baby don't want to come out...


New Member li hai ar? *SALUTE*

the coconut i also dont really know how to differentiate which is young/old..
haha.. i just drink those which i can find in market..and they already remove the cant see if its green or yellow..haa

how ar?
Ya lor, my sister really li hai sia. She is at her 30wks le.
Those I buy from NTUC also have the shell remove liao..its white in color when I purchased. I think Thai Coconut should be young one since the juice so sweeeeeeet...!


So is 1 ger 1 boy , if yes ok jus nice can close factory lor :)
How is everything now ?

both of them gals...what to do, no luck to have a baby boy but still i'm very happy :Dancing_wub:my baby going to be 1 mth in 2 days.. how time flies