baby 2 wks, how much bm to be expected?


Active Member
i also drink milo with oats, coz i feel its an energy booster hhehe

maybe frm now i will just drink the oats with milk..


I keep reading in this forum of mums worried that they don't have enough breastmilk. But hor, so far, all of you still have more milk than me. For the whole of my 1st month, I had max 20ml each time I expressed every 2-3hr. Most of the time, it was just a sad 5-10ml. And my son was already drinking 90ml every 3hrs. Even now, max also 60ml. Nothing seems to work to increase my BM. I've been eating oat breakfast cereals for breakfast, on doperidom, drinking lots of liquids and have 'breastfeeding marathons' where I just sit there in front of my comp, surrounded by drinks and snacks and just breastfeed for hours and hours.


But on the up side, there are stuff in breastmilk that formula don't have and stuff in formula that breastmilk don't have. So I figured this way, my son gets the best of both worlds. :p


Active Member
But on the up side, there are stuff in breastmilk that formula don't have and stuff in formula that breastmilk don't have. So I figured this way, my son gets the best of both worlds. :p
actually, except for high amt of iron that formula milk have, otherwise, all stuffs u can find in formula milk, breastmilk sure have.. if not the same, it would surely be in better n more-natural form.. somemore hor, breastmilk still have over 100 kinds of different 'component' that are not yet identifiable nor duplicable..

anyway, pumping out is not a good way of gauging ur supply amt la.. coz some ppl juz doesn't reacts well to pump.. best is to direct latch n watch the output.. n baby's mouth is a professional milk pumping machine lo.. like for my case, wenever i work, i try to pump, have to pump very very hard to try to reach wat she takes from bottle.. but if im with her n direct latch all the way, i still have leftover and can get engorgement somemore.. :001_302:

btw, have u tried fenugreek n domperidone? try letting baby suckle like 15 mins 1st on each breast be4 supplementing him with FM.. try doing that with each feeding time.. n drink PLENTY of water..
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here's an interesting thought. my nephew who is less than one month is now drinking 90mls per feed and gets hungry again very quickly. and my son who's 5mths struggles with 110ml. so every baby has different needs. like what many of the moms say - as long as bb's output is regular and gaining weight that's fine.

to prevent supply reduction, you may also want to avoid foods with maltose in it - milo, some choc biscuits - as malt may reduce supply. that said, some moms like milo as a warm hot drink helps with letdown. but u can have just warm milk w/o milo.
:err:hmm interesting..didnt know malt drinks may reduce milk supply..i had been having milo kosong since even before i gave birth! now still drinking..dd oredi 4mths+..milk supply stilll good..infact can provide at least 150-200ml each time i pump..if pump early am after abt 5-8hrs zzz... can sometimes hit 400ml! :001_302:
i do pump at home - 5am , 5pm , latch arnd work - 9am , 1pm. each session between 10 - 15 mins. Latch arnd 10-15mins depending on her appetite ~ which normally is only on one side!
food intake - like normal..within the day at least a serving each of fish & soup n lots of greens n fruits! drink lots of fresh milk oso..calcium intake v important!
recently took durian..then abt 1hr later, dd latch direct..she suck2..then pulled away..then latched again..then pulled away..after a few times of doing dat..she looked at me n pin chui! :( then she cried a bit!! :tlaugh: so funny..tink she dun like durian ah! still mummy loves it..will still try again to prove if the problem lies wiz durian..had craving for durian during pregnancy leh!


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New Member
powerful chinese!! haha.. are you from taiwan?

anyway, yeah.. wat danjuan said is correct..

but haiya.. howcome i didnt know black sesame powder + milo can increase BM ar? is it fattening? having milk supply crisis lately.. taking fenugreek + domperidone to increase the supply..

ways to increase milk supply, mommies can check out this webbi :: Got Milk? ...milk supply issues

p.s cyssie, don worry about ur baby treating u like milk machine.. my baby does that too.. n i always say, im machiam her personal dairy cow.. but heck! im enjoying every moment of it.. even those nightfeeds.. coz i know she is helping me to increase n maintain my milk supply.. :D
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