equipped and Hb and you will sure hv privacy.

Hope this info helps! :tlaugh:


Dear shopaholic, apple_san & kenxf_03,

Thanx for the info. I think I will go for the hospital tour as well to have a look. But now, I am not sure if I should go for Mt A, TMC or Gleneagles.

I know for the fact dat Gleneagles is the most ex among these 3 hospitals. I have Mt A in mind, cos of a few visits to my friends there, and I like the environment; peaceful and serene. I dont like TMC's lobby, cramped and old, the worst is the parking! But heard dat the rooms and facilities not bad. As for Gleneagles, my colleague who went to visit a fren told me dat the service there is good, and everything is new and nice.



Dear shopaholic, apple_san & kenxf_03,

Thanx for the info. I think I will go for the hospital tour as well to have a look. But now, I am not sure if I should go for Mt A, Thomson Medical Center or Gleneagles.

I know for the fact dat Gleneagles is the most ex among these 3 hospitals. I have Mt A in mind, cos of a few visits to my friends there, and I like the environment; peaceful and serene. I dont like Thomson Medical Center's lobby, cramped and old, the worst is the parking! But heard dat the rooms and facilities not bad. As for Gleneagles, my colleague who went to visit a friend told me dat the service there is good, and everything is new and nice.

haha depends on wat ur concerns.. Gleneagles is like high class hosp sure everything is good cos u r paying alot alot more haha..

But if u looking for good and not so exp service Mt A and TMC is good.

For me thumbs up for Mt A. In fact is the cheapest private hosp in SG. Wat's more service oso good. Not like KKH cheap but lousy


Dear Ladies,

How come no one here mention anything about the labour ward? I heard of some hospital's lousy labour ward, having only curtains to divide the sections.

Can anyone share with me, how is the labour ward of Mt A? Is it a room to yourself or shared with others?

Imagine sharing the labour ward with another mummy screaming all the way, even if you can be calm and not afraid, after hearing them screaming away, it will somehow affect you isn't it?

Please advise. Thank you.
Hi February,

I just went for Mt. A Hospital Tour and had a tour in the labour ward, in Mt. A, they provide very spacious single-bedded room for labour ward. Inside equip with all the necessary things require, even got a couch for your hubby to lie down if he's tired. I was told the toilet is shared with another labour ward (2:1). Got CD player, tv, wireless internet and if you require other things like aromatherapy oil, fitness ball etc. It is upon request and it's free under the maternity package. :)


haha depends on what your concerns.. Gleneagles is like high class hospital sure everything is good cos you are paying alot alot more haha..

But if you looking for good and not so exp service Mt A and Thomson Medical Center is good.

For me thumbs up for Mt A. In fact is the cheapest private hospital in SG. what's more service also good. Not like Kandang Kerbau Hospital cheap but lousy
Hi lonerjas,

Thanx for sharing, I have yet to decide to pay more for a better hospital or pay lesser for a reasonably good hospital.

So far, my hubby has been letting me make my own decision, as I am the "Queen" now mah.

So I will probably choose 2 hospitals and go for their tour 1st, before I decide.



Hi February,

I just went for Mt. A Hospital Tour and had a tour in the labour ward, in Mt. A, they provide very spacious single-bedded room for labour ward. Inside equip with all the necessary things require, even got a couch for your hubby to lie down if he's tired. I was told the toilet is shared with another labour ward (2:1). Got CD player, tv, wireless internet and if you require other things like aromatherapy oil, fitness ball etc. It is upon request and it's free under the maternity package. :)
Hi joeyz,

Wow, sounds good enough already. I will definitely make an apptmt to go for their hospital tour before I decide.

Thank you so much for sharing the info.
