Anyone take cab to work daily when pregnant ?


Hi Kim,

tks for making me feel nt so bad ... hee .. I took cab most times in 1st trim. Evening usually hubby fetch. Morning is the worst. Prob hate to wake up and MS. 2nd trim better bt still lazy. I try to slowly switch bk to MRT.

Bt I knock off on the dot daily and come in half an hr late every morning. Last time I usually pack and took nap dur lunch. Now at least I lunch w colleagues.


Active Member
for me , i took cab on the last mth of delivery cos leg was too pain to walk at all .. water rentention cause my leg swollen n hurt wen walks =)


New Member
Hiya I have been taking cab to and fro since my 3rd month. No choice. Trains are packed and I feel tired after journey...


New Member
i took cab daily to work 1 month before edd. tried taking mrt.. always end up waited for 30mins or more before i can squeeze in. even manage to get in, nobody want to offer me a seat. end up stand another 30mins till i reach my stop. sigh.