Anyone got pregnant soon after Miscarriage?


hi nirmiti, up till today..i am still unsure abt checking cervical mucus .. i know the theory..but the actual physical look of it is rather confusing!!!..

i have been checking for ovulation since day 12 onwards..sometimes earlier..but still, my ovulation seem abit haywire esp this cycle (cycle 3).

cycle 1 = 30 days..
cycle 2 = 33 days..
cycle 3 = im on day 36 and my mense still hasnt arrived!!! haiz..

cycle 1 ovu = day 16th
cycle 2 ovu = day 18th
cycle 3 ovu = day 13th ????? weird hor..

considering to see gynae to regulate menses..


Got test with HPT or not??? Could you be pregnant???

Supposely your cycle 3 ovulate on day 13, implantation takes place 7-10 days after O, which is on day 20 or 23. Now day 36 liaoz, so could you be pregnant tinklish??

Nirmiti, me and tinkish has lost our babies at mid term, we are TTC now. How are you coping? Do you do any confinement after give birth?

hi nirmiti, up till today..i am still unsure about checking cervical mucus .. i know the theory..but the actual physical look of it is rather confusing!!!..

i have been checking for ovulation since day 12 onwards..sometimes earlier..but still, my ovulation seem abit haywire esp this cycle (cycle 3).

cycle 1 = 30 days..
cycle 2 = 33 days..
cycle 3 = im on day 36 and my mense still hasnt arrived!!! sigh..

cycle 1 ovu = day 16th
cycle 2 ovu = day 18th
cycle 3 ovu = day 13th ????? weird ..

considering to see gynae to regulate menses..


Got test with HPT or not??? Could you be pregnant???
Supposely your cycle 3 ovulate on day 13, implantation takes place 7-10 days after O, which is on day 20 or 23. Now day 36 liaoz, so could you be pregnant tinklish??
Nirmiti, me and tinkish has lost our babies at mid term, we are trying to concieve now. How are you coping? Do you do any confinement after give birth?
@ Tinklish should take a hpt ...if result is -ve goto you have PCOS like me...mine went till Cd 60 long back
Abt CM u can PM me if any really helped me to Conceive my baby Reyu

I delivered my Baby at 30weeks due to leakage of amminotic fluid which didnt stop(Possibily PROM) lived for 18days... Now my Dr. gave me a go ahead and will start ttc again from Feb'10...Coping With baby loss is hard on me as i see that whole Singapore is pregnant or has little babies in their arms...but i feel so empty inside me......he was so beautiful....tall and exact copy of his Father ie my DH....when he went to heaven he was so calm and had a beautiful golden glow on his face ...i still want him back and i fight with god ,when ever i feel that emptyness in me

If u mean taking special treatments after birth like having masaage and different diets...then yes i did because i had a emergency C-section therefore i took some precautions like completely avoiding foods that has peanuts, eggplants,radish and flat & Broad beans ..i did have massage till baby was alive ie for 10 days after discharge then couldnt take it for me i was no more mother(but i will be his mother forever)

And my Doctor told me that after MC & delivery women should take lots of fruits & veggies to increase Iron and calcium, which we become short of and can risk our next pregnancy...I had leakage of amminotic fluid which didnt stop...and my internet research suggest that to make strong Placenta ,I should have good amount of calcium and Vitamin i am on 1 guava everyday as 100mg of gauva has 233 mg of Vitamin C (read in magzine)..especially in pink Gauva..for Iron I am having Dates,Jagerry,Spinach ...and calcium i want to start 1 glass of milk...but fail to that and inturn i have Masala Tea

if u mean something else please let me know...
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I am so sad to hear your story. I am sure your baby would have felt your love during the 18 days when he was alive. Yes we could have accepted the fact our babies are no longer with us, but we will never forget them.

This is our first baby. we have been married for 12 years and we were overjoyed when we know I was pregnant, unfortunately, it was short-lived. I felt guilty sometimes as though i have failed my husband of not able to give him a child after married for so long.

I have never bother too much about eating healthy before my pregnancy. But now, i took lotsa veggie, espcially food that is high in folate, since I had a pregnancy with neutral tube defect (spina bifida), I take lotsa fruits, especially oranges that consist of folate as well, eat lotsa fish. I will make sure I intake calcium (milk or soybean) too. Cut down fried food and meat. Of coz, i take folic acid and multi-vitamin given by my gynae.

Dun be despair, at least we know we can conceive. Just do our best and leave the rest in god's hand.
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shiseru, i dun think im preg..i went to test with the pregnancy strips liao...NEGATIVE :( .. i guess it is jus delayed .. VERY DELAYED...think i better go check with gynae liao..but i dun feel like going cos there got alot of PREGNANT ladies..haiz.. see how bah


hmmm tinklish, is ur menses regular ?

if not maybe u can ask ur gynae whether he can give u clomid anot... tat helps for me...


hmmm tinklish, is your menses regular ?

if not maybe you can ask your gynae whether he can give you clomid anot... that helps for me...
hey if my mense regular can i take clomid? Mense regular but dun think I am ovulating T_T

Look at my BBT chart. Intitally fertility friend suggested I ovulate on day 9, then it change my ovulation day to day 17 after I entered the data today which is crazy coz my cycle only 25-26 days. If O on day 17, i would have a luteal phase defect liaoz. Siao! :elvis:

Tinklish, you AF overdue by 3 days only right? Maybe test again in a few days time? If still BFN, go check with gynae.


shiseru, hmm i oso got a few cycle like tat b4 clomid.... FF keep shifting my O date....

the clomid actually is to help u ovulate thus able to make ur menses regular... but can only be taken for 6 mth max continuously...

maybe u wan to check wif ur gynae?

but based on ur charting, most likely u o on day 17... u see the 3 temp raise? for the luteal phase (the period after o), it shld be abt the same lenght for every period....
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I am so sad to hear your story. I am sure your baby would have felt your love during the 18 days when he was alive. Yes we could have accepted the fact our babies are no longer with us, but we will never forget them.
This is our first baby. we have been married for 12 years and we were overjoyed when we know I was pregnant, unfortunately, it was short-lived. I felt guilty sometimes as though i have failed my husband of not able to give him a child after married for so long.
I have never bother too much about eating healthy before my pregnancy. But now, i took lotsa veggie, espcially food that is high in folate, since I had a pregnancy with neutral tube defect (spina bifida), I take lotsa fruits, especially oranges that consist of folate as well, eat lotsa fish. I will make sure I intake calcium (milk or soybean) too. Cut down fried food and meat. Of coz, i take folic acid and multi-vitamin given by my gynae.
dont be despair, at least we know we can conceive. Just do our best and leave the rest in god's hand.
I know how you feel, I too have same feeling of failing my DH to have child and all sort of Bad thoughts...but that are actually not true..Eating healthy is already a good start , spinach too is a very rich source of Folic I make lots of dishes with it...but you can use in ur salad...also Walnuts & flaxseed are good to start as they contain Omega Acids that also helps to develop healthy neutral tube ...

I bought this book last month from KKH for just S$9 named
" Program Your BABY's Health - The Pregnancy Diet for your Child's Lifelong Well-being" .... By Barbara luke and Tamara Eberlein.
This book is really good and have lots of good suggestions & recipes for all of us ...they have lots of detail charts of foods & fruits that we must start before conceiving and in pregnancy to avoid any complications...Also suggest foods trimester wise...really a good book i love it and i am trying to follow it

my gynae gave me just folic, metformin(as i have PCOS) clomid to start wih
but no multi vitamin...can u share name of ur multivitamin and where can i get it?...i asked my gynae for it and she didnt prescribe me any:nah:...

Hope we will soon be blessed again


AF just came knocking.. hahaha.. my menses has already been irregular last time...and i guess it will still be irregular too..jus curious, will clomid affects the quality of the eggs and all, resulting in some compromise in the child??

btw, i wanna go buy the clearblue digital ovulation kit..where to buy the additional tests once u use the 7 tests liao?


my gynae gave me just folic, metformin(as i have PCOS) clomid to start wih
but no multi vitamin...can you share name of your multivitamin and where can i get it?...i asked my gynae for it and she didnt prescribe me any:nah:...

Hope we will soon be blessed again
You can get the obimin from guardian. You may wanna consider getting the GNC megaman multi-vitamin for your hubby too. When TTC, i think both wife and hubby must put in effort, cannot just one party.

AF just came knocking.. hahaha.. my menses has already been irregular last time...and i guess it will still be irregular too..just curious, will clomid affects the quality of the eggs and all, resulting in some compromise in the child??

btw, i wanna go buy the clearblue digital ovulation kit..where to buy the additional tests once you use the 7 tests ?
Chey, i thought you pregnant lohz, you must be stress lahz :D

No additional test strips for clearblue digital O-kit. Use finish throw. Clearblue brand sure know how to make $$

I need help mummies. Anyone taking BBT help me please.

My waking time is 6.50am, but before this timing, i am usually awake at 5.45am although i did not get out of bed, I did not really fall back to sleep also. I just close my eyes and lay on the bed till the alarms sound. I wonder if that have any impact on the temp.

Today I did a experiment, I woke up at 5,45am, i popped the thermometer in my mouth and the temp is 36.60. When the alarms sounded off at 6.50am, I took another time, and the temp is 36.71. Wow could it be such a big difference? Which temp should I take? It's so confusing :S
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omg!!! u mean after the 7 tests, i gotta throw away the whole kit which cost $40 - 70++ ???? walau...!!!

shiseru, i read this somewhere...

Do take your temperature after at least three hours of restful sleep. Try to get a good night's sleep before taking your temperature. If for some reason you did not get a lot of sleep or you woke up frequently through the night, you should still take your temperature. Just make a note of it on your chart.

so meaning, it will be better if you are not awake 3 hrs before u take ur temp..which i cant achieve that cos at 6++ i will wake up with a full bladder and need to go to the, i think im going to start takin temp at 6++ instead of 7.30 :)


You can get the obimin from guardian. You may wanna consider getting the GNC megaman multi-vitamin for your hubby too. When trying to concieve, i think both wife and hubby must put in effort, cannot just one party.
thanks dear for the name...I will get Obimin ASAP...For Hubby I do have AYurvedic booster name has good results and no side effects...ALso Redoxon wich contains Zinc + Vitamin C ..described by my KKH Dr

Actually I have a question...Can we take milk that are for pregnant women b4 getting mamil mama or something like that...just curious


omg!!! you mean after the 7 tests, i gotta throw away the whole kit which cost $40 - 70++ ???? walau...!!!

shiseru, i read this somewhere...

Do take your temperature after at least three hours of restful sleep. Try to get a good night's sleep before taking your temperature. If for some reason you did not get a lot of sleep or you woke up frequently through the night, you should still take your temperature. Just make a note of it on your chart.

so meaning, it will be better if you are not awake 3 hours before you take your temp..which i cant achieve that cos at 6++ i will wake up with a full bladder and need to go to the, i think im going to start takin temp at 6++ instead of 7.30 :)
Yah lorz, must throw no recycling T_T

Oh, guess i will take my temp at 5.45am and go back to sleep again then. I always wake up at that time nowadays, can't sleep late nowadays T_T

Nirmiti, I am taking Anmum Materna™ - is especially formulated for women who are pregnant or who are planning for pregnancy. Anmum Materna™ is high in Folate, which is important to maintain the growth and development of the foetus. Delicious tasting Anmum Materna™ also contains GA, SA, Calcium, Iron & other essential nutrients. It is an ideal supplement that will aid in maintaining the growth and brain development of your unborn baby.


Nirmiti, I am taking Anmum Materna™ - is especially formulated for women who are pregnant or who are planning for pregnancy. Anmum Materna™ is high in Folate, which is important to maintain the growth and development of the foetus. Delicious tasting Anmum Materna™ also contains GA, SA, Calcium, Iron & other essential nutrients. It is an ideal supplement that will aid in maintaining the growth and brain development of your unborn baby.
I was taking that with my last pregnancy from 4 week itself as i was reffered by Dieatician in KKH and folic acid was from last 3 yrs(when i seriously started TTC) , will start folic acid tablets 5mg from jan 1st

Today I compared Anmum Materna with Mamil MAMA..and found that anmum contains more calcium ,Folic acid and other important ingredients like SA,DHA & will stick with it.Actually i thought we can take it only when we are pregnant and not b4..but i guess i am check with promoter..and she said we can go ahead..if we are i bought 1 anmum materna
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Hey I think I shld take the milk too.. Yesterday I was reading abt pcos. Kept hearing people saying abt it but dun really noe abt it. M thinking whether I have it or not. Keeping my fingers crossed. I have irregular menses :(

shiseru, I think I will go ahead n buy the clearblue digital ovu. Tinyshop selling at $40+ . I saw guardian selling at $70+.


Tinklish, Nirmiti, i think you should take the milk. But if you are taking multi vitamin and folic acid, then i suggest one glass of the milk is sufficient.

Tinklish, are you considering getting clomid? I know your OPK reflects +ve but i was thinking we may not be ovulating due to depression. I dunno abt you but I do have a little depression after the incident, and that's probably affecting my O, my cycle also change from 28 to 25-26 days. A few things became haywire after the birth.

If by next year Feb, i still got no good news, I will go to gynae and check. This month is the first month i am taking BBT, and the luteal phase reflects less than 10 days if my Ovulation is really on day 17 as suggested by fertility friend. If that's the case, i would have a luteal phase defect. Or maybe this month i have an Anovulatory cycle. Anyway I shall take BBT for another 2 months and see how.

Hey, see the little icons above my sig cute horz? :D
Sperm penetrate egg ==> BFP ==> baby crawling :D
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Hey, see the little icons above my sig cute horz? :D Sperm penetrate egg ==> BFP ==> baby crawling :D
yeah shiseru, Icon is really cute...and soon you will be personal experince with BBT was a stress...i did try for 2 months and it made me more went along with OV test and CM(cervical mucus) and was pregnant after 2 months waking up every day at exact time and taking temp without moving was really stress on me...I do get up generally at 7:30 am ...but in tension of reming myself that 1st thing in morning i have to take temp..even b4 bathroom trip was really tough on if ur not really stress by BBT then go ahead but with it try CM and OV will really help you....Leuthal Phase deffect is with one who has Leuthal Phase less than 10 if u have more days in Leuthal Phase that means u have not ovulated on the day u personal opinion though

I have started Folic acid only...and i am taking 2 spoon x 2times per day (spoon within pack) ..when pregnant Dr. ask me to take 2 spoon x 4times per day so it will not effect my sugars and no GD in pregnancy

Yesterday I had Cervical mucus as eggwhite so maybe i am ovulating(cd23) ...but cant try this month(will be ttc from feb) ...but this made me sure that i will have my menses without medicine

Also can anybody tell me where is this Tinyshop...with detail address and do they sell all Pregnancy related stuff ...I would be really thankful
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