Aug 2008 MTB

Hi this mummy PMed me saying there's a hillview gathering. She indicated that she found me from this thread. Wondering what's going on?
Hi everyone! down here so quiet...hehe...anyway, Im going to pull my dd out of infantcare cos my mil got retrenched so she's gg to help me take care of my dd. I'm abit apprehensive cos my mil tends to pamper her alot!Although it does help me to save abit on $ bt it irks me when she does certain things which I don't like, like letting my dd sleep in the sarong ALL THE TIME. And many other stuff too. Haiz. How are ur bbs coming along? I can't wait for her to start talking and walking!
Hi mummies, hope you all are doing well. Our babies are really growing up so fast right?!! My dd will be turning 1 year old soon. Still duno how I am going to celebrate her birthday. What about you all? Any suggestions? Maybe someone can share what they plan to do?


Well-Known Member
Hi mummies, hope you all are doing well. Our babies are really growing up so fast right?!! My dd will be turning 1 year old soon. Still duno how I am going to celebrate her birthday. What about you all? Any suggestions? Maybe someone can share what they plan to do?
I booked aloha chalet @ loyang for Iggy's 1st bdae! But now praying that the H1N1 thingy will end soon, so that place will be open for use! :tlaugh:
ya chalet is very common. Thats what most mummies will do cause quite easy and convenient. But i thot of doing something more unique leh. Another thing is to book a function room at a condo or something and have the party there too. Still cracking my brains....


Well-Known Member
ya chalet is very common. Thats what most mummies will do cause quite easy and convenient. But i thot of doing something more unique leh. Another thing is to book a function room at a condo or something and have the party there too. Still cracking my brains....
Yea, easier. Dun have to clear until wanna vomit. :tlaugh:Unique? Hmm....


Hi all, sorry for the long absence!! Amber's 1 yr old now but still cannot walk on her own. She can walk fast with aid and can crawl very fast though. She has a real loud voice such that during night feeds, it's such an ordeal trying to make milk fast! How are all your toddlers? Anyone planning for another baby soon?

Snowhamster, about the hillview gathering, i am not sure as i did not organise or heard anything about it.


Active Member
Hi all Aug 2008 mommies!

how you all doing?

how's your toddler now?

my little Angelynn now can do assisted walk, hold 1 hand only and she start to 'ta ta ta' along her steps haha..

now seems tat she want to stand by herself already coz sometimes she wave her hand whenever i try to hold. But i guess she still need some 'balancing' to learn, coz she would end up fall on her butt whenever she tried to stand by herself.

I'm myself now expecting 2nd baby to be deliver end of this october 2009 haha...i know it was super fast! i was shocked when i was pregnant again.. but i want a happy baby to come out so i never regret having 2nd one very soon. Am expecting a baby girl girl again thou! will name her Michelle.

why not we do a gathering sometimes and bring our toddlers together? :tlaugh: